
2011-02-14 · TA获得超过1428个赞
1.Take the instant chicken noodle soup of your choice, I use the brand: Lipton Soup Secrets Noodle Soup with Real Chicken Broth. Follow the Stove top directions and make it just as the directions tell you, except that I always make both packets that are in 1 box at once so I add 8 cups of water instead of 4, and I use a big pot so I have enough room in the pot to add my own stuff in it(you know the 5% that is homemade!).
2.Then when the pot is boiling I add any leftover cooked chicken I have left from the previous day's meal, but cut the chicken in very small bits, or use a food processor or simple hand chopper to make the chicken bits as small as possible, especially if your child does not like to eat chicken. In many cases the child actually likes the taste of the chicken, but doesn't like the look of it! So don't let them watch you make it! Then get some carrots and celery and put in a blender or food processor and puree' adding some of the chicken broth from the pot. If you need to totally disguise the chicken, you can puree the chicken with the carrots and celery too, remember to add some of the chicken broth from the pot already simmering to soften everything up and then you simply add the puree chicken and veggies to the instant soup already simmering in the pot.
3.Lastly, since my daughter like a lot of "pasta" in her soup, I add some extra pasta, whether it be stars, alphabets, or angel hair spaghetti that I snap into about 1 inch pieces over the pot. Let boil for about 5 minutes, then turn off the gas, and set the pot aside with the lid on. This will make all the ingredients, instant and homemade mesh together and allow the soup to cool enough not to burn any mouths. After is has been set aside about 10 minutes, stir and taste, it should be the right temperature now for safe eating, nice and warm, but not too hot. Now put this in a big bowl with some fun crackers on the side (like goldfish crackers), and watch your kids devour it. I will be shocked if any of you have children out there who will not love this soup!
4.This soup is not just for children, moms and dads love it too! It's easy and delicious and my husband and I always have it for dinner also whenever I make it for my daughter. This soup is for the whole family - Enjoy!!!
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