driving my heart away是什么歌
是Ida maria的《driving my heart away》,完整歌词:
Fear is no longer in time
Fear is no longer hanging around
You should capture my view
Cause I don't want nothing else but you
You can treat me like you please
Baby, it's ok with me
Leave me bleeding on the floor
From my heart, from my heart's core
Oh, drive away my heart tonight
Cause it is no loner mine
Drive away my heart tonight
Cause it's no longer mine
I wanna give you love
I wanna show you love
And so love will be my grave
Love will be my grave
Ida Maria做为一个新人,完全小看不得,她的声音吸取了太多的元素,大方,自信,快乐的让你欢呼,静止让你沉思,呼吸间都渗透着太多太多的感触,在Ida Maria的身上不难听到Bjork,Cat Power和Feist的感觉,Indie rock,Indie pop,一点点的Punk和Jazz的点缀,真是妙不可言。