
演出协议书甲方:乙方:根据《合同法》和其他有关法律规定,甲乙双方协商一致,签订协议如下:第一条:演出日期及时间日期及时间表演内容单价备注每周二至每周日工作时间(Worki... 演 出 协 议 书

日期及时间 表演内容 单价 备注
工作时间(Working Hours)
11:30—12:00 ( Welcoming 迎客 )
12:00—12:15 ( Rest 休息 )
12:15—12:45 ( 1st.Set 第一场 )
12:45---13:00 ( Rest 休息 )
13:00---13:30 ( 2nd.Set 第二场 )
13:30---13:45 ( Rest 休息 )
13:45---14:00 ( 3 nd.Set 第三场 )
17:30---18:00 ( Welcoming 迎客)
18:00—18:15 ( Rest 休息 )
18:15---18:45 ( 1st. Set 第一场 )
18:45---19:05 ( Rest 休息 )
19:05---19:35 ( 2nd.Set 第二场 )
19:35---19:50 ( Rest 休息 )
19:50---20:20 ( 3rd.Set 第三场 )
20:20---20:35 ( Rest 休息 )
20:35---21:00 ( finish work 结束工作 )
第四条:每场演出时间 6小时,上午2.5小时,晚上3.5小时
第五条: 演出服务费总额计: 人民币:20300元,大写:贰万零叁佰元)。
第七条: 乙方应保证演出人数的稳定性和准时性。
第十一条: 违约责任:合同经双方签字后生效,如有违约,由违约方以全部演出费作为违约金支付守约方。因合同履行产生纠纷,双方协商解决,协商不成时,提交人民法院裁判。
第十二条: 甲方委托 邱萍、邢艳婷 为全权代表负责与乙方协议中需要完成的工作。
第十三条:其他需要约定的事项: 1、乙方在餐厅演出后可享受餐费:人民币300元/月/人(发放日期为:每月1号).2、甲方为乙方提供集体宿舍,宿舍里配置有普通生活用品及设施,协议期宿舍内产生的所有费用(如水费、电费、煤气费等)360元内由甲方承担,超出部分由乙方承担。3、乙方在甲方指定餐厅表演时,按甲方餐厅的制度进行管理,所涉及管理方面的争议按甲方规章制度执行 。

甲方: 乙方
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Play a covariant re-debate book

Party a:
Party b:
Basis "contract law" and other relevant laws and regulations, and both parties negotiated consensus, sign agreement as follows:
Article 1: the performance date and time
Date and time acting content unit price remark
Every Tuesday to every Sunday
Working time (for) business
Morning (Morning) :
Weekday - Welcoming visitor) you (
You shall Rest Rest) (--
Wherefore - both (1st. Set game 1)
Both - will Rest Rest) (
Will - 13:30 (2nd. Set the second game)
13:30-13:45 (Rest Rest)
13:45 - - foreign (3 nd. Set game 3)
Night (will)
From - 6pm (Welcoming visitor)
Then the Rest - 6pm (Rest)
Moreover - a little (1st Set in the first game).
A little Rest - 19:05 (Rest)
19:05 - happened (2nd. Set the second game)
Happened - timnathserah (Rest Rest)
Timnathserah - arrayed (law. Set game 3)
They came to Rest - (Rest)
Smite - some finish working at (schools)
Must comply with the relevant Chinese laws and regulations
780 yuan / 6 hours
As in China on Monday, legal holiday Christmas and valentine's day western festivals such as visual operating condition, party a to party b rest corresponding adjustments, party b must obey party a shall arrange for no reason.
Article 2: the performance sites
Perform site for a appointed restaurant
Article 3: the performance number 6 total:
Article 4: every time six hours, show the morning 2.5 hours, evening 3.5 hours
Article 5: the performance service plan: RMB: total 20300 yuan, capital: two thousand three hundred dollars).
Article 6: party a shall pay to party b monthly 10 20300 yuan RMB: performance fees, capital: two thousand three hundred yuan.
Article 7: party b shall ensure the stability and performance number of time.
Article 8: party b must strictly in accordance with the agreement of both parties agreed time to participate in the performance, such as for party b causes show the time delay, all consequences shall be borne by party b, party a will to this agreement performance time shall prevail.
Article 9: party a is responsible to handle matters relating to the performance of this agreement with administrative functions need to deal with all the formalities.
Article 10:1 content of this agreement by party b for party a performance, if party a temporary change performance time and place, and shall inform party b.
Article 11: responsibility of breach of contract shall become effective after its signing by both parties, if any breach by the breaching party with all performing as liquidated damages paid jv party. Because of a dispute, contract both sides talks things over solve, consultation fails, submit the people's court judge.
Article 12: QiuPing, XingYanTing for party a entrusts party b is responsible with plenipotentiary agreements in the work that needs to be done.
Article 13: other matters need agreed by party b in dining-room: 1, can enjoy the performance after meals: RMB 300 yuan/month/person (issuing date for: monthly # 1). 2, party a shall provide party b with collective dormitory dormitory, equipped with ordinary supplies and facilities, the agreement period produced in the dormitory all expenses (such as water, gas, electricity, etc.) 360 yuan inside be borne by party a, exceed a share be borne by party b. 3 party a and party b in designated restaurant performances, by party a restaurant system management, involved management aspects of the dispute by party a regulation enforcement.
Article 14: this agreement is prepared and executed effect after its signing by both parties. Party a, party b holds one copy holds one copy.

