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我的名字叫shutingchen,我来自中国,我出生于12/3/1993,其实是5号只是护送写错了写成3号,我爸爸是个厨师,在我7岁的时候他去了美国,我妈妈是自由职业,我... 我的名字叫shutingchen,我来自中国,我出生于12/3/1993,其实是5号只是护送写错了写成3号,我爸爸是个厨师,在我7岁的时候他去了美国,我妈妈是自由职业,我有个弟弟小我一岁。我妈妈每次去外地工作的时候就会把我送去我奶奶那边,把我弟弟送去我外婆那边。我外婆跟我外公都是厨师,我外婆是做早点拿出去卖,我外公是帮一些婚宴做dinner,记得有一次我贪玩不小心把我外公做的很多菜给搞砸,那个时候他一句都没骂我,我好想他骂我,因为不骂更恐怖。在我9岁的时候我爸爸接我们去美国,我第一次搭飞机的时候一点都不紧张,因为我睡觉了,我听我妈妈说我弟弟紧张到都要哭了。到机场的时候是我爸爸跟我叔叔来接我们,那个时候我弟弟居然认不出我爸爸是谁,我爸爸好伤心。 展开
2011-03-06 · TA获得超过119个赞
My name is shutingchen, I am from China, I was born in 12/3/1993, actually is 5 only escort write wrong written 3, my father is a cook, in my seven-year-old when he went to the United States, my mother is free profession, I have a younger brother ego year old. My mother every time I go to work outside time will send me to my grandma and turned my brother send my grandma there. My grandmother with my grandpa is chef, my grandmother is do breakfast to take out to sell, my grandpa is to help some wedding banquet dinner, do remember once I naughty accidentally put my grandpa do many dishes to mess, at that time a haven't scold me, I miss him scold me, because do not scold more terrorist. In when I was nine years old my dad meet us to go to America, I first time flying time did not nervous because I sleep, I listen to my mother said that my brother stress to all want to cry. To the airport is my dad with my uncle to meet us, that time my brother incredibly don't recognize my father is who, my father is very upset.
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My name is shutingchen, I am from China, I was born in 12/3/1993, actually is 5 only escort write wrong written 3, my father is a cook, in my seven-year-old when he went to the United States, my mother is free profession, I have a younger brother ego year old. My mother every time I go to work outside time will send me to my grandma and turned my brother send my grandma there. My grandmother with my grandpa is chef, my grandmother is do breakfast to take out to sell, my grandpa is to help some wedding banquet dinner, do remember once I naughty accidentally put my grandpa do many dishes to mess, at that time a haven't scold me, I miss him scold me, because do not scold more terrorist. In when I was nine years old my dad meet us to go to America, I first time flying time did not nervous because I sleep, I listen to my mother said that my brother stress to all want to cry. To the airport is my dad with my uncle to meet us, that time my brother incredibly don't recognize my father is who, my father is very upset.
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2011-03-06 · TA获得超过600个赞
My name is called shutingchen, I come from China, I am born in 12/3/1993, was actually 5 is only escorts makes a mistake in writing has written 3, my father is a chef, has gone to the US in I 7 year-old time him, my mother is the liberal professions, I had younger brother empirical ego one year old. My mother each time goes to the outside areas work time will send to me that side my paternal grandmother, will send to that side my grandmother my younger brother. My grandmother with my grandfathers is the chef, my grandmother does takes earlier sells, my grandfather is helps some wedding banquets to make dinner, one time me to want to play all the time was not careful makes many vegetables my grandfather for to do pounds, at that time his has not scolded me, I well thought he scolds me, because does not scold is more terrorist. Meets us in I 9 year-old time my father to go to the US, I first time build an airplane's time spot not to be anxious
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am 10 years old this year, faster into a "small adults." I recalled the growth process, I think the parents of our love is unspeakable. They are doing everything to me. Therefore, we have to repay the parents of our love. I would like to wash their feet, parents will be very moving.
After dinner this evening, I began to parents of the feet. My mother set an initial washing. First of all, I prepared to Xijiao Shui, I Momo water by hand from time to time to see the heat or the cold. Done, I water in the front-room sofa before her mother to take her mother Paojiao. Guoliaoyikuai children, her mother began to rubbing legs and feet. After kneading the end of feet, * Change, to give her mother a washing even wash it. Xiwan, I put in my legs a towel. Then her mother's legs into my legs, wiped away first, then her mother to pinch feet and do foot. Her mother's face Dangyang a happy smile, and say that I am the daughter of the world's best.
Xiwan to her mother, I also used the same method to his father wash the feet. Dad sighs that tonight he will not forget this all his life, said he will no longer want a son.
Iam busy feet for the parents of the more than one hour, although tired, but the parents of smiles to see, I am very happy!
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