帮我看看这篇英语作文有没有语法错误
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i
had
a
unforgettable
experience
i
heard
some
one
walking
i
cried,
because
i
was
so
fearful.
when
i
can't
hear
the
walking
sound.....
i
stop
crying
and
started
to
watch
tv......
i
was
more
frightened
than
before....
my
parents
didn't
back
home
until
11pm
不知道你现在上几年级,先帮你这么改一下吧,你看看合理吗
had
a
unforgettable
experience
i
heard
some
one
walking
i
cried,
because
i
was
so
fearful.
when
i
can't
hear
the
walking
sound.....
i
stop
crying
and
started
to
watch
tv......
i
was
more
frightened
than
before....
my
parents
didn't
back
home
until
11pm
不知道你现在上几年级,先帮你这么改一下吧,你看看合理吗
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语法错误好像没有。
但我可以指几点可以改的地方。
1.He
found
that
listening
is
more
difficult
.这句话,最好改成最高级,
He
found
that
listening
is
the
most
difficult.你本身句子并没有错误,但根据前后文,和其他2项做下比较,因为用最高级比较好点。
2He
couldn't
understand
every
word。还有这句话,
这话的意思是,他不懂任何一个词语。我想,你本身并不是想说这个意思吧。应该是,他听不清楚大多数的词吧
应该改成这样,He
couldn't
listen
very
clearly.意思是,他听不太清楚。
但我可以指几点可以改的地方。
1.He
found
that
listening
is
more
difficult
.这句话,最好改成最高级,
He
found
that
listening
is
the
most
difficult.你本身句子并没有错误,但根据前后文,和其他2项做下比较,因为用最高级比较好点。
2He
couldn't
understand
every
word。还有这句话,
这话的意思是,他不懂任何一个词语。我想,你本身并不是想说这个意思吧。应该是,他听不清楚大多数的词吧
应该改成这样,He
couldn't
listen
very
clearly.意思是,他听不太清楚。
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