The upper point of an interaction curve is the case of pure axial compression .Where the interaction curve intersects with the moment axis ,the column is under pure bending ,in which case the column behaves like a beam .The point of maximum moment on the interaction diagram coincides with the balanced condition .The extreme concrete fiber strain reaches ultimate strain (0.0033) simultaneously with yielding of the extreme layer of steel on the opposite side (fy / Es =0.002) .
The interaction diagram further reveals that as the axial force Nu becomes large the section can carry smaller Mu before failing in the compression zone .The reverse is the case in the tension zone ,where moment carrying capacity Mu increases with the increase of axial load Nu .In the compression failure zone ,the failure occurs due to over straining of concrete .The large axial force produces high compression strain of concrete keeping smaller margin available for additional compressive strain due to bending .On the other hand ,in the tension failure zone ,yielding of steel initiates failure .This tensile steel stress reduces with the additional compressive stress due to additional axial load .As a result ,further moment can be applied until the combined stress of steel due to axial force and increased moment reaches the yield strength .
Figure 4.31 shows a member loaded parallel to its axis by a compressive force N at an eccentricity e0 measured from the centerline .The actual geometrical shape of the concrete stresses distribution is shown in Figure 4.31a .Just as for simple bending ,the actual concrete compressive stress distribution is replaced by an equivalent rectangular distribution having depth x .Equilibrium between external and internal axial forces requires that
N= α1 fc b x + fy' As'-σs As
In addition ,sum of the moments of the concrete compressive stress ,reinforcement force and the external force N about the centerline of the resultant force in the tension reinforcement must equal to zero
Ne =α1 fc b x (h0 – )+ fy' As'(h0 –as')
e=e0 + - as
where ,
e =distance from the line of action of the axial compression force to the centroid of reinforcement on the side of the column farther from the load
h0 =distance from the centroid of reinforcement on the side of the column farther from the load to most extreme concrete compressive fiber
σs =stress in reinforcement on the side of the column father from the load . fy' ≤σs<fy for compression failure and σs= fy for tension failure
Additional eccentricity
To account for the additional eccentricity due to accidental eccentricity from loading ,nonhomogeneity of concrete material ,unsymmetrical reinforcement and construction tolerances ,the initial eccentricity e0 in Equation (4.4.4) is replace by
ei = e0+ ea
where the additional eccentricity , ea ,is 20mm or 1/30 column depth measured in the direction of eccentricity ,whichever is large . 展开
The interaction diagram further reveals that as the axial force Nu becomes large the section can carry smaller Mu before failing in the compression zone .The reverse is the case in the tension zone ,where moment carrying capacity Mu increases with the increase of axial load Nu .In the compression failure zone ,the failure occurs due to over straining of concrete .The large axial force produces high compression strain of concrete keeping smaller margin available for additional compressive strain due to bending .On the other hand ,in the tension failure zone ,yielding of steel initiates failure .This tensile steel stress reduces with the additional compressive stress due to additional axial load .As a result ,further moment can be applied until the combined stress of steel due to axial force and increased moment reaches the yield strength .
Figure 4.31 shows a member loaded parallel to its axis by a compressive force N at an eccentricity e0 measured from the centerline .The actual geometrical shape of the concrete stresses distribution is shown in Figure 4.31a .Just as for simple bending ,the actual concrete compressive stress distribution is replaced by an equivalent rectangular distribution having depth x .Equilibrium between external and internal axial forces requires that
N= α1 fc b x + fy' As'-σs As
In addition ,sum of the moments of the concrete compressive stress ,reinforcement force and the external force N about the centerline of the resultant force in the tension reinforcement must equal to zero
Ne =α1 fc b x (h0 – )+ fy' As'(h0 –as')
e=e0 + - as
where ,
e =distance from the line of action of the axial compression force to the centroid of reinforcement on the side of the column farther from the load
h0 =distance from the centroid of reinforcement on the side of the column farther from the load to most extreme concrete compressive fiber
σs =stress in reinforcement on the side of the column father from the load . fy' ≤σs<fy for compression failure and σs= fy for tension failure
Additional eccentricity
To account for the additional eccentricity due to accidental eccentricity from loading ,nonhomogeneity of concrete material ,unsymmetrical reinforcement and construction tolerances ,the initial eccentricity e0 in Equation (4.4.4) is replace by
ei = e0+ ea
where the additional eccentricity , ea ,is 20mm or 1/30 column depth measured in the direction of eccentricity ,whichever is large . 展开
1 。结合vrickwork与其他材料具有较大的挠度和压力。
2 。效果挠度及收缩混凝土砖上休息墙壁。
3 。发展的内部力量,由于水分的吸收,温度变化等。
1 。该基金会支持的砌石墙的设计应具有足够的刚度。
2 。提供横向和纵向伸缩缝在墙壁上有助于减少发生裂缝。
3 。使用的混凝土收缩率低的特点,也可防止开裂。
4 。最好是有短跨度为楼板。
技术名词在砌石显示在图.3.8 。
ͼ砌石应对throating wealthering
1 。结合vrickwork与其他材料具有较大的挠度和压力。
2 。效果挠度及收缩混凝土砖上休息墙壁。
3 。发展的内部力量,由于水分的吸收,温度变化等。
1 。该基金会支持的砌石墙的设计应具有足够的刚度。
2 。提供横向和纵向伸缩缝在墙壁上有助于减少发生裂缝。
3 。使用的混凝土收缩率低的特点,也可防止开裂。
4 。最好是有短跨度为楼板。
技术名词在砌石显示在图.3.8 。
ͼ砌石应对throating wealthering
参考资料: 百度一下

2024-04-03 广告
上面的位置的情况下互动曲线。纯轴向压缩曲线的交互作用与弯矩轴、专栏是纯弯下,在这种情况下,柱表现得像个梁的最大时刻。重要的交互图一致的平衡条件,极端的混凝土纤维应变达到极限应变(0.0033),同时产生层极端的钢对面的专项/ Es = 0.002)。