
大学物理教学大纲(126学时)________________________________________一.课程的任务、性质和作用_________________... 大学物理教学大纲 (126学时)
一. 课程的任务、性质和作用

二. 课程的基本内容及学时分配

1. 理论讲授

章 节 内 容 学 时
第一章 质点运动学
位矢,位移,速度,加速度,角速度,角加速度,切向与法向加速度 6
第二章 质点动力学
牛顿三定律,保守力,功,能,动能和动量定理,角动量和角动量守恒,机械能守恒 8
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2011-03-09 · TA获得超过3.1万个赞
College physics teaching program (126;)
A. Task, the nature and role of course
Basic structure, interactions of physics is the study of matter and material of the most basic, most common exercises and mutual conversion of subject.
Study on the physics of the object has a great deal of universality. All the areas he penetration of basic theories of natural science, used in all sectors of production technology, it is the basis for many fields of natural sciences and engineering technology.
Physics basics for the content of College physics course, it includes the classical physics, modern physics and physics in science, technology and application of knowledge, and so on is a senior technical staff necessary, therefore, higher industrial school students College physics course is a important compulsory basic courses.
Role of offering course of University Physics in higher technical school, on the one hand is a system for the students to lay the necessary physical basis; on the other hand that the students learn scientific way of thinking and study of the problem. These are broader in thinking, stimulate research and innovation, enhance adaptive capacity and improve the humane quality of an important role. Learn course of University Physics, not only for students in schools learning is very important, but also to the student after graduation work and further study of new theories, new technologies, and constantly update knowledge, will have a far-reaching impact. College physics course is in the low grade curriculum, which enable students to establish the correct learning attitude, master scientific approach to learning, cultivate the ability of independent access to knowledge, to learn to adapt to university level as soon as possible, and so the role of the law is also very important.
Course of University Physics in fostering students ' dialectical materialism world Outlook has also played an important role.
Through the teaching of College physics course, students should be made in the course of fundamental concepts, basic theory, basic methods to have more comprehensive and systematic understanding and correctly understanding and have initial application capability.
In all in the teaching of College physics course, it should be noted that in addition to imparting knowledge focuses on capacity development.
In the process of College physics teaching, teaching system and priority, the content of teaching (teaching, learning, exercise classes and discussion) arrangement and selection of teaching methods, and so on, should be on the basis of teaching reform in a positive, by schools and teach teachers to determine. In order to ensure the necessary practice teaching link, exercise classes, discussions in the form of small class teaching hours at present should not be less than 10% of the total number of teaching hours, seeking to gradually have no less than 15%.

B. Basic content of the courses and units assigned
1. Theoretical teaching
Chapter Content units
The first chapter Kinematics of particle
Bit vector,Displacement,Speed,Acceleration,Angular velocity,Angular acceleration,Tangential and normal acceleration 6
Chapter II
Newton's three laws,Conservative force,mechanical work,Can,Kinetic energy and momentum theorem,Conservation of angular momentum and angular momentum,Conservation of mechanical energy 8

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