Party a: party b
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2011-02-22 · TA获得超过422个赞
Play a covariant re-debate book

Party a:
Party b:
Basis "contract law" and other relevant laws and regulations, and both parties negotiated consensus, sign agreement as follows:
Article 1: the performance date and time
Date and time acting content unit price remark
Every Tuesday to every Sunday
Working time (for) business
Morning (Morning) :
Weekday - Welcoming visitor) you (
You shall Rest Rest) (--
Wherefore - both (1st. Set game 1)
Both - will Rest Rest) (
Will - 13:30 (2nd. Set the second game)
13:30-13:45 (Rest Rest)
13:45 - - foreign (3 nd. Set game 3)
Night (will)
From - 6pm (Welcoming visitor)
Then the Rest - 6pm (Rest)
Moreover - a little (1st Set in the first game).
A little Rest - 19:05 (Rest)
19:05 - happened (2nd. Set the second game)
Happened - timnathserah (Rest Rest)
Timnathserah - arrayed (law. Set game 3)
They came to Rest - (Rest)
Smite - some finish working at (schools)
Must comply with the relevant Chinese laws and regulations
780 yuan / 6 hours
As in China on Monday, legal holiday Christmas and valentine's day western festivals such as visual operating condition, party a to party b rest corresponding adjustments, party b must obey party a shall arrange for no reason.
Article 2: the performance sites
Perform site for a appointed restaurant
Article 3: the performance number 6 total:
Article 4: every time six hours, show the morning 2.5 hours, evening 3.5 hours
Article 5: the performance service plan: RMB: total 20300 yuan, capital: two thousand three hundred dollars).
Article 6: party a shall pay to party b monthly 10 20300 yuan RMB: performance fees, capital: two thousand three hundred yuan.
Article 7: party b shall ensure the stability and performance number of time.
Article 8: party b must strictly in accordance with the agreement of both parties agreed time to participate in the performance, such as for party b causes show the time delay, all consequences shall be borne by party b, party a will to this agreement performance time shall prevail.
Article 9: party a is responsible to handle matters relating to the performance of this agreement with administrative functions need to deal with all the formalities.
Article 10:1 content of this agreement by party b for party a performance, if party a temporary change performance time and place, and shall inform party b.
Article 11: responsibility of breach of contract shall become effective after its signing by both parties, if any breach by the breaching party with all performing as liquidated damages paid jv party. Because of a dispute, contract both sides talks things over solve, consultation fails, submit the people's court judge.
Article 12: QiuPing, XingYanTing for party a entrusts party b is responsible with plenipotentiary agreements in the work that needs to be done.
Article 13: other matters need agreed by party b in dining-room: 1, can enjoy the performance after meals: RMB 300 yuan/month/person (issuing date for: monthly # 1). 2, party a shall provide party b with collective dormitory dormitory, equipped with ordinary supplies and facilities, the agreement period produced in the dormitory all expenses (such as water, gas, electricity, etc.) 360 yuan inside be borne by party a, exceed a share be borne by party b. 3 party a and party b in designated restaurant performances, by party a restaurant system management, involved management aspects of the dispute by party a regulation enforcement.
Article 14: this agreement is prepared and executed effect after its signing by both parties. Party a, party b holds one copy holds one copy.

