an interesting experience 英语作文 快一点 80词左右 10

2011-01-30 · TA获得超过2.7万个赞
An Interesting Experience

Yesterday,I have just reached home with my heavy school beg,my mother asked me to go shoping with her.How excited I am! When we walked to the shopping mall, I saw hundreds of people shopping for Spring Festival.My mom said that there were some children playing games together.So I joined them with pleasure.We raced for balloons,fed rabbits,played roles of ancient legends……I engoyed myself.
2011-01-30 · 超过20用户采纳过TA的回答
If I have to say the most interesting thing in this vacation, I think that thing must be the best one.

That day was sunny but cold. My high school classmate and I went to skiing. The whole mountain was covered with thick snow. We were excited. We were singing, dancing and running. After this kind of celebrating, all of us put on ski boots, and began skiing.

I dared not to ski from the top. So I began at the middle of the slope. Not far from the start, I fell down. My legs and hip were painful. I couldn’t stand up. At the moment, boys were having a competition. Look they rushed out. So cool! Everybody was excited. The game was over with the last skier passing through the finish line. I stood up. I was very happy. I think that day was the most interesting day in winter vacation.
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If I have to say the most interesting thing in this vacation, I think that thing must be the best one.

That day was sunny but cold. My high school classmate and I went to skiing. The whole mountain was covered with thick snow. We were excited. We were singing, dancing and running. After this kind of celebrating, all of us put on ski boots, and began skiing.

I dared not to ski from the top. So I began at the middle of the slope. Not far from the start, I fell down. My legs and hip were painful. I couldn’t stand up. At the moment, boys were having a competition. Look they rushed out. So cool! Everybody was excited. The game was over with the last skier passing through the finish line. I stood up. I was very happy. I think that day was the most interesting day in winter vacation.

An Interesting Experience

Yesterday,I have just reached home with my heavy school beg,my mother asked me to go shoping with her.How excited I am! When we walked to the shopping mall, I saw hundreds of people shopping for Spring Festival.My mom said that there were some children playing games together.So I joined them with pleasure.We raced for balloons,fed rabbits,played roles of ancient legends……I engoyed myself.

If I have to say the most interesting thing in this vacation, I think that thing must be the best one.

That day was sunny but cold. My high school classmate and I went to skiing. The whole mountain was covered with thick snow. We were excited. We were singing, dancing and running. After this kind of celebrating, all of us put on ski boots, and began skiing.

I dared not to ski from the top. So I began at the middle of the slope. Not far from the start, I fell down. My legs and hip were painful. I couldn’t stand up. At the moment, boys were having a competition. Look they rushed out. So cool! Everybody was excited. The game was over with the last skier passing through the finish line. I stood up. I was very happy. I think that day was the most interesting day in winter vacation
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2012-03-31 · TA获得超过6.1万个赞
If I have to say the most interesting thing in this vacation, I think that thing must be the best one.

That day was sunny but cold. My high school classmate and I went to skiing. The whole mountain was covered with thick snow. We were excited. We were singing, dancing and running. After this kind of celebrating, all of us put on ski boots, and began skiing.

I dared not to ski from the top. So I began at the middle of the slope. Not far from the start, I fell down. My legs and hip were painful. I couldn’t stand up. At the moment, boys were having a competition. Look they rushed out. So cool! Everybody was excited. The game was over with the last skier passing through the finish line. I stood up. I was very happy. I think that day was the most interesting day in winter vacation
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If I have to say the most interesting thing in this vacation, I think that thing must be the best one.

That day was sunny but cold. My high school classmate and I went to skiing. The whole mountain was covered with thick snow. We were excited. We were singing, dancing and running. After this kind of celebrating, all of us put on ski boots, and began skiing.

I dared not to ski from the top. So I began at the middle of the slope. Not far from the start, I fell down. My legs and hip were painful. I couldn’t stand up. At the moment, boys were having a competition. Look they rushed out. So cool! Everybody was excited. The game was over with the last skier passing through the finish line. I stood up. I was very happy. I think that day was the most interesting day in winter vacation.
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