新人想问一下 pads9.5中增加层模式对板子有什么影响?
Line 24 , Section *PART*
Q1 SOT23
* Because the current design is in default layer mode and the decal is in increased layer mode, you cannot add decal "SOT23". Open Layer Setup dialog box and change the layer mode of the design to increased layers.
Line 25 , Section *PART*
Q2 SOT23
* Because the current design is in default layer mode and the decal is in increased layer mode, you cannot add decal "SOT23". Open Layer Setup dialog box and change the layer mode of the design to increased layers. 展开
Line 24 , Section *PART*
Q1 SOT23
* Because the current design is in default layer mode and the decal is in increased layer mode, you cannot add decal "SOT23". Open Layer Setup dialog box and change the layer mode of the design to increased layers.
Line 25 , Section *PART*
Q2 SOT23
* Because the current design is in default layer mode and the decal is in increased layer mode, you cannot add decal "SOT23". Open Layer Setup dialog box and change the layer mode of the design to increased layers. 展开
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