单选--Does Bill do his new job well? --____his old job. I'm afraid there's no hope for him.

A.notbetterthanB.nobetterthanC.noaswellasD.notsowellas这题正确答案为B.我想知道其他三个选项为什么是错的?... A.not better than B.no better than C.no as well as D.not so well as这题正确答案为B.我想知道其他三个选项为什么是错的? 展开
2011-02-15 · TA获得超过6733个赞
not better than是客观评价,指的是:没有……好
no better than 掺杂主观评价,没有……好(两者都不好)
no as well as 没有这种搭配
not (要加动词)so well as没……那么好
根据语境,以及后面一个句子“ I'm afraid there's no hope for him. ”可以判断选B
2011-02-15 · 超过21用户采纳过TA的回答
Common DOS commands:
dir list file name cls deltree to delete the directory tree, clear the screen to change the current directory cd
copy copy copy files to delete the file format the disk format the disk del

edit text editor mem view memory status md move moving files subdirectory, change the directory name

more split screen displays the file content type rd remove directory sys DOS system disk production

ren change the file name xcopy copy files and directories chkdsk check disk set file attributes attrib

fdisk partition label modified date display and set the volume label defrag disk defragmentation

msd system detects a path to set search directory share file sharing memmaker Memory Optimization Management

help restore the backup file set to help restore the environment variables set and modified time display

tree column tree debug debugger doskey random re-call to set DOS command prompt prempt restore undelete deleted files scandisk testing, repair the disk
not commonly used DOS commands

diskcomp comparison append disk file path to set a non-executive

expand rapidly restore DOS file fasthelp display help information

fc file comparison interink start the server

setver start the client set the version intersvr

subst paths with qbasic Basic integrated environment

vsafe antivirus unformat formatted disk recovery

ver DOS version number display to set the disk accelerator smartdrv

vol lh shows the disk volume label the program into high memory

ctty change extended memory management control device emm386

detailed description commonly used commands:

A, Dir

display a list of files and subdirectories in the directory, Oh, this is of course everyone should know.

can use wildcards (? and *),? table wildcard character, any character wildcard * Table

*. suffix to specify which extension. The above fact can be.

/ p display a list of screen time. To view the next screen, press any key on the keyboard.

/ w to wide format list,ladies plus size clothes, displayed on each line up to 5 files or directory names.

/ s listed in the specified directory and all subdirectories appear in each of the specified file name. Find win environment than the much faster

dir *.* -> a.txt to write the current directory list of files a.txt

dir *.* / s -> a.txt to write the current directory list of files a.txt, including the subdirectory files.

Second, Attrib

display, set or delete the file or directory is assigned to a read-only, archive, system and hidden attributes. If the case does not contain the parameters used, attrib displays all files in the current directory attributes.

+ r set the read-only attribute.

-r clear the Read Only attribute.

+ a set archive file attributes.

-a clear archive attribute.

+ s to set the system properties.

-s clear the system properties.

+ h set the hidden attribute.

-h clear the hidden attribute.

III, Cl *

displayed in the command prompt window removed all of the information, and returns an empty window, that is

IV, ** it

quit the current command interpreter and return to the system.

five, format


/ q Performs a quick format. Remove the previous volumes formatted file table and root directory, but not between sectors scan damage area. Use the / q command-line option should only be formatted before the well-formatted volumes.

six, Ipconfig

display all current TCP / IP network configuration values, refresh the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name System (DNS) settings. Use ipconfig without parameters to display all adapters IP address, subnet mask, default gateway.

/ all shows the complete all adapters TCP / IP configuration information.

ipconfig equivalent to the winipcfg, the latter in the ME, 98 and 95 available. Although Windows XP does not provide the same as the winipcfg command graphical interface, but you can use the To do this, open Network Connections, right-click a network connection, click the

best for the command is configured to automatically obtain IP address of the computer. It enables users to determine which TCP / IP configuration values by DHCP, Automatic Private IP Address (APIPA) and other configuration configured.

seven, md

create a directory or subdirectory

eight, Move

one or more files from one directory to the specified directory.

nine, Nbtstat

the local computer and remote computers based on TCP / IP (NetBT) NetBIOS protocol statistics, NetBIOS name tables and NetBIOS name cache. Nbtstat NetBIOS name cache and refresh the Windows Internet Name Service registration (WINS) name. Used without parameters, the nbtstat displays help. Nbtstat command line parameters are case-sensitive.

-a remotename display of the remote computer NetBIOS name table, which, RemoteName the remote computer's NetBIOS computer name.

-A IPAddress the remote computer's NetBIOS name of the display table, its name from the specified remote computer's IP address (in decimal separator).

ten, Netstat

displays active TCP connections, the computer port is listening, Ethernet statistics, IP routing table, IPv4 statistics (for IP, ICMP, TCP and UDP protocols), and IPv6 statistics (for the IPv6, ICMPv6, through the IPv6, IPv6, TCP and UDP protocols through.) When used without parameters, netstat displays active TCP connections.

-a displays all active TCP connections and computers and U ** TCP listening port.

XI, * ing

by sending Echo response message from the process of reception and the number will be displayed. Ping is used to detect network connectivity, name resolution can be reached and the difficult problem of the main TCP / IP command. If no parameters, ping displays help. Name and Ip address resolution is the most simple applications it is most used.

-t specifies the interrupt can continue to send a response before the ping request message to the destination. To interrupt and display statistics, press CTRL-BREAK. To interrupt and quit ping, press CTRL-C.

-lSize specify the echo request message to send The default is 32. The maximum size is 65,527.

twelve, Rename (Ren)

change the file name.

example ren *. abc *. cba

thirteen, Set

display, set or delete environment variables. If no arguments, set command will display the current environment settings.

fourth, Shutdown

allows you to turn off or restart a local or remote computer. If you do not use parameters, shutdown will cancel the current user.

-m ComputerName specifies the computer to shut down.

-t xx will be used for system shutdown timer is set to xx seconds. The default value is 20 seconds.

-l log off current user, which is the default setting. -M ComputerName takes precedence.

-s shut down the local computer.

-r off after the restart.

-a stop off. In addition to-l and ComputerName,plus size clothes, the system will ignore the other parameters. In the overtime period, you can only use-a.

fifth, System File Checker (sfc)

win under only, restart the computer after the scan and verify that all protected system files.

/ scannow immediately scans all protected system files.

/ scanonce scan all protected system files.

/ purgecache immediately clear the

/ cachesize = x Setting

sixteen, type

display text files. Use the type command to view text files, or bat file without modifying the file

seventh, Tree

image display of the path or drive in the disk directory structure.

eighth, Xcopy

copy files and directories, including subdirectories.

/ s copy non-empty directories and subdirectories. If you omit / s, xcopy will work in a directory.

/ e copy all subdirectories, including empty directories.

nineteenth, copy

one or more files from one location to another location

twenty, del

delete the specified files.
bat batch
ftp and telnet command and the net and order the child too much, do not say here, but these are used to.
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