急求 WOW所有英文缩写?
以下是WOW的部分英文缩写:- AOE:Area of Effect,即范围伤害- DND:Do Not Disturb,不要打扰- DPS:Damage Per Second,即每秒伤害- FFA:Free-For-All,即自由拾取- GCD:Global Cooldown,即全局冷却- HC:Heroic,英雄难度- LFG:Looking For Group,寻找队伍- MT:Main Tank,主坦克- NPC:Non-Player Character,非玩家角色- PUG:Pick-Up Group,即随机组队- QQ:Cry More,意为“哭得更多”或者“继续哭”- RNG:Random Number Generator,随机数生成器- UI:User Interface,用户界面- WTB:Want To Buy,想要买- WTS:Want To Sell,想要卖- LOL:Laugh Out Loud,即大笑- OOM:Out Of Mana,即耗尽了法力值- OMG:Oh My God,即哦,我的天啊- BRB:Be Right Back,即马上回来- AFK:Away From Keyboard,即离开键盘- GG:Good Game,即好游戏- IMO:In My Opinion,即在我看来- LMAO:Laughing My Ass Off,即笑死我了- NP:No Problem,即没问题- TY:Thank You,即谢谢您- WTF:What The Fuck,即什么鬼?- FYI:For Your Information,即供您参考
1. WoW:World of Warcraft2. BC:Burning Crusade3. WotLK:Wrath of the Lich King4. Cata:Cataclysm5. MoP:Mists of Pandaria6. WoD:Warlords of Draenor7. Legion:Legion8. BfA:Battle for Azeroth9. SL:Shadowlands10. PvP:Player versus Player11. PvE:Player versus Environment12. DPS:Damage per Second13. HPS:Healing per Second14. Aggro:Aggression towards monsters15. CD:Cooldown16. CC:Crowd Control17. AoE:Area of Effect18. MT:Main Tank19. OT:Off Tank20. OOC:Out of Combat21. AFK:Away from Keyboard22. BIS:Best in Slot23. LI:Legendary Item24. BoE:Bind on Equip25. BoP:Bind on Pickup26. CoC:Circle of Protection27. LoS:Line of Sight28. HK:Honorable Kill29. AV:Alterac Valley30. AB:Arathi Basin31. WSG:Warsong Gulch32. RBG:Rated Battleground33. LFG:Looking for Group34. LFM:Looking for More35. DPS Meter:A measuring tool for DPS36. GCD:Global Cooldown37. RNG:Random Number Generator38. TM:Transmute Master39. ES:Elemental Shaman40. FLM:Frost Lich King41. GM:Game Master42. APM:Actions per Minute43. AO:Area of Operations44. CS:Critical Strike45. FC:Flag Carrier46. KCP:Kodohide Chestpiece47. MA:Master Armorers48. MTG:Mark of the Wild49. NW:Nature's Wrath50. PUG:Pick Up Group51. RFD:Razorfen Downs52. SM:Scarlet Monastery53. UBRS:Upper Blackrock Spire54. ZG:Zul'Gurub55. AQ:Ahn'Qiraj56. MC:Molten Core57. BWL:Blackwing Lair58. ICC:Icecrown Citadel59. ToS:Tomb of Sargeras60. TGN:Talented Gamer News61. Uld:Uldir62. HoS:Halls of Stone63. HoL:Halls of Lightning64. HoR:Halls of Reflection65. PoS:Pit of Saron66. PoE:Path of Exile67. CS:Counter-Strike68. LoL:League of Legends69. DotA:Defense of the Ancients70. SC:Starcraft71. WC:World Championship72. WoW Classic:Classic World of Warcraft73. WSG Flag:Warsong Gulch Flag74. AV Bridge:Alterac Valley Bridge75. MC Trash:Molten Core Trash Mobs76. UBRS Dragonspawn:Upper Blackrock Spire Dragonspawn77. AQ20 Bug Trio:Ahn'Qiraj 20 Bug Trio78. BWL Suppression Room:Blackwing Lair Suppression Room79. ICC Blood Queen:Icecrown Citadel Blood Queen80. Uld Hard Modes:Ulduar Hard Modes
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