
非常着急,今天晚上最好就要!英文的。我没有开玩笑,给的分很多,希望能够块先把答案给我!谢谢顺便说一句,文采很重要,不然的话我自己也可以把这些东西翻译出来了。所以说最好能够... 非常着急,今天晚上最好就要!英文的。












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2007-03-28 · 超过10用户采纳过TA的回答
From 06 years in August, to 07 years in March.The time crossed very quickly, in a moment already more than half a year.Gathers in this in half year, our 8 classes have had too many happy recollections and the unforgettable experience.Today takes this opportunity, shares us with everybody to grow the splendid piece - -

summer vacation military training, we just knew, between each other somewhat unfamiliar.From the very beginning in our heart then understood that, we are different with others, we are more than other class's schoolmates a responsibility, many outstanding.Perhaps is precisely because of such pressure, in the future life everybody will often be able some feelings.But this does not affect everybody to become the partner.In the difficult training we have been familiar with opposite party, has become the friend gradually.

Began school, we start in 8 class of classrooms to study assiduously earnestly.The study pressure is very big, but the after school life is richly colorful.

At the games, everybody first time experiences strives for success the unity strength in the new environment is how formidable.We have lost to seven classes by a minute difference, but we understood, 8 classes forever are the powerhouses.

Regardless of is time the military training chorus competition begins school after to recite the competition, we have all obtained the good result.We are using the fact to prove to these suspicion people, we are the group dragon reunion eight classes, forever invincible powerhouse.Not only is because the good result, is because of everybody in each aspect outstanding.

12 · 9 revolutionary short dramas are a small high tide, the day and night laborious preparation, the day and night rehearsal, finally traded perfectly first.Indeed, each time competes we nearly all is first, but this time first especially is unusual! That rigid move, testimony our strength.

Then is the new year in an instant, we without minding the trouble perform the short drama for junior middle school's schoolmate, but the final result is very bitterly disappointing.We have been disappointed, also was angry.But in any event, we pay in oneself heart to understand that, this sufficed.

The short half year, such story already had many too too many.We grow, the transformation, becomes a closer collective gradually.At the basketball league tournament displays the perfect several players, continues to mark new for ours legend.

Three year short, perhaps the twinkling of an eye we already separated from each other extremely.But regardless of where the future will arrive, I thought we will be able to remember, I will be able to remember, once I was 8 class of students, I will be this big family's one.I thought that, you also can remember.
2007-04-01 · TA获得超过941个赞
06 years in August, to 07 years in March.The time crossed very quickly, in a moment already more than half a year.Gathers in this in half year, our 8 classes have had too many happy recollections and the unforgettable experience.Today takes this opportunity, shares us with everybody to grow the splendid piece - -

summer vacation military training, we just knew, between each other somewhat unfamiliar.From the very beginning in our heart then understood that, we are different with others, we are more than other class's schoolmates a responsibility, many outstanding.Perhaps is precisely because of such pressure, in the future life everybody will often be able some feelings.But this does not affect everybody to become the partner.In the difficult training we have been familiar with opposite party, has become the friend gradually.
9 revolutionary short dramas are a small high tide, the day and night laborious preparation, the day and night rehearsal, finally traded perfectly first.Indeed, each time competes we nearly all is first, but this time first especially is unusual! That rigid move, testimony our strength.

Then is the new year in an instant, we without minding the trouble perform the short drama for junior middle school's schoolmate, but the final result is very bitterly disappointing.We have been disappointed, also was angry.But in any event, we pay in oneself heart to understand that, this sufficed.

The short half year, such story already had many too too many.We grow, the transformation, becomes a closer collective gradually.At the basketball league tournament displays the perfect several players, continues to mark new for ours legend.

Three year short, perhaps the twinkling of an eye we already separated from each other extremely.But regardless of where the future will arrive, I thought we will be able to remember, I will be able to remember, once I was 8 class of students, I will be this big family's one.I
Began school, we start in 8 class of classrooms to study assiduously earnestly.The study pressure is very big, but the after school life is richly colorful.

At the games, everybody
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From the August 06 to 07 of March. Time flies, who has a half a year. Spend six months in this, we have too many fond memories of eight flights and unforgettable experience. Take this opportunity today to share with you our exciting growth segments of the military -- summer, we just know, Or among some unfamiliar. Beginning our hearts will understand that we are different from other people's, we students more responsibility than the other classes. More fine. Maybe it is precisely because the pressure of life in the future we will always have some mixed feelings. However, this will not affect you as partners. We are familiar with each other's training hard, and gradually become friends. Opened a school, we have thrived in eight classes in the classroom. Learning a lot of pressure, but after-school life more colorful. Games, it was the first experience in the new environment, however powerful it is hard to unite with all forces. We lost by seven points to one, but we understand that the eight classes is always strong. Choral Competition is the military or school after the recitation competition, we have achieved good results. We use facts to prove those people who doubt, we are going to fill eight, the stronger will always be invincible. Not only because of good results, but also because we are excellent in all aspects. 12.9 revolutionary upsurge drama is a small, round-the-clock preparations hard, round-the-clock rehearsals. finally get a perfect first. Indeed, almost every time, we are the first contest, but the first one is particularly unusual. It touched a persistent, we witnessed the power.
New Year's is gone, we have worked tirelessly for middle-school students performing drama, but the final result was indeed scary. We feel disappointed, angry. But in any case, we are paying our own hearts to understand that this is enough. A short span of six months, such stories have been far too many. We grow and evolve gradually become more closely collective. Several players showed perfect basketball league, we will continue to draw on the new Legends of the sum. Three very short time, perhaps in a blink we have parted ways. But no matter where they go in the future, I think we will remember, I will remember that I have eight classes of students. I was a member of the family. I think you will remember.
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