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该书的主人公霍尔顿是个中学生,出身于富裕的中产阶级家庭。他虽只有16岁,但比常人高出一头,整日穿着风雨衣,戴着鸭舌帽,游游荡荡,不愿读书。他对学校里的一切——老师、同学、... 该书的主人公霍尔顿是个中学生,出身于富裕的中产阶级家庭。他虽只有16岁,但比常人高出一头,整日穿着风雨衣,戴着鸭舌帽,游游荡荡,不愿读书。他对学校里的一切——老师、同学、功课、球赛等等,全都腻烦透了,曾是学校击剑队队长,3次被学校开除。又一个学期结束了,他又因5门功课中4门不及格被校方开除。他丝毫不感到难受。在和同房间的同学打了一架后,他深夜离开学校,回到纽约城,但他不敢贸然回家。当天深夜住进了一家小旅馆。他在旅馆里看到的都是些不三不四的人,有穿戴女装的男人,有相互喷水、喷酒的男女,他们寻欢作乐,忸怩作态,使霍尔顿感到恶心和惊讶。他无聊之极,便去夜总会厮混了一阵。回旅馆时,心里仍觉得十分烦闷,糊里糊涂答应电梯工毛里斯,让他叫来了一个妓女(十五块钱到第二天,五块钱一次)。妓女一到他又紧张害怕,给了妓女五块钱打发她走了,可妓女要十块钱。后来妓女找毛里斯来找事,毛里斯把霍尔顿打了一顿,拿走了他们要的五块钱。 第二天是星期天,霍尔顿上街游荡,遇见两个修女,捐了10块钱。后来他的女友萨丽去看了场戏,又去溜冰。看到萨丽那假情假义的样子,霍尔顿很不痛快,两人吵了一场,分了手。接着霍尔顿独自去看了场电影,又到酒吧里和一个老同学一起喝酒,喝得酩酊大醉。他走进厕所,把头伸进盥洗盆里用冷水浸了一阵,才清醒过来。可是走出酒吧后,被冷风一吹,他的头发都结了冰。他想到自己也许会因此患肺炎死去,永远见不着妹妹菲苾了,决定冒险回家和她诀别。 霍尔顿偷偷回到家里,幸好父母都出去玩了。他叫醒菲苾,向她诉说了自己的苦闷和理想。他对妹妹说,他将来要当一名“麦田里的守望者”:“有那么一群小孩子在一大块麦田里做游戏。几千几万个小孩子,附近没有一个人——没有一个大人,我是说——除了我。我呢,就在那混帐的悬崖边。我的职务是在那儿守望,要是有哪个孩子往悬崖边奔来,我就把他捉住——我是说孩子们都在狂奔,也不知道自己是在往哪儿跑。我得从什么地方出来,把他们捉住。我整天就干这样的事。我只想当个麦田里的守望者。”后来父母回来了,霍尔顿吓得躲进壁橱。等父母去卧室,他急忙溜出家门,到一个他尊敬的老师家中借宿。可是睡到半夜,他发觉这个老师有可能是个同性恋者,于是只好偷偷逃出来,到车站候车室过夜。 霍尔顿不想再回家,也不想再念书了,决定去西部谋生,做一个又聋又哑的人,但他想在临走前再见妹妹一面,于是托人给她带去一张便条,约她到博物馆的艺术馆门边见面。过了约定时间好一阵,菲苾终于来了,可是拖着一只装满自己衣服的大箱子,她一定要跟哥哥一起去西部。最后,因对妹妹劝说无效,霍尔顿只好放弃西部之行,带她去动物园和公园玩了一阵。菲苾骑上旋转木马,高兴起来。下起了倾盆大雨。霍尔顿任大雨把全身淋湿,坐在长椅上,看菲苾一圈圈转个不停,心里快乐极了,险些大叫大嚷起来,霍尔顿决定不出走了。 回家后不久,霍尔顿就生了场大病,又被送到一家疗养院里。出院后将被送到哪所学校,是不是想好好用功学习,霍尔顿对一切一点儿也不感兴趣。 展开
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2011-02-14 · 超过15用户采纳过TA的回答
The book's protagonist holden is a middle-school student, I was born YuFuYu middle-class family. Though he was only 16 years old, but higher than normal, full day is wearing a trench coats, wore cap, yu yu fighters, do not wish to read. He to school everything - teachers and classmates, the lessons and the game, etc., all fed up thoroughly, once was school JiJianDui captain, 3 times being expelled from school. Another term ends, and he was five courses in four of the exam papers were expelled from school. He does not feel bad. In and roommate had a fight, after he left school, back to New York city night, but he feel hesitate to go home. Day night live into a small hotel. He saw in a hotel is all some indecent person, have wear dress of man, have mutual water-jet and spray wine of men and women, their pleasures, 19 straightforward, make holden nausea and surprise. He bored very, then go to gamble a nightclub. Back to the hotel, in the heart still feel very annoyed, loft-bed promised an elevator operator MAO rhys, let he called a whore ($15 until the next day, five dollars once). Prostitutes a to him and nervous, and fear, and give the harlot five dollars sent her away, may prostitutes to ten dollars. Later to find MAO rhys prostitute go MAO rhys put holden dozen and took them to the five dollars. The next day was Sunday, holden streets to wander, meet two nuns, donated $10. Later his girlfriend Sally went to see the play, and go skating. See Sally that false feeling false righteousness appearance, holden was annoyed, two quarrel, split the blanket. Then holden alone to see a movie, then to the pub and an old classmates drink, and get drunk. He walked into the toilet, put your head in toilet bowl with cold water soak a burst of, just awake. But out of bars, after been cold wind blow, his hair was frozen. He thought of his might therefore pneumonia die, forever cannot see sister Bi fei, decided to venture home and she farewell. Holden secretly returned to the house, fortunately all parents went out to play. Wake up his Bi fei, asked her to tell his anguish and ideal. His sister said that he was going to be a "the catcher in the rye" : "have so a group of children in a large wheatfields games. Thousands of a child, no nearby a person - not an adult, I mean -- except me. I do, and in that screwy cliff edge. My office is there watchman, if any children came running into the cliff, I caught him - I mean kids are in rush, nor knows where to run. I have come out from where, put them captive. All day long I would do such a thing. I just want to be a the catcher in the rye". Later parents came back, holden frighten hide into the closet. Such as bedroom, he quickly parents to slip out of the door, to a house he respected teacher guestroom. But sleep till midnight, he found the teacher may have been a gay, so we had to secretly escaped to the station, waiting for the night. Holden don't want to go home, also do not want to pick lilacs, decided to go to the western earning a living, do a deaf-mute person, but he wants to before facing goodbye sister side, so anyone give her take note, ask her to the museum of art door meet. After some time, the appointed time Fidel Bi finally come, but dragged a large box filled with their clothes, she must come with brother go to the west. Finally, because for sister persuaded invalid, holden had to abandon the western trip, and brought her to go to the zoo and play in the park for a moment. Fe Bi rode on a merry-go-round, happy. Rain cats and dogs. Holden as rain body to get wet, sat on the bench, watching fe Bi wreaths needful heart happy pole, nearly Shouting rise, holden decided not to ran away. After coming home soon, holden bare a disease, and was sent to a nursing home in. After discharge will be sent to which school, whether want to work hard for learning, holden to all don't interested.
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