A mother's love is on our ordinary life, there is a priceless treasure moment with Us. it's like tinkle springs and nourish our hearts ; it is like the warmth of the sun, US forces. It was a mother's love! A mother's love without words. i've heard of such a touching story : an old mothers from poor mountainous area, after taking cab, car and train rolling turn, visited serving son. In food to visit the colorful old mother took a white cloth bag, opened a look, full of glistening shelled melon seed. When sons received the package shelled melon seed hands started trembling, He seemed to see in the dark or four weeks of silence, the villagers had entered a dream, but his mother, thin body on the bed, in dim light mouthful knock melon peel ... full ten 余斤 melon seeds, How many nights to knock! When he again looked thing is the disordered hair by the wind, weather - beaten face rolling tear -- it was distressed and helpless tears! Son " a bump on " The Sound of Mother got down on my knees, deeply repent. This is no mother, save the soul of disease into paste waste! Friends Think of our childhood mother of -- day, who got up early and slept late ; every meal, who is early, but import hastily ; everything, who is most concerned about, but never mind! We used to eat, clothes, already used the mother exercise care and even used her concern and sorrow! Wrinkles On the face of that mother is the occurrence of two Mane hair is when they had never given attention! Not to mention to the mother said with deep feeling " Thank you! " Mother gave us was so much, so much! A mother's love like a tree, her dream in spring, summer against her luxuriant fall against her mature winter she thought. This love although the ordinary, but in ordinary nurtured a great job. Heavy mother, who can weigh its components, who can really pay? A mother's love without words, a mother's love is boundless!
母爱在我们平凡的生活中,有一件无价之宝时刻伴随着我们. 它像丁冬的泉水,滋养着我们的心田;它像温暖的阳光,给我们前进的力量. 它,就是母爱! 母爱无言. 我听到过这样一个感人的故事:一位来自贫困山区的老母亲,经过乘坐马车,汽车,火车碾转,来探望正在服刑的儿子. 在探望者五光十色的食品中,老母亲掏出一个白布包,打开一看,里面全是白花花的瓜子仁. 当儿子接过这包瓜子仁时,手开始颤抖,他仿佛看到在黑夜里,四周一片寂静,乡亲们早已进入了梦乡,而惟有他的老母亲,单薄的身躯靠在床头,在昏暗的灯光下,一口一口地磕去瓜子皮......整整十余斤瓜子,要磕多少个夜晚啊! 当他再次抬起头,映入眼帘的是被风吹得零乱的头发,饱经风霜的脸上滚动着大颗大颗的泪珠--那是心痛而无奈的泪水! 儿子"扑通"一声给母亲跪下,深深地忏悔了. 正是这无言的母爱,拯救了一个病入膏荒的灵魂! 朋友们,想想我们儿时的母亲--每一天,是谁起得最早,睡得最晚;每顿饭,是谁早早做好,却草草入口;每件事,是谁操心最多,却从不计较! 我们像习惯吃饭,穿衣一样,早已习惯母亲的操劳,呵护,甚至习惯了她的忧虑和悲伤! 以至于母亲脸上的皱纹是何时出现,两鬃的白发是何时增添的都不曾留意! 更别说向母亲深情地说声"谢谢"! 母亲给我们的是那么多,那么多! 母爱宛如一棵树,春天倚着她幻想,夏天倚着她繁茂,秋天倚着她成熟,冬天倚着她沉思. 这份爱虽然平凡,却在平凡中孕育出一份惊人的伟大. 沉甸甸的母爱啊,有谁能掂量出它的分量,又有谁能真正报答? 母爱无言,母爱无涯!
母爱在我们平凡的生活中,有一件无价之宝时刻伴随着我们. 它像丁冬的泉水,滋养着我们的心田;它像温暖的阳光,给我们前进的力量. 它,就是母爱! 母爱无言. 我听到过这样一个感人的故事:一位来自贫困山区的老母亲,经过乘坐马车,汽车,火车碾转,来探望正在服刑的儿子. 在探望者五光十色的食品中,老母亲掏出一个白布包,打开一看,里面全是白花花的瓜子仁. 当儿子接过这包瓜子仁时,手开始颤抖,他仿佛看到在黑夜里,四周一片寂静,乡亲们早已进入了梦乡,而惟有他的老母亲,单薄的身躯靠在床头,在昏暗的灯光下,一口一口地磕去瓜子皮......整整十余斤瓜子,要磕多少个夜晚啊! 当他再次抬起头,映入眼帘的是被风吹得零乱的头发,饱经风霜的脸上滚动着大颗大颗的泪珠--那是心痛而无奈的泪水! 儿子"扑通"一声给母亲跪下,深深地忏悔了. 正是这无言的母爱,拯救了一个病入膏荒的灵魂! 朋友们,想想我们儿时的母亲--每一天,是谁起得最早,睡得最晚;每顿饭,是谁早早做好,却草草入口;每件事,是谁操心最多,却从不计较! 我们像习惯吃饭,穿衣一样,早已习惯母亲的操劳,呵护,甚至习惯了她的忧虑和悲伤! 以至于母亲脸上的皱纹是何时出现,两鬃的白发是何时增添的都不曾留意! 更别说向母亲深情地说声"谢谢"! 母亲给我们的是那么多,那么多! 母爱宛如一棵树,春天倚着她幻想,夏天倚着她繁茂,秋天倚着她成熟,冬天倚着她沉思. 这份爱虽然平凡,却在平凡中孕育出一份惊人的伟大. 沉甸甸的母爱啊,有谁能掂量出它的分量,又有谁能真正报答? 母爱无言,母爱无涯!