菜鸟的英文是green hand。
For the condescending Americans, NBA is the heart of basketball world, while Yi is no more than a green hand.
虽然在菜鸟赛季没有为Boys High贡献太多,但霍金斯还是成为出现在不可战胜的全城头名球队中的第一个高一球员。
After not playing much at Boys High until his junior year, Hawkins was All-City first team as a junior for an unbeaten team.
四年前的今天,恰巧是同一天,我开办了一个时尚博客,名叫菜鸟风尚(Style Rookie)。
Four years ago today, exactly, actually, I started a fashion blog called Style Rookie.
当艾佛森在菜鸟赛季那次著名的cross over过掉乔丹之后,年轻球员开始模仿他场上场下所做的一切。
After Iverson infamously crossed over Michael Jordan during his rookie season, younger players in particular began to emulate both his on-and off-court style.
Also his rookie season in 11-12 was the lockout year where they only played 66 regular season games.

2025-02-12 广告
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