Letter of intent for cooperation
This intention is made by and between SOMAT Italy Company (following called First Party) & China Victory First Holdings Limited (following called Second Party), whereby the two parties agree to amicable negotiation about the item (following called item) for establishing blender assembly manufactory in Italy.
1、 总则
1.General principles
Two parties undertake exclusive cooperation concerning fore-mentioned market development and agreement’s execution in line with the principles of the complementarities of each other's strengths, reciprocity, and mutual benefit. That is, any party including respective branch offices, sub-companies, stock companies and their attached units must not team up with any Third party in any way in regard to this item.
The common goal is long-termed consortium, persist in improving products which are in conformity with the local standards and can be purchased in Italy, as well as circumjacent countries.
First party is mostly in charge of the coordination and relation with the local department, such as the government, the bank, the chamber of commerce and so on; even manage the whole exploitation of item. But second party is mostly in charge of making technical documents, offering cargoes, service and technology supplying, in addition offer the market support for peripheral companies.
The letter of intent implicates three kinds of blenders which will produce by second party, and the specifications are Y-323, Y-324 and Y-X436.
2、 双方的工作
2. Tasks of two parties
2.1 在正式的合作协议签订前
2.1 Prophase of signatory
2.1.1 甲方的责任和义务
2. 1.1 Responsibilities and obligations of first party
? 编制该项目在意大利的可行性报告,及时就技术和商务问题与乙方进行澄清;
? To make feasibility report regarding this item in Italy, then solves all problems in technique and commerce as soon as possible with second party.
? 负责项目融资事宜并承担相应工作,在必要时与乙方协作为该项目争取优惠的信贷条件;
? To make project financing as well as taking corresponding responsibilities, and assist second party to contest preferential credit conditions in necessary.
? 审核乙方编制的商务、技术文件并汇总,提出修改意见、组织谈判;
? To examine and summarize commercial and technical documents by second party, submit recomposed opinions, so far as to organize negotiation.
? 负责组织乙方以及相关人员在意大利的考察工作;
? To arrange all matters of visiting and studying in Italy by the persons in second party and related staff.
? 负责在合作过程中及时向当地的商会和政府部门汇报项目情况,并获得有关政府部门的支持。
? To report status of the project to local chamber of commerce and government, in addition get support of relative governmental branches.
2.1.2 乙方的责任和义务
2. 1.2 Responsibilities and obligations of second party
? 在充分考虑甲方要求的前提下编写目标产品的技术文件,保证技术的完整性、可靠性和先进性;
? To compile technical documents based on full considering the requirements of first party, so as to assure integrity, reliability and advancement of technique.
? 充分考虑甲方要求与乙方习惯的差异,并针对差异项尽可能提出备选方案以供甲方选择;
? To fully consider the difference between two parties, provide alternative methods to banish variations.
? 负责人员来华考察的接待,并负责安排参观生产工厂、会谈,组织技术交流;
? To schedule staffs’ reception for observing and visiting Chinese factory, even more take charge in interlocution and technical exchange.
? 及时安排有关人员参加国内外的考察和谈判工作,并根据甲方的意见对有关技术文件、商务文件进行补充和修改;
? To arrange related persons attending survey and negotiation at home and abroad, renew and amend related technical documents according to first party’s demand.
2.2 在正式的合作协议签订后
2. 2 After signature of formal contract
Two parties can sign a specific purchasing contract which will make clear each duties and engagements of two parties under the regulations and requirements of the cooperative agreement.
In accordance with its own business features, the second party can authorize its full-lot capital sub-company Victory First international economic & trace limited to sign the purchase contract, technical and service agreements with the first party, in addition take charge of the whole operation process of this item.
3、 费用
3. The cost
3.1 在正式协议签订前,甲乙双方分别承担各自为获得该项目所发生的所有费用。
3. 1 Before signature of formal contract, two parties must take charge of respective expenses in order to get this item.
3.2 在正式协议生效后的执行过程中,双方根据签订的合同或意向书支付相关货款或费用。
3. 2 During the course of carrying out the formal agreement which has become effective, two parties must pay the related costs of goods on the basis of contract or letter of intent.
4、 保密原则
4. The confidential principle
In the period of the letter of intent’s validity, two parties have the responsibilities to keep secret for all information and documents. In another word, without consent by both sides in written form, any party can’t reveal the information and documents about cooperation to third party, or used them for non-cooperative item.
