求100字左右英语小短文。
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Virtue
美德
Sweet
day,so
cool,so
calm,so
bright!
甜美的白昼,如此凉爽、安宁、明媚!
The
bridal
of
the
earth
and
sky-
天地间完美的匹配-----
The
dew
shall
weep
thy
fall
to-night;
今宵的露珠儿将为你的消逝而落泪;
For
thou
must
die.
因为你必须离去。
Sweet
rose,whose
hue
angry
and
brave,
美丽的玫瑰,色泽红润艳丽,
Bids
the
rash
gazer
wipe
his
eye,
令匆匆而过的人拭目而视,
Thy
root
is
ever
in
its
grave,
你的根永远扎在坟墓里,
And
thou
must
die.
而你必须消逝。Sweet
spring,full
of
sweet
days
and
roses,
美妙的春天,充满了美好的日子和芳香的玫瑰,
box
where
sweets
compacted
lie,
如一支芬芳满溢的盒子,
My
music
shows
ye
have
your
closes,
我的音乐表明你们也有终止,
And
all
must
die,
万物都得消逝。
Only
a
sweet
and
virtuous
soul,
唯有美好而正直的心灵,
Like
season‘d
timber,never
gives;
犹如干燥备用的木料,
And
all
must
die,
万物都得消逝。
Only
a
sweet
and
virtuous
soul,
唯有美好而正直的心灵,
Like
season‘d
timber,never
gives;
犹如干燥备用的木料,永不走样;
But
though
the
whole
world
turn
to
coal,
纵然整个世界变为灰烬,
Then
chiefly
lives.
它依然流光溢彩。
美德
Sweet
day,so
cool,so
calm,so
bright!
甜美的白昼,如此凉爽、安宁、明媚!
The
bridal
of
the
earth
and
sky-
天地间完美的匹配-----
The
dew
shall
weep
thy
fall
to-night;
今宵的露珠儿将为你的消逝而落泪;
For
thou
must
die.
因为你必须离去。
Sweet
rose,whose
hue
angry
and
brave,
美丽的玫瑰,色泽红润艳丽,
Bids
the
rash
gazer
wipe
his
eye,
令匆匆而过的人拭目而视,
Thy
root
is
ever
in
its
grave,
你的根永远扎在坟墓里,
And
thou
must
die.
而你必须消逝。Sweet
spring,full
of
sweet
days
and
roses,
美妙的春天,充满了美好的日子和芳香的玫瑰,
box
where
sweets
compacted
lie,
如一支芬芳满溢的盒子,
My
music
shows
ye
have
your
closes,
我的音乐表明你们也有终止,
And
all
must
die,
万物都得消逝。
Only
a
sweet
and
virtuous
soul,
唯有美好而正直的心灵,
Like
season‘d
timber,never
gives;
犹如干燥备用的木料,
And
all
must
die,
万物都得消逝。
Only
a
sweet
and
virtuous
soul,
唯有美好而正直的心灵,
Like
season‘d
timber,never
gives;
犹如干燥备用的木料,永不走样;
But
though
the
whole
world
turn
to
coal,
纵然整个世界变为灰烬,
Then
chiefly
lives.
它依然流光溢彩。
展开全部
鲍勃去看牙医
Bob
Goes
to
the
Dentist
Today
is
my
first
dentist
appointment.
really
do
not
want
to
go.
My
mom
says,“You
must
go
to
keep
your
teeth
healthy.”
The
dentist‘s
office
is
nice.
There
are
lots
of
toys
to
play
with.
toy
train
chugs
on
the
floor.
“Choo!Choo!”
The
nurse
calls,“Bob.”
cry
because
am
scared.
The
nice
nurse
smiles
and
says,
“It
will
be
all
right!”
The
dentist
smiles
at
me.
He
lets
me
ride
up
and
down
in
the
chair.
This
is
fun!
“Now,let‘s
look
at
your
teddy
bear’s
teeth.”
look
at
my
teddy
bear‘s
teeth,too.
On
the
ceiling
is
a
watch
a
cartoon
show.
The
dentist
brushes
and
cleans
my
teeth.
The
cartoon
show
is
over,now.
The
dentist
is
done,too.
“It
was
not
so
bad.”
The
nice
nurse
gives
me
a
toy
surprise!
My
teddy
bear
gets
a
sticker,too.
Now,I
like
going
to
the
dentist.
My
teddy
bear
does,too!
译文:
今天是我第一次和牙医的约会。
我真的不想去。
我的妈妈说,“你必须保持你的牙齿健康。”
牙医的办公室很漂亮。
那里有很多的玩具玩。
一个玩具火车在地板上发出轧轧声。
“呜!呜!”
