milf是英文“Mother/Mom/Mama I'd Like to Fuck”的首字母缩写。在英语里,是一种常见的口语,一般视为是俗语。属于名词,中文里实质上没有这词。若说近似词,“半老徐娘”应该是较为接近的中文意思。
My mom is the most loving person in my life.(我妈妈是我生命中最有爱心的人。)
Mom, thank you for always being there for me when I need you.(妈妈,谢谢您在我需要时始终陪伴在我身边。)
I love my mom with all my heart.(我全心全意地爱着我的妈妈。)
Mom, you are my role model and my best friend.(妈妈,您是我的榜样和最好的朋友。)
My mom cooks the most delicious meals.(我妈妈做的饭菜最美味。)
Mom, your hugs make everything better.(妈妈,您的拥抱让一切变得更好。)
Thank you, Mom, for all the sacrifices you have made for our family.(感谢您,妈妈,为了我们的家庭所做出的所有牺牲。)
Mom, you always know how to make me feel better when I'm sad.(妈妈,当我难过时,您总是知道如何让我感到更好。)
My mom is the strongest woman I know.(我认识的最坚强的女人就是我妈妈。)
I am grateful every day for having such an amazing mom.(每一天我都为拥有如此了不起的妈妈而感恩。)
2024-12-03 广告