5、 违约责任
5. The liability for breach contract
As any side of two parties’ breaches responsibilities and engagements which are defined in letter of intent, and lead to counterpart’s loss, the aggrieved party has the right to lodge a claim to the responsible party. And the amount of compensation shall be based on the direct or indirect loss.
6、 意向书的补充修改
6. The supplement and amendment for the letter of intent
6.1 此意向书书为双方合作的依据,未尽事宜甲乙双方另行协商解决。
6. 1 Two parties should cooperate on the basis of this letter of intent, and the unaccomplished matters between the two parties can be settled by consultation.
6.2 任何修改、变更和补充的条款和内容,一方应提前两个月向另一方以书面形式提出,经双方确认签字盖章后,将被视为本意向书不可分割的组成部分,与本意向书具有同等法律效力。
6. 2 Any amendments, modifying, and supplements to the clauses and contents should be submitted to other party in written form, will be counted as an undivided part of the letter of intent, and have equally authentic in terms of law after the signature by both sides.
7、 意向书的生效及期限
7. The letter of intent’s effect and period of validity
8.1 本意向书自甲乙双方代表签字盖章之日起生效,有效期一年。
8. 1 This letter of intent is effected after signed by both parties, and valid within one year.
8.2 双方在此前签订的供货合同不受本意向书的约束。
8. 2 The purchase contracts signed by two parties before are uncommitted to this letter of intent.
8.3 若任何一方不履行或未按本意向书约定履行任何权利义务的,则守约方要求违约方的赔偿权利或要求违约方承担违约责任的权利不以本意向书的终止而终止。
8. 3 If any party fails to perform the rights and obligations which have been stipulated in the letter of intent , the observant party has the right to ask the party in breach to compensate rights or to request the party in breach to bear responsibility for breach of contract, and its rights can not be terminated along with the termination of this letter of intent.
8.4 意向书一式二份,双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。
8. 4 This letter of intent is signed in duplicate, both parties hold one with the same legal effect.
甲 方:
Party A:
SOMAT Italy Company
乙 方:
Party B:
China Victory First Holdings Limited
Letter of intent for cooperation
This intention is made by and between SOMAT Italy Company (following called First Party) & China Victory First Holdings Limited (following called Second Party), whereby the two parties agree to amicable negotiation about the item (following called item) for establishing blender assembly manufactory in Italy.
1、 总则
1.General principles
Two parties undertake exclusive cooperation concerning fore-mentioned market development and agreement’s execution in line with the principles of the complementarities of each other's strengths, reciprocity, and mutual benefit. That is, any party including respective branch offices, sub-companies, stock companies and their attached units must not team up with any Third party in any way in regard to this item.
The common goal is long-termed consortium, persist in improving products which are in conformity with the local standards and can be purchased in Italy, as well as circumjacent countries.
First party is mostly in charge of the coordination and relation with the local department, such as the government, the bank, the chamber of commerce and so on; even manage the whole exploitation of item. But second party is mostly in charge of making technical documents, offering cargoes, service and technology supplying, in addition offer the market support for peripheral companies.
The letter of intent implicates three kinds of blenders which will produce by second party, and the specifications are Y-323, Y-324 and Y-X436.
2、 双方的工作
2. Tasks of two parties
2.1 在正式的合作协议签订前
2.1 Prophase of signatory
2.1.1 甲方的责任和义务
2. 1.1 Responsibilities and obligations of first party
? 编制该项目在意大利的可行性报告,及时就技术和商务问题与乙方进行澄清;
? To make feasibility report regarding this item in Italy, then solves all problems in technique and commerce as soon as possible with second party.
? 负责项目融资事宜并承担相应工作,在必要时与乙方协作为该项目争取优惠的信贷条件;
? To make project financing as well as taking corresponding responsibilities, and assist second party to contest preferential credit conditions in necessary.
? 审核乙方编制的商务、技术文件并汇总,提出修改意见、组织谈判;
? To examine and summarize commercial and technical documents by second party, submit recomposed opinions, so far as to organize negotiation.
? 负责组织乙方以及相关人员在意大利的考察工作;
? To arrange all matters of visiting and studying in Italy by the persons in second party and related staff.
