密西西比河──北美洲最长的河流。 密西西比河发源于世界上面积最大的淡水湖─苏必利尔湖的西侧,源头在海拔501公尺处的伊塔斯喀湖,全长3950公里,南北纵贯美国,注入墨西哥湾。如果以其支流密苏里河为源,全长则为6262公里。密西西比河汇聚了250多条支流,流域面积达322万多平方公里,占全美国领土的百分之四十多。 密西西比河位于北美洲中南部。是世界第四长的河流,也是北美洲流程最长、流域面积最广、水量最大的河流。它从美国明尼苏达州开始,流进墨西哥湾。 河边上主要的城市包括: 明尼亚波里斯 圣路易斯 孟斐斯 新奥尔良(河口城市) 密西西比河在北美大陆中南部,有一总长:6262公里,流域面积:322万平方公里,居世界第五位,世界第四长河,北美洲最长的河流-密西西比河。密西西比河发源于美国明尼苏达州西北部海拔 501米的艾塔斯卡湖,向南注入墨西哥湾。上游近明尼阿波利斯处﹐流经1.2公里长的峡谷急流带﹐总落差19.5米﹐形成著名的圣安东尼瀑布(落差 5.4米)。中游河床坡度大,﹐多急流险滩。下游流经平原地区,水流缓慢,多曲流、牛轭湖和沙洲,具有典型的老年河特征。洪水期为2~7月﹐最高水位发生在4~5月﹐最低水位在9月。在1920年代,由于河流水位急剧变化,加以含沙量大,洪水常氾滥成灾,平均7年发生一次大洪水。1928年美国联邦 *** 制定全面整治密西西比河的"防洪法案"﹐批准了"密西西比河及其支流工程计画"。经过50多年的努力﹐大部分工程已基本完成﹐不仅使洪水得到控制﹐亦促进了航运﹑发电﹑灌溉﹑养鱼等经济活动的发展。 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/e/ea/Mississippi-map 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/6/67/Mississipi_River_-_New_Orle.JPG/800px-Mississipi_River_-_New_Orle.JPG
参考: 网上
密苏里河 The Missouri River ( ometaa e in Cheyenne) is a tributary of the Mississippi River in the United States. The Missouri begins at the confluence of the Madison
and Gallatin rivers in Montana
and flows through its valley south and east into the Mississippi north of St. Louis
Missouri. At 2
341 mi (3
767 km)[1] in length
it drains about one-sixth of the North American continent. The Missouri in its original natural meandering state was the longest river in North America. Nearly 72 miles of the river have been cut off in channeling[5] and so it is now parable in length to the Mississippi River. The bination of the o longest rivers in North America forms the fourth longest river in the world. 2008-03-14 13:35:05 补充: .wrs.yahoo/_ylt=A8tU32thDtpHXmsB8C6.ygt./SIG=129iqva0i/EXP=1205559265/**%3Astatic.flickr/105/264081451_f2869e7969 2008-03-14 13:36:18 补充: 上面网址有图片
图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/f/f5/Missouri_river_in_Omaha%2C_Nebraska/288px-Missouri_river_in_Omaha%2C_Nebraska 密苏里河(Missouri River),美国主要河流之一,密西西比河正源。 密苏里河发源于蒙大拿州黄石公园附近的落基山脉东坡,流至密苏里州圣路易斯汇入密西西比河。全长4300多公里。 密苏里河的名称来源于土著印第安人阿尔冈金部落,意为“大独木舟之河” The Missouri River (ˀometaaˀe in Cheyenne) is a tributary of the Mississippi River in the United States. The Missouri begins at the confluence of the Madison
and Gallatin rivers in Montana
and flows through its valley south and east into the Mississippi north of St. Louis
Missouri. At 2
341 mi (3
767 km)[1] in length
it drains about one-sixth of the North American continent. The Missouri in its original natural meandering state was the longest river in North America. Nearly 72 miles of the river have been cut off in channeling[5] and so it is now parable in length to the Mississippi River. The bination of the o longest rivers in North America forms the fourth longest river in the world.
参考: en. *** /wiki/Missouri_River
参考: 网上
密苏里河 The Missouri River ( ometaa e in Cheyenne) is a tributary of the Mississippi River in the United States. The Missouri begins at the confluence of the Madison
and Gallatin rivers in Montana
and flows through its valley south and east into the Mississippi north of St. Louis
Missouri. At 2
341 mi (3
767 km)[1] in length
it drains about one-sixth of the North American continent. The Missouri in its original natural meandering state was the longest river in North America. Nearly 72 miles of the river have been cut off in channeling[5] and so it is now parable in length to the Mississippi River. The bination of the o longest rivers in North America forms the fourth longest river in the world. 2008-03-14 13:35:05 补充: .wrs.yahoo/_ylt=A8tU32thDtpHXmsB8C6.ygt./SIG=129iqva0i/EXP=1205559265/**%3Astatic.flickr/105/264081451_f2869e7969 2008-03-14 13:36:18 补充: 上面网址有图片
图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/f/f5/Missouri_river_in_Omaha%2C_Nebraska/288px-Missouri_river_in_Omaha%2C_Nebraska 密苏里河(Missouri River),美国主要河流之一,密西西比河正源。 密苏里河发源于蒙大拿州黄石公园附近的落基山脉东坡,流至密苏里州圣路易斯汇入密西西比河。全长4300多公里。 密苏里河的名称来源于土著印第安人阿尔冈金部落,意为“大独木舟之河” The Missouri River (ˀometaaˀe in Cheyenne) is a tributary of the Mississippi River in the United States. The Missouri begins at the confluence of the Madison
and Gallatin rivers in Montana
and flows through its valley south and east into the Mississippi north of St. Louis
Missouri. At 2
341 mi (3
767 km)[1] in length
it drains about one-sixth of the North American continent. The Missouri in its original natural meandering state was the longest river in North America. Nearly 72 miles of the river have been cut off in channeling[5] and so it is now parable in length to the Mississippi River. The bination of the o longest rivers in North America forms the fourth longest river in the world.
参考: en. *** /wiki/Missouri_River