1、标题:简明扼要、突出重点,例如:"Marketing Manager Wanted"或"Hiring Customer Service Representative"。2、公司简介:简要介绍一下公司背景、规模、产业、文化等信息。3、职位描述:详细说明招聘职位的职责、要求、薪资待遇等信息,让应聘者更好地理解职位的性质。4、职位要求:列出应聘者需要具备的技能、经验、学历、语言等要求,以便筛选合适的应聘者。5、联系方式:提供公司的联系方式,例如电子邮件、电话或地址等。6、总结:简单重申一下招聘职位的信息、职责和要求,提醒应聘者注意申请截止日期等。7、在写英语招聘广告时,需要注意语言简洁、清晰明了,不要使用过于复杂的词汇和句子结构。同时,需要注意语法和拼写错误,以确保广告的专业性和可靠性。
How to write a job advertisement
Our company is ABC company. We have enough capital turnover. We believe the company has enough strength to pay employees' wages on time every month.
We want to recruit sales personnel. Our recruitment conditions are your university certificate, what is your major, introduce your work experience, describe your personality, explain your shortcomings and advantages, and how about your computer skills Your English listening, speaking, reading and writing, please write down your mobile phone number and your personal email address, and send your resume to our email address Shelly Miao: j@COLOURCOM Here's our deadline: 1 / 6 / you have a few months to take action and fortunately you missed April Fool's day. Thank God ABC.
Responsibilities of recruiting school English teachers: dael communicates with students and teachers, and is responsible for communicating with other students in charge of English education. Requirements: college degree or above, English major graduation, good computer operation ability and positive working experience, patients with similar education experience, careful, active and strong team spirit. Tel: Mr.
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