1、克林奇和哈里斯两位击球员,比赛一开始时搭档,共得69分。Clinch and Harris shared an opening stand of 69.
2、她决心不让疾病再次击垮自己。他同时轻轻地叩击着几根指尖。He tapped the ends of his fingers together.She was determined not to let the illness take hold again.
3、记者招绝薯待会只不过是提供了更并锋者多的再次击他人格的口实。The press conference simply provided more fodder for another attack on his character.
4、电鳐能放出强大的电流把猎物击晕。Electric rays stun their prey with huge electrical discharges.
5、击球手踮起脚将这记上旋球击到场地中。The batsman rose on his toes and played the rising ball down into the ground.
6、他是个经验丰富、冷酷无情的领导,不会被压力击垮。He is a skilled and ruthless leader who isn't likely to crumble under pressure.