英语翻译 急急急

Red说,希望是危险的东西,是精神苦闷的根源。重重挤压之下的牢狱里呆了三十年的他的确有资格这么说。因为从进来的那一天起,狱长就说过,“把灵魂交给上帝,把身体交给我。”除了... Red 说,希望是危险的东西,是精神苦闷的根源。重重挤压之下的牢狱里呆了三十年的他的确有资格这么说。因为从进来的那一天起,狱长就说过,“把灵魂交给上帝,把身体交给我。”除了他能弄来的香烟和印着裸女的扑克牌,任何其他异动在这个黑暗的高墙之内似乎都无法生长。

然而 Andy 告诉他,“记住,希望是好事——甚至也许是人间至善。而美好的事永不消失。”

于是 Andy 能够用二十年挖开 Red 认为六百年都无法凿穿的隧洞。当他终于爬出五百码恶臭的污水管道,站在瓢泼大雨中情不自禁的时候,我们仿佛看到信念刺穿重重黑幕,在暗夜中打了一道夺目霹雳。亮光之下,我们懦弱的灵魂纷纷在 Andy 张开的双臂下现形,并且颤抖。

庸常生活里的我们,似乎已经习惯了按部就班,习惯了先说“那不可能”,习惯了没有奇迹,习惯了,习惯了。可是正如《飞越疯人院》(One Flew over the Cuckcoo’s Nest)中说的那样,“不试试,怎么知道呢?”

——我们已经看到监狱长打开藏有 Andy 凿石锤的《圣经》时,翻至那页正是《出埃及记》。这个章节详细描述了犹太教徒逃离埃及的过程。
2011-02-14 · TA获得超过128个赞
Red said, hope is a dangerous thing, is a source of mental distress. Heavy crush he spent 30 years in prison under really qualified to say so. Because from that day on, the Governor said, "his soul to God, give me the body. "In addition to the cigarette and he could find Poker printed naked girls, no other changes within the walls of this darkness seems to not grow.

But Andy tells him, "remember that hope is a good thing – and perhaps even the room is good enough. And no good thing will never disappear. ”

Andy can uncover Red 20 years that the 600 years were unable to drill through the tunnel. When he finally climb out of the 500-yard odor of sewage pipes, in heavy rain can't help but stop when we saw faith cut through a lot of shady, dazzling Thunder in the night. Under bright light, our cowardly soul appareo in Andy opened his arms, and trembling.

Mediocre in ordinary life we seem to have grown accustomed to step by step, used to say "it can't be" used to no miracles, get used to it, got used to it. But as the One Flew over the Cuckcoo ' s Nest put it, "don't you try, how do you know?"

Try keeping some faith, until they lost. They may not be able to eventually realize, may not be able to make us more meaningful lives — even for my own purposes, they will only become more give me more feeling of emptiness. But I know how much I needed this kind of hypocrisy and self-deception, because you can say that I'm dreaming, but I won't be the only one.
--We've seen the warden opens possession when Andy Bush hammer Bibles, turn to that page it is Egypt in mind. This chapter describes in detail the Jews fled from Egypt.
2011-02-14 · TA获得超过102个赞
Ep-red said, hope is a dangerous thing, is the spiritual anguish roots. Many have been squeezed by him into the cistern of spent three years he did qualification to say so. Because from came in that day since, warden, he said, "the soul to god, the body to me." Besides can he get cigarettes and print a naked female poker, any other reshuffled in the dark inside these walls seems unable to grow.

However Andy told him, "remember, hope is a good thing -- even may be the highest good. And good things will never die."

So Andy can use 20 years dug ep-red think six hundred years to tunnel can cut wear. When he finally climbed out of five hundred yards effluvial sewage pipe, standing in the pouring rain in can't help, we seem to see belief Pierce heavy fog, in the dark night played a dazzing bang. Light under, we cowardly of soul in in succession Andy open arms under the sky, and trembling.

YongChang life inside of us, seem to have been accustomed to step-by-step, accustomed to say first "that impossible", accustomed to no miracles, and custom, was used. But as One Flew over the cuckoo Flew over the "(25 Cuckcoo 's Nest) said it," don't try, how can anyone know?"

Try to keep some faith in their lost before. They may not be able to finally realize, you may not make us more meaningful alive -- even for me, they will only bring me much more emptiness feeling. But I know how much I need this kind of hypocrisy and self-deception, because you can say I am dreaming, but I won't be the only one.
- we have seen the warden hewn stone hammers open houses Andy the bibles, turn to the page is the exodus. This section describes the detailed jewish escape from Egypt process.
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