1、 这个行业市场有多大,现在您手边是否有这样的采购需求。
2、 您作为我公司在当地票务市场的开拓者,您有什么想法,如果开拓。
3、 目前当地有几家类似的票务公司,可否提供一些材料,供我们参考。
4、 票务系统的语言是英文,还有其他要求吗?
5、 我们提供完整的软硬件方案,您这边需要哪些材料,或者现在项目需要哪些内容我们可以着实撰写文档。 展开
system , the last to let you give some background material while we still have
some minor problems.
One , how big the market in this industry , you now have
on hand if there is such a procurement needs.
2, you as my company a pioneer
in the local ticketing market , you have any idea if development.
3 ,
currently there are several similar local ticketing company , can provide some
materials for our reference .
4 , the language is English ticketing system ,
there are other requirements?
5 , we provide a complete hardware and software
solution, you need here what materials or project needs now what we can really
write documentation.
To better explore the market of ticketing system in this region,meanwhile let you give some background materials,we still have some small questions:
How large is the market in this industry,whether you have such requirement for purchase in hand or not
As the explorer of my company in the local ticketing market, what mind you have if explore
There are several similar ticketing company in the local now,could you provide some matericals for our reference
The language of ticketing system is English,is there any requirement?
We will provide you integrated solution both software and hardware.'What materials you need,or what contents does this project need,we can write document based on the fact