2022-12-21 · 百度认证:IT168官方账号,优质数码领域创作者
适得其反 【易错】适得其反(事) 适得其反\x0d\x0a【发音】shì dé qí fǎn 【出处】清·魏源《筹海篇·议守上》:“今议防堵者,莫不曰:‘御诸内河不若御诸海口,御诸海口不若御诸外洋。’不知此适得其反也。” 【释 义】适:正,恰好。恰恰得到与预期相反的结果。 【示 例 】我们不能学成语中那个揠苗助长的人做事,否则会适得其反。 学习知识,应踏踏实实,循序渐进,想一口吃个胖子,结果将会~。 【用 法】作谓语、定语;指事与愿违 【相近词】事与愿违、适居其反 【反义词】如愿以偿、尽如人意 [1] 【英语】:1.。to be swayed by one's feelings and act rashly 【英译】:un counter to one's desire; be just the opposite to what one wished; accomplish the very opposite; exactly opposite; get just the opposite (of what one wants); have an exactly opposite effect; on the contrary; The result was just the opposite.; turn out to be just the opposite of; (The case) was just the reverse.\x0d\x0a编辑本段例句及英译\x0d\x0a 1.get just the opposite 适得其反 2.The result is just the contrary. 适得其反。 3.Counsel will make a man stick his mare. 忠告太多,适得其反。 4.But there is another aspect which is just the reverse. 但是在又一方面,则适得其反。 5.The result of such punishments is often paradoxical. 这样惩罚的结果往往适得其反。 6.74. But there is another and exactly opposite aspect. (七四)然而在另一方面,则适得其反。 7.Cleared land, by contrast, promotes drought. 被伐荒地却适得其反,导致干旱。 8.Attempting to improve power while fatigued is counterproductive. 试图在疲劳时做功率训练只会适得其反。 9.Government action certainly makes a difference, though sometimes results are perverse. 毫无疑问,政府的举措至关紧要,但有时也会适得其反。 10.Her attempts to calm them down only made matters worse. 她设法使他们平静下来, 不想却适得其反.