The establishment of the system not only damages the spirit of the divorce suit the reality of the need to adjust to divorce. reflect the wishes of the broad masses of people, but also conducive to safeguarding the legitimate marriage, and protect the legitimate rights of the innocent. Sanctions fault of the offense. Although China has established a system of compensation for mental damage divorce, but because of the existing legal provisions are not specific. narrow scope of this defect, there is a shortage of divorce system of compensation for mental damage. Divorce damages for mental damages system as a part of the divorce, there are still a lot of room for a clear and complete, the author hopes to draw on the legislative experience and the specific judicial practice, The divorce suits the actual conditions of China at an early date to explore moral damage compensation system. ------离婚精神损害赔偿制度的建立不仅适应我国现实情况下调整离婚关系的需要,反映了广大人民群众的意愿,而且有利于维护合法婚姻关系,保护无过错方的合法权益,制裁过错方的违法行为。虽然我国已经建立起离婚精神损害赔偿制度,但是因为现有的法律规定不具体、赔偿范围狭窄等立法缺陷,使离婚精神损害赔偿制度存在不足。离婚精神损害赔偿作为离婚损害赔偿制度的一个部分,仍然有很多需要明确和完善的地方,笔者希望借鉴国外的立法经验和具体司法实践,早日探索出适合我国国情的离婚精神损害赔偿制度。
The divorce spirit damage compensate system establishment not onlyadapts in the our country realistic situation to adjust the divorcerelations the need, has reflected the broad masses' wish, moreover isadvantageous to the maintenance legal marriage relations, protects thenon- mistake side the legitimate rights and interests, the sanctionmistake side illegal activity. Although our country alreadyestablished the divorce spirit damage compensate system, but becausethe existing legal rule did not make concrete, the compensation scopeis narrow and so on the legislation flaw, caused the divorce spiritdamage compensate system existence insufficiency. The divorce spiritdamage compensate will take the divorce damage compensate system apart, still had the place which very many needed to be clear about andto consummate, the author hoped the model overseas legislationexperience and the concrete judicial practice, soon will explore suitsour country national condition the divorce spirit damage compensatesystem.