请翻译一下~!!(汉转英) 10
1 包青一听就不耐烦,又不好发作,。。。
2 包青打着伞,带着礼品奔波在几个亲戚家中拜年。
3 你身份高,没准他会给你面子的。
4 一直到半夜,他还合不上眼。希望使他快活,恐惧使他惊惶,他想睡,但谁不着,四肢像散了似的在一些干草上放着。
5 才总算得到了这个充分欣赏边境天鹅湖美景的机会。此刻,他觉得天鹅湖比陈陈向他描述的还要美。
6 他正独自一个人沉浸在宁静的遐思中,一阵马蹄声从他身后转来。
7 儒家的纲领是君君臣臣父父子子,强调的是上尊下辈,论资排辈,无条件服从,以专制暴力消灭竞争,来维护皇权和农业的水平。 展开
2 包青打着伞,带着礼品奔波在几个亲戚家中拜年。
3 你身份高,没准他会给你面子的。
4 一直到半夜,他还合不上眼。希望使他快活,恐惧使他惊惶,他想睡,但谁不着,四肢像散了似的在一些干草上放着。
5 才总算得到了这个充分欣赏边境天鹅湖美景的机会。此刻,他觉得天鹅湖比陈陈向他描述的还要美。
6 他正独自一个人沉浸在宁静的遐思中,一阵马蹄声从他身后转来。
7 儒家的纲领是君君臣臣父父子子,强调的是上尊下辈,论资排辈,无条件服从,以专制暴力消灭竞争,来维护皇权和农业的水平。 展开
1 包青一听就不耐烦,又不好发作,。。。
2 包青打着伞,带着礼品奔波在几个亲戚家中拜年。
3 你身份高,没准他会给你面子的。
4 一直到半夜,他还合不上眼。希望使他快活,恐惧使他惊惶,他想睡,但谁不着,四肢像散了似的在一些干草上放着。
5 才总算得到了这个充分欣赏边境天鹅湖美景的机会。此刻,他觉得天鹅湖比陈陈向他描述的还要美。
6 他正独自一个人沉浸在宁静的遐思中,一阵马蹄声从他身后转来。
7 儒家的纲领是君君臣臣父父子子,强调的是上尊下辈,论资排辈,无条件服从,以专制暴力消灭竞争,来维护皇权和农业的水平。:
1 package green one on the impatient, a bad attack. . .
2 packages blue an umbrella, with the gifts back and forth a few relatives in the New Year.
3 you as high, chances are he will give you face-saving.
4 until the middle of the night, he is not touched upon cooperation. Want to make him happy, fear, terrified him, his sleepy, but who is not, and limbs scattered like as lying in some hay.
5 before finally got the full appreciation of the beauty of Swan Lake border opportunities. At the moment, he felt that Swan Lake than the Chen Chen described to him more beautiful.
6 He is alone immersed in the quiet reverie, the burst of hoofs behind him transferred.
7 Jun monarch Confucian program is sub-Chen Fu and his son, the emphasis is on respect Xiabei, seniority, unconditional obedience to authoritarian violence to eliminate competition, to maintain the level of imperial power and agriculture.
2 包青打着伞,带着礼品奔波在几个亲戚家中拜年。
3 你身份高,没准他会给你面子的。
4 一直到半夜,他还合不上眼。希望使他快活,恐惧使他惊惶,他想睡,但谁不着,四肢像散了似的在一些干草上放着。
5 才总算得到了这个充分欣赏边境天鹅湖美景的机会。此刻,他觉得天鹅湖比陈陈向他描述的还要美。
6 他正独自一个人沉浸在宁静的遐思中,一阵马蹄声从他身后转来。
7 儒家的纲领是君君臣臣父父子子,强调的是上尊下辈,论资排辈,无条件服从,以专制暴力消灭竞争,来维护皇权和农业的水平。:
1 package green one on the impatient, a bad attack. . .
2 packages blue an umbrella, with the gifts back and forth a few relatives in the New Year.
3 you as high, chances are he will give you face-saving.
4 until the middle of the night, he is not touched upon cooperation. Want to make him happy, fear, terrified him, his sleepy, but who is not, and limbs scattered like as lying in some hay.
5 before finally got the full appreciation of the beauty of Swan Lake border opportunities. At the moment, he felt that Swan Lake than the Chen Chen described to him more beautiful.
6 He is alone immersed in the quiet reverie, the burst of hoofs behind him transferred.
7 Jun monarch Confucian program is sub-Chen Fu and his son, the emphasis is on respect Xiabei, seniority, unconditional obedience to authoritarian violence to eliminate competition, to maintain the level of imperial power and agriculture.
1Baoqing listening impatient and bad attack,...
2 BaoQing with an umbrella, with a gift to rush about in several relatives instead a happy New Year.
3 you identity high, maybe he will give you face.
4 until midnight, he also close eyes. Hope to make him happy, fear that he be dismayed, he wants to sleep, but who is not, limb astigmatic though in some hay lying on.
5 before finally got the fully appreciate beauty of opportunities. Border "swan lake" At the moment, he feel to his description ChenChen swan than more beautiful.
6 he is alone immersed in a quiet scatter, a burst of the pounding from behind him back.