护士叫道,“鲍勃。”
我哭了,因为我害怕。
漂亮的护士笑着说,“一切都会好的!”
牙医冲着我笑。
他让我在椅子上上上下下。
这很有意思!
“现在,让我们看看你的玩具熊的牙齿。”
我也看玩具熊的牙齿。
在天花板上是一台电视。
我看到了动画片。
牙医刷洗我的牙齿。
动画片现在结束了。
牙医也做完了。
“不是很糟糕。”
漂亮的护士给我一个玩具作为惊喜!
我的玩具熊也得到了一个不干胶标签。
现在,我喜欢去看牙医。
我的玩具熊也喜欢去。
Bob
Goes
to
the
Dentist
Today
is
my
first
dentist
appointment.
really
do
not
want
to
go.
My
mom
says,“You
must
go
to
keep
your
teeth
healthy.”
The
dentist‘s
office
is
nice.
There
are
lots
of
toys
to
play
with.
toy
train
chugs
on
the
floor.
“Choo!Choo!”
The
nurse
calls,“Bob.”
cry
because
am
scared.
The
nice
nurse
smiles
and
says,
“It
will
be
all
right!”
The
dentist
smiles
at
me.
He
lets
me
ride
up
and
down
in
the
chair.
This
is
fun!
“Now,let‘s
look
at
your
teddy
bear’s
teeth.”
look
at
my
teddy
bear‘s
teeth,too.
On
the
ceiling
is
a
watch
a
cartoon
show.
The
dentist
brushes
and
cleans
my
teeth.
The
cartoon
show
is
over,now.
The
dentist
is
done,too.
“It
was
not
so
bad.”
The
nice
nurse
gives
me
a
toy
surprise!
My
teddy
bear
gets
a
sticker,too.
Now,I
like
going
to
the
dentist.
My
teddy
bear
does,too!
译文:
今天是我第一次和牙医的约会。
我真的不想去。
我的妈妈说,“你必须保持你的牙齿健康。”
牙医的办公室很漂亮。
那里有很多的玩具玩。
一个玩具火车在地板上发出轧轧声。
“呜!呜!”
护士叫道,“鲍勃。”
我哭了,因为我害怕。
漂亮的护士笑着说,“一切都会好的!”
牙医冲着我笑。
他让我在椅子上上上下下。
这很有意思!
“现在,让我们看看你的玩具熊的牙齿。”
我也看玩具熊的牙齿。
在天花板上是一台电视。
我看到了动画片。
牙医刷洗我的牙齿。
动画片现在结束了。
牙医也做完了。
“不是很糟糕。”
漂亮的护士给我一个玩具作为惊喜!
我的玩具熊也得到了一个不干胶标签。
现在,我喜欢去看牙医。
我的玩具熊也喜欢去。
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The
Thirsty
Pigeon口渴的鸽子
oppressed
by
excessive
thirst,
saw
a
goblet
of
water
painted
on
a
signboard.
Not
supposing
it
to
be
only
a
picture,
she
flew
towards
it
with
a
loud
whir
and
unwittingly
dashed
against
the
signboard,
jarring
herself
terribly.
Having
broken
her
wings
by
the
blow,
she
fell
to
the
ground,
and
was
caught
by
one
of
the
bystanders.
Zeal
should
not
outrun
discretion.
有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过
去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。
这是说,有些人想急于得到所需的东西,一时冲动,草率从事,就会身遭不幸。
Thirsty
Pigeon口渴的鸽子
oppressed
by
excessive
thirst,
saw
a
goblet
of
water
painted
on
a
signboard.
Not
supposing
it
to
be
only
a
picture,
she
flew
towards
it
with
a
loud
whir
and
unwittingly
dashed
against
the
signboard,
jarring
herself
terribly.
Having
broken
her
wings
by
the
blow,
she
fell
to
the
ground,
and
was
caught
by
one
of
the
bystanders.
Zeal
should
not
outrun
discretion.
有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过
去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。
这是说,有些人想急于得到所需的东西,一时冲动,草率从事,就会身遭不幸。
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这是其它网站上看到的,希望对你有用
Wait
for
the
brick
young
and
successful
executive
was
traveling
down
a
neighborhood
street,
going
a
bit
too
fast
in
his
new
Jaguar.
He
was
watching
for
kids
darting
out
from
between
parked
cars
and
slowed
down
when
he
thought
he
saw
something.
As
his
car
passed,
no
children
appeared.
Instead,
a
brick
smashed
into
the
Jag's
side
door!
He
slammed
on
the
brakes
and
drove
the
Jag
back
to
the
spot
where
the
brick
had
been
thrown.