Party a: party b
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2021-01-20 · 15年多领域专业英语兼职翻译
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向TA提问 私信TA
Performance Agreement

Party A:

Party B:

According to the Contract Law and other relevant laws and regulations, both parties reached an agreement and signed the following agreement:

Article 1: Date and time of performance

日期及时间 表演内容 单价 备注
Date & Time Performance Content Unit Price Remarks

Every Tuesday to Every Sunday

工作时间(Working Hours)
11:30—12:00 ( Welcoming 迎客 )
12:00—12:15 ( Rest 休息 )
12:15—12:45 ( 1st.Set 第一场 )
12:45---13:00 ( Rest 休息 )
13:00---13:30 ( 2nd.Set 第二场 )
13:30---13:45 ( Rest 休息 )
13:45---14:00 ( 3 nd.Set 第三场 )
17:30---18:00 ( Welcoming 迎客)
18:00—18:15 ( Rest 休息 )
18:15---18:45 ( 1st. Set 第一场 )
18:45---19:05 ( Rest 休息 )
19:05---19:35 ( 2nd.Set 第二场 )
19:35---19:50 ( Rest 休息 )
19:50---20:20 ( 3rd.Set 第三场 )
20:20---20:35 ( Rest 休息 )
20:35---21:00 ( finish work 结束工作 )
Must comply with relevant Chinese laws and regulations

RMB 780 Yuan/6 hours

If it's a Chinese statutory holiday, Christmas, Valentine's Day and other Western holidays on Monday, Party A will make corresponding adjustments to Party B’s rest depending on the operating conditions, and Party B must obey Party A’s arrangements.

Article 2: Performance location

The performance location is the restaurant designated by Party A

Article 3: The total number of performers is 6

第四条:每场演出时间 6小时,上午2.5小时,晚上3.5小时
Article 4: The duration of each performance is 6 hours, with 2.5 hours in the morning and 3.5 hours in the evening

第五条: 演出服务费总额计: 人民币:20300元,大写:贰万零叁佰元)。
Article 5: The total service fee of performance is RMB: 20,300 yuan, SAY twenty thousand three hundred yuan).

Article 6: Party A shall pay Party B the performance fee of 20,300 yuan in RMB on the 10th day of each month, SAY twenty thousand three hundred yuan.

第七条: 乙方应保证演出人数的稳定性和准时性。
Article 7: Party B shall ensure the stability and punctuality of the number of performers.

Article 8: Party B must participate in the performance on time in strict accordance with the time agreed by both parties in this agreement. If the performance time is delayed due to Party B, all consequences shall be borne by Party B. Party A will take the performance time in this agreement as the standard.

Article 9: Party A is responsible for handling the performance matters of this agreement and all formalities required by the administrative and functional departments.

Article 10: Party B will perform for Party A in accordance with Article 1 of this agreement. If Party A temporarily changes the time and location of the performance, it shall notify Party B in time.

第十一条: 违约责任:合同经双方签字后生效,如有违约,由违约方以全部演出费作为违约金支付守约方。因合同履行产生纠纷,双方协商解决,协商不成时,提交人民法院裁判。
Article 11: Liability for breach of contract: The contract becomes effective after both parties have signed it. If there is a breach of contract, the breaching party shall pay the observant party all performance fees as liquidated damages. Disputes arising from the performance of the contract should be resolved through negotiation between the two parties. If the negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to the People’s Court for judgment.

第十二条: 甲方委托 邱萍、邢艳婷 为全权代表负责与乙方协议中需要完成的工作。
Article 12: Party A entrusts Qiu Ping and Xing Yanting as plenipotentiary representatives to be responsible for the work to be completed in the agreement with Party B.

第十三条:其他需要约定的事项: 1、乙方在餐厅演出后可享受餐费:人民币300元/月/人(发放日期为:每月1号).2、甲方为乙方提供集体宿舍,宿舍里配置有普通生活用品及设施,协议期宿舍内产生的所有费用(如水费、电费、煤气费等)360元内由甲方承担,超出部分由乙方承担。3、乙方在甲方指定餐厅表演时,按甲方餐厅的制度进行管理,所涉及管理方面的争议按甲方规章制度执行 。
Article 13: Other matters that need to be agreed: 1. Party B can enjoy a meal fee of RMB 300 yuan/month/person (paid on the 1st of each month) after the end of performance in the restaurant. 2. Party A provides a dormitory for Party B. The dormitory shall be equipped with common daily necessities and facilities. All expenses (such as bills for water, electricity, gas, etc.) in the dormitory during the agreement period shall be borne by Party A. If such expenses exceed 360 yuan, the excess shall be borne by Party B. 3. When Party B performs in the restaurant designated by Party A, it shall be managed according to Party A’s restaurant system, and the management disputes involved shall be governed by Party A’s rules and regulations.

Article 14: This agreement is made in two copies, which shall become effective after being signed by both parties. Party A shall hold one copy and Party B shall hold the other copy.

甲方: 乙方
Party A: Party B
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