7 Confucian program is JunJun princes father &son princes son, emphasize is on XiaBei, seniority, unconditional honour to obey, with autocratic violence destroy competition, to safeguard imperial and agriculture level.
2 BaoQing with an umbrella, with a gift to rush about in several relatives instead a happy New Year.
3 you identity high, maybe he will give you face.
4 until midnight, he also close eyes. Hope to make him happy, fear that he be dismayed, he wants to sleep, but who is not, limb astigmatic though in some hay lying on.
5 before finally got the fully appreciate beauty of opportunities. Border "swan lake" At the moment, he feel to his description ChenChen swan than more beautiful.
6 he is alone immersed in a quiet scatter, a burst of the pounding from behind him back.
7 Confucian program is JunJun princes father &son princes son, emphasize is on XiaBei, seniority, unconditional honour to obey, with autocratic violence destroy competition, to safeguard imperial and agriculture level.
1、BaoQing listening impatient and bad attack,...
2、BaoQing with an umbrella, with a gift to rush about in several relatives instead a happy New Year.
3、Your identity is high, maybe he will give you face.
4、Until midnight, he also close eyes. Hope to make him happy, fear that he be dismayed, he wants to sleep, but who is not, limb astigmatic though in some hay lying on.
5、Before finally got the fully appreciate beauty of opportunities. Border "swan lake" At the moment, he feel to his description ChenChen swan than more beautiful.
6、He is alone immersed in a quiet scatter, a burst of the pounding from behind him back.
7、Confucian program is JunJun princes father &son princes son, emphasize is on XiaBei, seniority, unconditional honour to obey, with autocratic violence destroy competition, to safeguard imperial and agriculture level.
2、BaoQing with an umbrella, with a gift to rush about in several relatives instead a happy New Year.
3、Your identity is high, maybe he will give you face.
4、Until midnight, he also close eyes. Hope to make him happy, fear that he be dismayed, he wants to sleep, but who is not, limb astigmatic though in some hay lying on.
5、Before finally got the fully appreciate beauty of opportunities. Border "swan lake" At the moment, he feel to his description ChenChen swan than more beautiful.
6、He is alone immersed in a quiet scatter, a burst of the pounding from behind him back.
7、Confucian program is JunJun princes father &son princes son, emphasize is on XiaBei, seniority, unconditional honour to obey, with autocratic violence destroy competition, to safeguard imperial and agriculture level.
1Baoqing listening impatient and bad attack,..
2BaoQing with an umbrella, with a gift to rush about in several relatives instead a happy New Year
3Your identity is high, maybe he will give you face.
4Until midnight, he also close eyes. Hope to make him happy, fear that he be dismayed, he wants to sleep, but who is not, limb astigmatic though in some hay lying on.
5 before finally got the fully appreciate beauty of opportunities. Border "swan lake" At the moment, he feel to his description ChenChen swan than more beautiful.
6 he is alone immersed in a quiet scatter, a burst of the pounding from behind him back.
7 Confucian program is JunJun princes father &son princes son, emphasize is on XiaBei, seniority, unconditional honour to obey, with autocratic violence destroy competition, to safeguard imperial and agriculture level.
2BaoQing with an umbrella, with a gift to rush about in several relatives instead a happy New Year
3Your identity is high, maybe he will give you face.
4Until midnight, he also close eyes. Hope to make him happy, fear that he be dismayed, he wants to sleep, but who is not, limb astigmatic though in some hay lying on.
5 before finally got the fully appreciate beauty of opportunities. Border "swan lake" At the moment, he feel to his description ChenChen swan than more beautiful.
6 he is alone immersed in a quiet scatter, a burst of the pounding from behind him back.
7 Confucian program is JunJun princes father &son princes son, emphasize is on XiaBei, seniority, unconditional honour to obey, with autocratic violence destroy competition, to safeguard imperial and agriculture level.
1 pack black listening impatient and bad attack,...
2 BaoQing with an umbrella, with a gift to rush about in several relatives instead a happy New Year.
3 you identity high, maybe he will give you face.
4 until midnight, he also close eyes. Hope to make him happy, fear that he be dismayed, he wants to sleep, but who is not, limb astigmatic though in some hay lying on.
5 before finally got the fully appreciate beauty of opportunities. Border "swan lake" At the moment, he feel to his description ChenChen swan than more beautiful.
6 he is alone immersed in a quiet scatter, a burst of the pounding from behind him back.
7 Confucian program is JunJun princes father &son princes son, emphasize is on XiaBei, seniority, unconditional honour to obey, with autocratic violence destroy competition, to safeguard imperial and agriculture level
2 BaoQing with an umbrella, with a gift to rush about in several relatives instead a happy New Year.
3 you identity high, maybe he will give you face.
4 until midnight, he also close eyes. Hope to make him happy, fear that he be dismayed, he wants to sleep, but who is not, limb astigmatic though in some hay lying on.
5 before finally got the fully appreciate beauty of opportunities. Border "swan lake" At the moment, he feel to his description ChenChen swan than more beautiful.
6 he is alone immersed in a quiet scatter, a burst of the pounding from behind him back.
7 Confucian program is JunJun princes father &son princes son, emphasize is on XiaBei, seniority, unconditional honour to obey, with autocratic violence destroy competition, to safeguard imperial and agriculture level