? 负责在合作过程中及时向当地的商会和政府部门汇报项目情况,并获得有关政府部门的支持。
? To report status of the project to local chamber of commerce and government, in addition get support of relative governmental branches.
2.1.2 乙方的责任和义务
2. 1.2 Responsibilities and obligations of second party
? 在充分考虑甲方要求的前提下编写目标产品的技术文件,保证技术的完整性、可靠性和先进性;
? To compile technical documents based on full considering the requirements of first party, so as to assure integrity, reliability and advancement of technique.
? 充分考虑甲方要求与乙方习惯的差异,并针对差异项尽可能提出备选方案以供甲方选择;
? To fully consider the difference between two parties, provide alternative methods to banish variations.
? 负责人员来华考察的接待,并负责安排参观生产工厂、会谈,组织技术交流;
? To schedule staffs’ reception for observing and visiting Chinese factory, even more take charge in interlocution and technical exchange.
? 及时安排有关人员参加国内外的考察和谈判工作,并根据甲方的意见对有关技术文件、商务文件进行补充和修改;
? To arrange related persons attending survey and negotiation at home and abroad, renew and amend related technical documents according to first party’s demand.
2.2 在正式的合作协议签订后
2. 2 After signature of formal contract
Two parties can sign a specific purchasing contract which will make clear each duties and engagements of two parties under the regulations and requirements of the cooperative agreement.
In accordance with its own business features, the second party can authorize its full-lot capital sub-company Victory First international economic & trace limited to sign the purchase contract, technical and service agreements with the first party, in addition take charge of the whole operation process of this item.
3、 费用
3. The cost
3.1 在正式协议签订前,甲乙双方分别承担各自为获得该项目所发生的所有费用。
3. 1 Before signature of formal contract, two parties must take charge of respective expenses in order to get this item.
3.2 在正式协议生效后的执行过程中,双方根据签订的合同或意向书支付相关货款或费用。
3. 2 During the course of carrying out the formal agreement which has become effective, two parties must pay the related costs of goods on the basis of contract or letter of intent.
4、 保密原则
4. The confidential principle
In the period of the letter of intent’s validity, two parties have the responsibilities to keep secret for all information and documents. In another word, without consent by both sides in written form, any party can’t reveal the information and documents about cooperation to third party, or used them for non-cooperative item.
5、 违约责任
5. The liability for breach contract
As any side of two parties’ breaches responsibilities and engagements which are defined in letter of intent, and lead to counterpart’s loss, the aggrieved party has the right to lodge a claim to the responsible party. And the amount of compensation shall be based on the direct or indirect loss.
6、 意向书的补充修改
6. The supplement and amendment for the letter of intent
6.1 此意向书书为双方合作的依据,未尽事宜甲乙双方另行协商解决。
6. 1 Two parties should cooperate on the basis of this letter of intent, and the unaccomplished matters between the two parties can be settled by consultation.
6.2 任何修改、变更和补充的条款和内容,一方应提前两个月向另一方以书面形式提出,经双方确认签字盖章后,将被视为本意向书不可分割的组成部分,与本意向书具有同等法律效力。
6. 2 Any amendments, modifying, and supplements to the clauses and contents should be submitted to other party in written form, will be counted as an undivided part of the letter of intent, and have equally authentic in terms of law after the signature by both sides.
7、 意向书的生效及期限
7. The letter of intent’s effect and period of validity
8.1 本意向书自甲乙双方代表签字盖章之日起生效,有效期一年。
8. 1 This letter of intent is effected after signed by both parties, and valid within one year.
8.2 双方在此前签订的供货合同不受本意向书的约束。
8. 2 The purchase contracts signed by two parties before are uncommitted to this letter of intent.
8.3 若任何一方不履行或未按本意向书约定履行任何权利义务的,则守约方要求违约方的赔偿权利或要求违约方承担违约责任的权利不以本意向书的终止而终止。
8. 3 If any party fails to perform the rights and obligations which have been stipulated in the letter of intent , the observant party has the right to ask the party in breach to compensate rights or to request the party in breach to bear responsibility for breach of contract, and its rights can not be terminated along with the termination of this letter of intent.
8.4 意向书一式二份,双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。
8. 4 This letter of intent is signed in duplicate, both parties hold one with the same legal effect.
甲 方:
Party A:
SOMAT Italy Company
乙 方:
Party B:
China Victory First Holdings Limited
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