1、 音乐响起了,在音乐的伴奏下,一只美丽的大公鸡大摇大摆地走出来。 说:“Rooster rooster is very beantiful. It’s hat and nice coat clean eer golden feet. If you want tornow Who’s the most beautif Iword said It’s me.”
公鸡骄傲地说:“The woodpecker has long month .Let’s have a match.Who’s the most beautiful?”
啄木鸟听了它的话,摆摆手,说:“I’m sorry .The old tree has bugs. We will kill the disease .
公鸡昂着头说:“The frog has big tummy.Let’s have a match. Who’s the most beautiful?”
青蛙摆摆手说:“I’m sorry. The field has bugs. Let’s catch them.”
大公鸡骄傲地说:“The litter bee has big eyes. Let’ have a match . Who’s the most beautiful?”
小蜜蜂摆摆手说:“I’m sorry . The fruit tree are.We will qick up honey .”
大公鸡气极了,站在一旁独自生气,这时遇上了自己的影子,它说:“Who are you ?Do you have a match with me? I give you some colour to mett!” “咯咯的、咯咯的……”大公鸡听了影子的话气急了,忍不住就和影子打了起来。打累了,公鸡在一旁休息。
(2)影子走过来亲切耐心的对她说:“Rooster Rooster you are so precede . I’your self .We can not judge people by apparent”.听了影子的话,终于明白了道理,影子看到了大公鸡的进步很高兴。
1、 音乐响起了,在音乐的伴奏下,一只美丽的大公鸡大摇大摆地走出来。 说:“Rooster rooster is very beantiful. It’s hat and nice coat clean eer golden feet. If you want tornow Who’s the most beautif Iword said It’s me.”
公鸡骄傲地说:“The woodpecker has long month .Let’s have a match.Who’s the most beautiful?”
啄木鸟听了它的话,摆摆手,说:“I’m sorry .The old tree has bugs. We will kill the disease .
公鸡昂着头说:“The frog has big tummy.Let’s have a match. Who’s the most beautiful?”
青蛙摆摆手说:“I’m sorry. The field has bugs. Let’s catch them.”
大公鸡骄傲地说:“The litter bee has big eyes. Let’ have a match . Who’s the most beautiful?”
小蜜蜂摆摆手说:“I’m sorry . The fruit tree are.We will qick up honey .”
大公鸡气极了,站在一旁独自生气,这时遇上了自己的影子,它说:“Who are you ?Do you have a match with me? I give you some colour to mett!” “咯咯的、咯咯的……”大公鸡听了影子的话气急了,忍不住就和影子打了起来。打累了,公鸡在一旁休息。
(2)影子走过来亲切耐心的对她说:“Rooster Rooster you are so precede . I’your self .We can not judge people by apparent”.听了影子的话,终于明白了道理,影子看到了大公鸡的进步很高兴。