
孔子是中国古代最著名的思想家和教育家。由于他早年接受了良好的贵族教育,对传统的礼、乐、射、御、书、数即“六艺”十分精通,加之天资聪颖又谦虚好学,故学识日进。到30岁左右,... 孔子是中国古代最著名的思想家和教育家。由于他早年接受了良好的贵族教育,对传统的礼、乐、射、御、书、数即“六艺”十分精通,加之天资聪颖又谦虚好学,故学识日进。到30岁左右,已经以博学知名于世,开始招收门徒,传授《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》等古代文化典籍。尽管孔子一生在政治上屡屡碰壁,得意时少,失意时多,但他却以道德高尚、人品出众、学问渊博受到时人的称颂和景仰。当时的人说他是上天用来启发下民的“木铎”,多能的“圣者”。他的学生颜渊说,孔子之道“仰之弥高,钻之弥坚”。 (《子罕》)子贡赞美说:“他人之贤者,丘陵也,犹可逾也;仲尼,日月也,无得而逾也。“(《子张》)“夫子之不可及也,犹天之不可阶而升也。“(《子张》)他创建的儒家学派至战国时已成为世之“显学”。西汉时罢黜百家,独尊儒术,孔子的地位被拥戴到先秦诸子之上。大史学家司马迁专门在《史记》中为孔子立“世家“,将他抬到诸侯的地位,称他是“至圣”。还有的儒者称他是“素王”,即指有帝王之德而不居帝王之位的人。此后直到清代,儒学基本上一直处于独尊的地位。历代统治者都竭力尊崇孔子,为他建庙祭祀,赐给他的后裔封爵和特权,并给孔子本人加上“大成至圣文宣王”、“至圣先师”等多种华贵头衔。孔子诞生距今已有2500多年,在他生活的年代,尽管人们对他赞美备至,但他毕竟是个活生生的人,他影响人们的除了高尚的品德、渊博的学识更有人格的魅力。孔子逝世之后,后世的人们不断的对他美化乃至神化,时至今日,在人们的心目中,孔子已不是一个七情皆备的人,而是一尊笼罩着神秘光环的神,我们对他崇拜有余而亲近不足。这种现象不利于我们对孔子的深入了解,不利于我们对他思想理论的诠释和研究。我们有必要让孔子走下神坛,还其普通人的面目,这样将对孔子研究大有裨益。 展开
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Kong Zi was China ancient times the most renowned thinker and theeducationalist. Because his has long ago accepted the good aristocrateducation, to the traditional ritual, happy, shoots, imperially, thebook, the number namely "the six arts" extremely is skilled in, addsthe natural talent to be intelligent modestly is diligent, thereforethe knowledge date enters. To 30 years old about, already by learnedwell-known to world, starts to recruit the disciple, taught "Poem","Book", "Ritual", "Is happy" and so on the ancient civilizationancient book. Although Kong Zi life repeatedly runs into a wall inpolitics, self-satisfied when few, is frustrated when many, when he tothe morals is actually noble, the moral behavior outstanding, theknowledge profoundly receives person's praise and admires. Then personsaid he is the heaven uses for under the inspiration the people "thewooden bell", are many can "saint". His student Yan Yuan said that,road of the Kong Zi "supine makes up high, drills it to make upfirmly". ("Sub- Rarely") the sub- tribute praises said that, "Sage ofthe other people, knoll also, probably exceed; 仲尼, the livelihoodalso, does not have exceed but. "("Sub-")" master may not and also,still the day may not the step rise. "("Sub-") he founds Confucianistschool of thought to Warring States when has become world it" thefamous doctrine ". When Western Han Dynasty rejects hundred, alonereveres the Confucianist method, Kong Zi's status is supported above先秦诸子. Big historian Sima Qian specially center sets up "thearistocratic family" in "Shihchi" for Kong Zi, lifts him to feudallord's status, called he is "the highest sage". Also some Confucianscholars called he is "素王", namely refers has Germany of the kingbut not to occupy of the king person. Hereafter until the QingDynasty, the Confucianism basically the status which continuously isin alone reveres. All previous dynasties rulers all by might and mainvenerate Kong Zi, constructs the temple sacrificial offering for him,bestows seals 爵 and the privilege for his descendant, and adds onfor Kong Zi "accomplishes highest sage Wen Xuanwang", "the highestsage my deceased teacher" and so on the many kinds of magnificent andexpensive titles. Kong Zi is born is apart from now to have more than2,500 years, lives the age in him, although the people praise to himto the greatest extent, but he is a living person after all, heaffects the people except the noble personal character, the profoundknowledge has the personality the charm. After Kong Zi passed away,later generation's people are unceasing beautify to him and evendeify, at this point, in people's mind, Kong Zi already is not theperson which seven sentiments all prepares, but is covering themystical corona god, we worship to him have Yu Er to be intimate withthe insufficiency. This kind of phenomenon is disadvantageous to us toKong Zi's thorough understanding, is disadvantageous to us to histhought theory annotation and the research. We have the necessity tolet Kong Zi go down the god world, but also its average person'sappearance, like this will study to Kong Zi is of great help.
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