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凡是玻璃材质的用来饮水(酒)的器皿都可以叫glass(a drinking container made from glass)比如a glass of beer。
低矮的茶杯和咖啡杯叫cup,一般有手柄,讲究的也带茶碟。(A cup is a small, round container, usually with a handle, from which you drink hot drinks such as tea and coffee. When you are not holding a cup, you usually rest it on a saucer)。比如a cup of tea,a cup of coffee等。
真空保温杯用vacuum flask或vacuum bottle,也可以用直接用thermos。
容量比较大的叫mug,一般比较沉重,带手柄,陶做的比较多,中文一般叫马克杯。(a drinking cup, usually cylindrical in shape, having a handle, and often of a heavy substance, as earthenware.)
jug是指那些大肚子,小口的大容量的装液体的容器,一般有耳朵或手柄,带内塞或盖子。(a large container for liquids, with a narrow mouth and typically a stopper or cap.)
jur是广口瓶,一般容量不大,由玻璃或陶制作,用来保存干果,有密封盖子的可以用来保鲜。(A small, approximately cylindrical container, normally made of glass or clay, for holding fruit, preserves, etc., or for ornamental purposes.)