1858、一个法国工程师埃梅托梅德干蒙,与1201英里穿越英吉利海峡的隧道计划到了英国。他说有可能在海峡的中央建立一个平台,这个平台将用作港口和火车站。通风隧道,如果高高的烟囱,在海平面以上。1860,一个更好的计划是由一个英国人,前锋William Low。他建议,应当建一条双轨隧道,这样就解决了通风问题,因为如果一列火车进入隧道,如果将抽进新鲜空气。四十二年后,一个隧道真的开始。如果,当时,英国人没有害怕入侵,它会被完成。世界不得不再等将近英吉利海峡隧道又开通了100年,于1994年,三月正式开通,最终,连接英国和欧洲大陆。
Like to see so many people laughing at him!
Why was the first tunnel not completed?
In 1858,a French engineer,Aime Thome de
Gamond,arrived in England with a plan for a twenty one mile tunnel under the
English Channel.He said that it would be possible to build a platform in the
centre of the Channel.This platform would serve a port and a railway
station.The tunnel would be well ventilated,if tall chimneys were built above
sea level.In 1860,a better plan was put forward by an Englishman,William Low.He
suggested that a double railway tunnel should be built.This would solve the
problem of ventilation,for if a train entered the tunnel,if would draw in fresh
air behind it.Forty two years later,a tunnel was actually begun.If,at the
time,the British had not feared invasion,it would have been completed.The world
had to wait almost another 100 years for the channel tunnel.It was officially
opened on March 7,1994,finally connecting British to the European continent.
1858、一个法国工程师埃梅托梅德干蒙,与1201英里穿越英吉利海峡的隧道计划到了英国。他说有可能在海峡的中央建立一个平台,这个平台将用作港口和火车站。通风隧道,如果高高的烟囱,在海平面以上。1860,一个更好的计划是由一个英国人,前锋William Low。他建议,应当建一条双轨隧道,这样就解决了通风问题,因为如果一列火车进入隧道,如果将抽进新鲜空气。四十二年后,一个隧道真的开始。如果,当时,英国人没有害怕入侵,它会被完成。世界不得不再等将近英吉利海峡隧道又开通了100年,于1994年,三月正式开通,最终,连接英国和欧洲大陆。
Like to see so many people laughing at him!
Why was the first tunnel not completed?
In 1858,a French engineer,Aime Thome de
Gamond,arrived in England with a plan for a twenty one mile tunnel under the
English Channel.He said that it would be possible to build a platform in the
centre of the Channel.This platform would serve a port and a railway
station.The tunnel would be well ventilated,if tall chimneys were built above
sea level.In 1860,a better plan was put forward by an Englishman,William Low.He
suggested that a double railway tunnel should be built.This would solve the
problem of ventilation,for if a train entered the tunnel,if would draw in fresh
air behind it.Forty two years later,a tunnel was actually begun.If,at the
time,the British had not feared invasion,it would have been completed.The world
had to wait almost another 100 years for the channel tunnel.It was officially
opened on March 7,1994,finally connecting British to the European continent.
64 为什么第一条隧道没有完工?
在1858年,一位法国工程师,艾莫.托莫德嘎孟,带着一个在英吉利海峡下面开凿一条21英里长隧道的方案来到了英格兰。他说,可以在海峡中央建造一个平台。该平台可作为港口和火车站。 只要在海平面以上建造高高的烟囱,隧道就有良好的通风。在1860年,一个英国人,威廉.洛,拿出了更好的方案。他提议建造一个双铁路隧道。这可以解决通风问题,因为当一列火车进入该隧道时,可以带入新鲜空气。42年之后,正式开始建设隧道。假如不是因为英国担心遭到入侵,隧道就该完工了。全世界等待海峡隧道又花了将近100年时间。隧道终于在1994年3月正式开放,将英国与欧洲大陆连结起来。
在1858年,一位法国工程师,艾莫.托莫德嘎孟,带着一个在英吉利海峡下面开凿一条21英里长隧道的方案来到了英格兰。他说,可以在海峡中央建造一个平台。该平台可作为港口和火车站。 只要在海平面以上建造高高的烟囱,隧道就有良好的通风。在1860年,一个英国人,威廉.洛,拿出了更好的方案。他提议建造一个双铁路隧道。这可以解决通风问题,因为当一列火车进入该隧道时,可以带入新鲜空气。42年之后,正式开始建设隧道。假如不是因为英国担心遭到入侵,隧道就该完工了。全世界等待海峡隧道又花了将近100年时间。隧道终于在1994年3月正式开放,将英国与欧洲大陆连结起来。
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