请帮忙翻译成英语 20
1. 相传“变脸”是古代人面对凶猛的野兽,为了生存把自己脸部用不同的方式勾画出不同形态,以吓唬入侵的的野兽。舞台上的“变脸”,用绝妙的技巧使它成为一门独特的艺术文化。
2. 是盛唐最著名乐舞之一。相传唐代皇帝玄宗擅长音律,一日梦游月宫仙境,目睹众仙女身着彩云般美妙的服饰在天空中漫舞轻歌。梦醒之后谱出韵律,交予爱妃杨玉环编排了这部名传百世的轻歌妙舞。
3. 表现了北方金秋时节,一树树果实累累的红枣很逗人喜爱,男女老少一手提篮,一手执竿,边打枣边风趣的谈笑,欢声笑语此起彼伏,连绵不断的场景。
4. 通过壮丽辉煌的集体群舞场面和五彩缤纷的乐舞表演,展现大唐空前繁盛的泱泱国风,显示出东方乐舞文化神韵风采。
5. 大唐乐舞,习演完毕。恭祝八方宾客良宵欢愉, 展开
2. 是盛唐最著名乐舞之一。相传唐代皇帝玄宗擅长音律,一日梦游月宫仙境,目睹众仙女身着彩云般美妙的服饰在天空中漫舞轻歌。梦醒之后谱出韵律,交予爱妃杨玉环编排了这部名传百世的轻歌妙舞。
3. 表现了北方金秋时节,一树树果实累累的红枣很逗人喜爱,男女老少一手提篮,一手执竿,边打枣边风趣的谈笑,欢声笑语此起彼伏,连绵不断的场景。
4. 通过壮丽辉煌的集体群舞场面和五彩缤纷的乐舞表演,展现大唐空前繁盛的泱泱国风,显示出东方乐舞文化神韵风采。
5. 大唐乐舞,习演完毕。恭祝八方宾客良宵欢愉, 展开
1. According to legend "suddenly turn hostile" is archaic facing fierce beast, his face in order to survive in different ways in different forms, sketch to frighten the invasion of beast. Stage "suddenly turn hostile", with excellent skill makes it become a unique artistic culture.
2. Is one of the most famous tang primeval. The tang dynasty emperor xuanzong spent generation excels melody, a day of sleepwalking moon fairyland, witnessed the fairy dressed in a wonderful dress clouds in the sky light aimless and dance song. Wake up figuring out rhythm, to my precious jade bracelet has arranged the name immortal light song clever dance.
3. Showed the north in autumn, a fruit tree mauled jujube cute, men and women, old and young hand in one hand, holding up staff, side dozen jujube edge funny, laughing laughter to break out, the continuous scene.
4. Through the magnificent brilliant collective social dancing scene and the colourful dance performances, show datang unprecedented prosperous magnificent guofeng, showing the Oriental verve primeval culture style.
5. Datang, acquisition at the dance. Good guests mid autumn.we joy,
2. Is one of the most famous tang primeval. The tang dynasty emperor xuanzong spent generation excels melody, a day of sleepwalking moon fairyland, witnessed the fairy dressed in a wonderful dress clouds in the sky light aimless and dance song. Wake up figuring out rhythm, to my precious jade bracelet has arranged the name immortal light song clever dance.
3. Showed the north in autumn, a fruit tree mauled jujube cute, men and women, old and young hand in one hand, holding up staff, side dozen jujube edge funny, laughing laughter to break out, the continuous scene.
4. Through the magnificent brilliant collective social dancing scene and the colourful dance performances, show datang unprecedented prosperous magnificent guofeng, showing the Oriental verve primeval culture style.
5. Datang, acquisition at the dance. Good guests mid autumn.we joy,
1. According to legend "suddenly turn hostile" is archaic facing fierce beast, his face in order to survive in different ways in different forms, sketch to frighten the invasion of beast. Stage "suddenly turn hostile", with excellent skill makes it become a unique artistic culture.
2. Is one of the most famous tang primeval. The tang dynasty emperor xuanzong spent generation excels melody, a day of sleepwalking moon fairyland, witnessed the fairy dressed in a wonderful dress clouds in the sky light aimless and dance song. Wake up figuring out rhythm, to my precious jade bracelet has arranged the name immortal light song clever dance.
3. Showed the north in autumn, a fruit tree mauled jujube cute, men and women, old and young hand in one hand, holding up staff, side dozen jujube edge funny tan xiao, laughter, reigniting of ?
2. Is one of the most famous tang primeval. The tang dynasty emperor xuanzong spent generation excels melody, a day of sleepwalking moon fairyland, witnessed the fairy dressed in a wonderful dress clouds in the sky light aimless and dance song. Wake up figuring out rhythm, to my precious jade bracelet has arranged the name immortal light song clever dance.
3. Showed the north in autumn, a fruit tree mauled jujube cute, men and women, old and young hand in one hand, holding up staff, side dozen jujube edge funny tan xiao, laughter, reigniting of ?
1. According to legend "suddenly turn hostile" is archaic facing fierce beast, his face in order to survive in different ways in different forms, sketch to frighten the invasion of beast. Stage "suddenly turn hostile", with excellent skill makes it become a unique artistic culture.
2. Is one of the most famous tang primeval. The tang dynasty emperor xuanzong spent generation excels melody, a day of sleepwalking moon fairyland, witnessed the fairy dressed in a wonderful dress clouds in the sky light aimless and dance song. Wake up figuring out rhythm, to my precious jade bracelet has arranged the name immortal light song clever dance.
3. Showed the north in autumn, a fruit tree mauled jujube cute, men and women, old and young hand in one hand, holding up staff, side dozen jujube edge funny, laughing laughter to break out, the continuous scene.
4. Through the magnificent brilliant collective social dancing scene and the colourful dance performances, show datang unprecedented prosperous magnificent guofeng, showing the Oriental verve primeval culture style.
5. Datang, acquisition at the dance. Good guests mid autumn.we joy,
2. Is one of the most famous tang primeval. The tang dynasty emperor xuanzong spent generation excels melody, a day of sleepwalking moon fairyland, witnessed the fairy dressed in a wonderful dress clouds in the sky light aimless and dance song. Wake up figuring out rhythm, to my precious jade bracelet has arranged the name immortal light song clever dance.
3. Showed the north in autumn, a fruit tree mauled jujube cute, men and women, old and young hand in one hand, holding up staff, side dozen jujube edge funny, laughing laughter to break out, the continuous scene.
4. Through the magnificent brilliant collective social dancing scene and the colourful dance performances, show datang unprecedented prosperous magnificent guofeng, showing the Oriental verve primeval culture style.
5. Datang, acquisition at the dance. Good guests mid autumn.we joy,