The
angry
driver
then
jumped
out
of
the
car,
grabbed
the
nearest
kid
and
pushed
him
up
against
a
parked
car,
shouting,
"What
was
that
all
about
and
who
are
you?
Just
what
the
heck
are
you
doing?
That's
a
new
car
and
that
brick
you
threw
is
going
to
cost
a
lot
of
money.Why
did
you
do
it?"
The
young
boy
was
apologetic.
"Please
mister
...
please,
I'm
sorry...
didn't
know
what
else
to
do,"
he
pleaded."I
threw
the
brick
because
no
one
else
would
stop..."
With
tears
dripping
down
his
face
and
off
his
chin,
the
youth
pointed
to
a
spot
just
around
a
parked
car.
"It's
my
brother,"
he
said."He
rolled
off
the
curb
and
fell
out
of
his
wheelchair
and
can't
lift
him
up."
Now
sobbing,
the
boy
asked
the
stunned
executive,
"Would
you
please
help
me
get
him
back
into
his
wheelchair?
He's
hurt
and
he's
too
heavy
for
me."
Moved
beyond
words,
the
driver
tried
to
swallow
the
rapidly
swelling
lump
in
his
throat.
He
hurriedly
lifted
the
handicapped
boy
back
into
the
wheelchair,
then
took
out
his
fancy
handkerchief
and
dabbed
at
the
fresh
scrapes
and
cuts.
quick
look
told
him
everything
was
going
to
be
okay.
"Thank
you
and
may
God
bless
you,"
the
grateful
child
told
the
stranger.
Too
shook
up
for
words,
the
man
simply
watched
the
little
boy
push
his
wheelchair-bound
brother
down
the
sidewalk
toward
their
home.
It
was
a
long,
slow
walk
back
to
the
Jaguar.
The
damage
was
very
noticeable,
but
the
driver
never
bothered
to
repair
the
dented
side
door.
He
kept
the
dent
there
to
remind
him
of
this
message:
Don't
go
through
life
so
fast
that
someone
has
to
throw
a
brick
at
you
to
get
your
attention!
Wait
for
the
brick
young
and
successful
executive
was
traveling
down
a
neighborhood
street,
going
a
bit
too
fast
in
his
new
Jaguar.
He
was
watching
for
kids
darting
out
from
between
parked
cars
and
slowed
down
when
he
thought
he
saw
something.
As
his
car
passed,
no
children
appeared.
Instead,
a
brick
smashed
into
the
Jag's
side
door!
He
slammed
on
the
brakes
and
drove
the
Jag
back
to
the
spot
where
the
brick
had
been
thrown.
The
angry
driver
then
jumped
out
of
the
car,
grabbed
the
nearest
kid
and
pushed
him
up
against
a
parked
car,
shouting,
"What
was
that
all
about
and
who
are
you?
Just
what
the
heck
are
you
doing?
That's
a
new
car
and
that
brick
you
threw
is
going
to
cost
a
lot
of
money.Why
did
you
do
it?"
The
young
boy
was
apologetic.
"Please
mister
...
please,
I'm
sorry...
didn't
know
what
else
to
do,"
he
pleaded."I
threw
the
brick
because
no
one
else
would
stop..."
With
tears
dripping
down
his
face
and
off
his
chin,
the
youth
pointed
to
a
spot
just
around
a
parked
car.
"It's
my
brother,"
he
said."He
rolled
off
the
curb
and
fell
out
of
his
wheelchair
and
can't
lift
him
up."
Now
sobbing,
the
boy
asked
the
stunned
executive,
"Would
you
please
help
me
get
him
back
into
his
wheelchair?
He's
hurt
and
he's
too
heavy
for
me."
Moved
beyond
words,
the
driver
tried
to
swallow
the
rapidly
swelling
lump
in
his
throat.
He
hurriedly
lifted
the
handicapped
boy
back
into
the
wheelchair,
then
took
out
his
fancy
handkerchief
and
dabbed
at
the
fresh
scrapes
and
cuts.
quick
look
told
him
everything
was
going
to
be
okay.
"Thank
you
and
may
God
bless
you,"
the
grateful
child
told
the
stranger.
Too
shook
up
for
words,
the
man
simply
watched
the
little
boy
push
his
wheelchair-bound
brother
down
the
sidewalk
toward
their
home.
It
was
a
long,
slow
walk
back
to
the
Jaguar.
The
damage
was
very
noticeable,
but
the
driver
never
bothered
to
repair
the
dented
side
door.
He
kept
the
dent
there
to
remind
him
of
this
message:
Don't
go
through
life
so
fast
that
someone
has
to
throw
a
brick
at
you
to
get
your
attention!
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