1、英国短毛猫 British Shorthair
外貌:Chunky body, dense coat and broad face 身材胖圆、被毛厚密、头大脸宽
性格:Easygoing, moderately active, sweet-natured and devoted to their owners 待人友善、温柔又好动、性格温顺、亲近主人
2、美国短毛猫 American Shorthair
外貌:Round faces, short ears, large, powerfully-built body 脸圆耳短,体型较大,体型魁梧强壮
性格:Moderate, not too active, nor too sedate, affectionate with owners and social with strangers, great couch cats and will happily follow their caregiver from room to room
3、异国短毛猫 Exotic Shorthair
外貌:Short, broad nose with pronounced stop, round face, full cheeks, round and large eyes, short and thick neck 鼻子短而宽,有明显凹陷,脸圆,下巴结实,眼睛大而圆,脖子粗短
性格:Gentle, calm, curious and playful, don’t like being left alone and need the presence of their owner 温柔,平静,好奇心强,顽皮,不喜欢独处,喜欢主人的陪伴
They quietly beg for your attention by just sitting in front of you with an irresistible look focused on your eyes. They will jump in your lap to curl up for a nap or push their wet nose right into your face.
4、波斯猫 Persian Cats
外貌:Extremely long and thick coat, short legs, a wide head with the ears set far apart, large eyes, and an extremely shortened muzzle 又长又厚的被毛,腿短,头宽,双耳分开,大眼睛,口鼻短小
性格:Quiet, typically placid in nature, adapts quite well to apartment life 本性安静平和,能快速适应公寓生活