Season two
Episode1-The Return
1:Come Home (Sara Bareilles And One Republic) (片尾曲)
2:How to Save a Life (Piano Tribute Players)
3:Out of our hands (Gemma Hayes)
4:Wonderful Life (Hurts)
5:The River Has Run Wild(Mads Langer)
Episode2-Brave New World
1.Animal (Neon Trees) (Elena 和 Bonnie讨论Katherine)
2.Geraldine (Glasvegas) (Elena和 Bonnie准备嘉年华)
3.Currency Of Love (Silversun Pickups) (Damon 和Stefan 观察 Tyler 和 Mason的腕力比赛)
4.The Ladder (Andrew Belle) (Caroline 在嘉年华与Matt 相遇)
5. All This Time - OneRepublic(SE坐在摩天轮上约会,片尾曲)
1. Under My Bed (Meiko)(Matt 去 Caroline家,但是caroline不能见光)
2. In Your Skin(Lifehouse)(Stefan 尝试劝服bonnie帮caroline做个戒指)
3. Fantasy Friend Forever (The Asteroids Galaxy Tour)
4. Send A Little Love Token (The Duke Spirit)
5. Changes (Stars) (Caroline 向matt道歉)
6. Ashes And Wine (A Fine Frenzy)(matt与Caroline分手)
1. Quartet For Strings In C Major, Emperor - Haydn 暂缺 (一个纯配乐)
2. Rock On(Collide)
3. Together Faraway(Ballas Hough Band)
4. Hammock(Howls)
5. We Radiate(Goldfrapp)
6. Time Of Our Lives (Tyrone Wells) (SE假装吵架)
7. Breathe Again (Sara Bareilles)(K在月光下,回忆1864年离开后吻S那一幕)
Episode5-Kill Or Be Killed
1. The Fellowship (Smashing Pumpkins)
2. Counting Sleep (Trent Dabbs)( Elena告诉 Jeremy Tyler 是狼人)
3. Superhuman Touch (Athlete )(Stephan 和Mason讲和)
4. Sometimes (The Rifles )(Tyler邀请 Jeremy 和两女孩去他家high)
5. Cool Kids(Fast Romantics)
6. Punching In A Dream(The Naked and Famous) (Elena 和 Stefan 假装吵架)
7. Obsession(Sky Ferreira)
8 Steady Love(Title Tracks)
9. Yeah Yeah Yeah(New Politics) (Tyler向女孩抢回月光石)
11.I Need To Know(Kris Allen) 片尾曲(E让S吸她的血,患难与共,不离不弃)
1. This Love(The Script)(片头曲,SE,KM)
2. Tighten Up(The Black Keys)
3. Science Of Fear(The Temper Trap)
4. Wires(Athlete)(S与E分手的时候,哭死了!)
1. Love My Way(Cruel Black Dove)
2. On Melancholy Hill (Gorillaz)
3. Head Over Heals(Digital Daggers)
4 Under The Stars( Morning Parade)
5. People Change (现场版)(Joel & Luke)
5. People Change (专辑版)( Joel & Luke)
6. Fire In Your New ShoesKaskade Feat. Dragonette)
7. Brave(Tawgs Salter)【片尾曲】
1.We Rule The World (Dragonette.)
2.Wolf Like Me (Tv On The Radio.)
4.In My Veins (Andrew Belle ft Erin McCarley.)
5.Love Song (Cruel Black Dove .)
6.Ocean Wide (Afters.)
