《哈利·波特》-概述: 《哈利·波特》系列以霍格沃茨魔法学校为主要舞台,叙述了哈利与邪恶魔法势力作斗争的故事。销量数亿册,被评为最畅销的4部儿童小说之一,成为继米老鼠、史努比、加菲猫等卡通形象以来最成功的儿童偶像。 《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)是英国女作家J·K·罗琳的系列魔幻文学作品,全系列共有七本。小说描写主角哈利·波特在霍格沃茨魔法学校七年的学习生活的冒险故事。该书被翻译成62种语言,总销售量超过三亿本。正体中文版由皇冠出版社出版;简体中文版由中国人民文学出版社发行。美国华纳兄弟影业公司已推出前五本作品的电影版本,前三部的电影票房收入都在七亿美元以上,在总票房排名历史上位居前15名。 哈利·波特是英语Harry Potter音译成中文的一个英文男子名(全名Harry James Potter,译为哈利·詹姆·波特),Harry Potter是英国女作家J.K.罗琳的著名系列小说《哈利·波特》系列中的主人公。 《哈利·波特》系列魔幻小说,英国女作家J.K.罗琳(Joanne Kathleen Rowling)著,其作品被翻译成近70种语言,在全世界200多个国家累计销量达3亿多册。 《哈利·波特》系列以霍格沃茨魔法学校为主要舞台,叙述了哈利与邪恶魔法势力作斗争的故事。销量数亿册,被评为最畅销的4部儿童小说之一,成为继米老鼠、史努比、加菲猫等卡通形象以来最成功的儿童偶像。 哈利·波特,一个戴着眼镜的男孩,骑着他的飞天扫帚,在世界各地掀起一股魔法旋风,全世界都为之疯狂。在他的世界里,奇迹、神话、魔法……什么都不会过分。现在,让我们也骑上飞天扫帚,和他一起飞吧!罗恩、赫敏、秋·张、金妮……一系列人物更为这部小说增添了许多色彩…… Harry Potter Harry Potter is the sound of English into Chinese in an English man, (full name of Harry James Potter, translated as Harry James Potter), Harry Potter is a British writer JK Rowling's famous series of novels " Harry Potter "series, the hero.
"Harry Potter" series to Hogwarts as the main stage, described the magic of Harry and the evil forces of the story of the struggle. Sales of hundreds of millions of copies, was named the best-selling novels of four children, become the Mickey Mouse, Snoopy, Garfield and other cartoon images of children has been the most successful idol. Harry Potter, a bespectacled boy, riding his broom around the world, set off a whirlwind of magic, the whole world crazy. In his world, miracles, myths, magic ... ... what can not be over. Now, let us also ride a broom, and fly with him! Ron, Hermione, Cho Chang, Ginny ... ... more novel series of characters add a lot of color ... ...
"Harry Potter" series to Hogwarts as the main stage, described the magic of Harry and the evil forces of the story of the struggle. Sales of hundreds of millions of copies, was named the best-selling novels of four children, become the Mickey Mouse, Snoopy, Garfield and other cartoon images of children has been the most successful idol. Harry Potter, a bespectacled boy, riding his broom around the world, set off a whirlwind of magic, the whole world crazy. In his world, miracles, myths, magic ... ... what can not be over. Now, let us also ride a broom, and fly with him! Ron, Hermione, Cho Chang, Ginny ... ... more novel series of characters add a lot of color ... ...
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