7.I Was Wrong( Sleeperstar.)片尾曲【Damon表白看的这个难受,那一滴泪】
1. You Always Get What You Want(Atomic Tom)
2. A Moment Changes Everything(David Gray)
3. Precious Stone(Pete Yorn)
4. Puritan Heart(Matt Duncan)
5. Light Love(Free Energy)
6. Trap of Mirrors(The Pass)
7. Amen Omen(Ben Harper)
还有就是十六集里C唱给Matt的歌曲Atomic - Eternal Flame
Episode1-The Return
1:Come Home (Sara Bareilles And One Republic) (片尾曲)
2:How to Save a Life (Piano Tribute Players)
3:Out of our hands (Gemma Hayes)
4:Wonderful Life (Hurts)
5:The River Has Run Wild(Mads Langer)
Episode2-Brave New World
1.Animal (Neon Trees) (Elena 和 Bonnie讨论Katherine)
2.Geraldine (Glasvegas) (Elena和 Bonnie准备嘉年华)
3.Currency Of Love (Silversun Pickups) (Damon 和Stefan 观察 Tyler 和 Mason的腕力比赛)
4.The Ladder (Andrew Belle) (Caroline 在嘉年华与Matt 相遇)
5. All This Time - OneRepublic(SE坐在摩天轮上约会,片尾曲)
1. Under My Bed (Meiko)(Matt 去 Caroline家,但是caroline不能见光)
2. In Your Skin(Lifehouse)(Stefan 尝试劝服bonnie帮caroline做个戒指)
3. Fantasy Friend Forever (The Asteroids Galaxy Tour)
4. Send A Little Love Token (The Duke Spirit)
5. Changes (Stars) (Caroline 向matt道歉)
6. Ashes And Wine (A Fine Frenzy)(matt与Caroline分手)
1. Quartet For Strings In C Major, Emperor - Haydn 暂缺 (一个纯配乐)
2. Rock On(Collide)
3. Together Faraway(Ballas Hough Band)
4. Hammock(Howls)
5. We Radiate(Goldfrapp)
6. Time Of Our Lives (Tyrone Wells) (SE假装吵架)
7. Breathe Again (Sara Bareilles)(K在月光下,回忆1864年离开后吻S那一幕)
Episode5-Kill Or Be Killed
1. The Fellowship (Smashing Pumpkins)
2. Counting Sleep (Trent Dabbs)( Elena告诉 Jeremy Tyler 是狼人)
3. Superhuman Touch (Athlete )(Stephan 和Mason讲和)
4. Sometimes (The Rifles )(Tyler邀请 Jeremy 和两女孩去他家high)
5. Cool Kids(Fast Romantics)
6. Punching In A Dream(The Naked and Famous) (Elena 和 Stefan 假装吵架)
7. Obsession(Sky Ferreira)
8 Steady Love(Title Tracks)
9. Yeah Yeah Yeah(New Politics) (Tyler向女孩抢回月光石)
11.I Need To Know(Kris Allen) 片尾曲(E让S吸她的血,患难与共,不离不弃)
1. This Love(The Script)(片头曲,SE,KM)
2. Tighten Up(The Black Keys)
3. Science Of Fear(The Temper Trap)
4. Wires(Athlete)(S与E分手的时候,哭死了!)
1. Love My Way(Cruel Black Dove)
2. On Melancholy Hill (Gorillaz)
3. Head Over Heals(Digital Daggers)
4 Under The Stars( Morning Parade)
5. People Change (现场版)(Joel & Luke)
5. People Change (专辑版)( Joel & Luke)
6. Fire In Your New ShoesKaskade Feat. Dragonette)
7. Brave(Tawgs Salter)【片尾曲】
1.We Rule The World (Dragonette.)
2.Wolf Like Me (Tv On The Radio.)
4.In My Veins (Andrew Belle ft Erin McCarley.)
5.Love Song (Cruel Black Dove .)
6.Ocean Wide (Afters.)
7.I Was Wrong( Sleeperstar.)片尾曲【Damon表白看的这个难受,那一滴泪】
1. You Always Get What You Want(Atomic Tom)
2. A Moment Changes Everything(David Gray)
3. Precious Stone(Pete Yorn)
4. Puritan Heart(Matt Duncan)
5. Light Love(Free Energy)
6. Trap of Mirrors(The Pass)
7. Amen Omen(Ben Harper)
还有就是十六集里C唱给Matt的歌曲Atomic - Eternal Flame