
科尔尼国际咨询公司的董事戴加辉博士告诉本报记者,他一直在思考高速增长的中国汽车市场出现大量出口的原因。“国内的汽车增长率前几年平均在25%以上,最近达到了30%,这个市场... 科尔尼国际咨询公司的董事戴加辉博士告诉本报记者,他一直在思考高速增长的中国汽车市场出现大量出口的原因。“国内的汽车增长率前几年平均在25%以上,最近达到了30%,这个市场已经足够好。那么,还要出口的主要原因是什么呢?首先,中国自主品牌的品牌价值还赶不上外国公司的品牌价值,很多中国汽车公司想到国外找一些生存空间,寻找他们的市场增长率,尤其是零部件。其次,整车出现产能过剩情况,必须找到国外的市场来提高产量,降低单元成本。最后,就是为了在国内更有竞争力,很多公司都是为了提升他们的品牌形象而出口。另外,中国政府也一直提出要把汽车出口作为主要的业务。”




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2011-03-10 · TA获得超过1.4万个赞
Director of international consulting firm AT Kearney, Dr. Dai Jiahui told this reporter that he had been thinking about the rapidly growing Chinese auto market because a large number of exports. "Domestic automobile a few years ago the average growth rate of 25%, and recently reached 30%, this market has been good enough. So, what is the main reason but also export? First, China's own brand of brand value also keep up with foreign the company's brand value, many Chinese car companies to go abroad to find some living space, to find their market growth, especially in parts. Secondly, the vehicle overcapacity situation, you must find foreign markets to increase production and reduce unit costs. Finally, just to be more competitive in the country, many companies are in order to enhance the export of their brand image. In addition, the Chinese government has been the move to auto exports as the main business. "
He noted that, although mainly in the export of auto parts based, but even more striking vehicle's export growth, vehicle growth rate of 92%, and the share is rising, there is more room for future . Also, compared to other countries, the proportion of China's exports is relatively low, this also means that there is room for growth in future.

However, in appreciation of the renminbi under the premise of how to deal with this reality? Dr. Dai suggested that car companies can take different internal and external measures to deal with this crisis.

Export destination countries for different currency exchange rate situation, such as in Russia, the Russian ruble appreciation against the yuan, the export to Russia's side. Similarly, also depreciated against the euro, and even two years of which 10% of the RMB against the euro, and should therefore be to develop the European spare parts and vehicle exports.

Tai Hui is very optimistic about the increase in this market in Europe that the euro's appreciation to the Chinese auto companies a major opportunity. Parts suppliers should immediately improve the company's business in Europe, the establishment of strategic relationships. More importantly, the vehicle can be a lot of exports to EU countries considered as an export destination, they are also developing countries, but by the relatively large impact of the euro.

The industry believes that, in addition to considering exporting some of the depreciation of the renminbi compared to countries, companies have to cope with inflation brought about by a good challenge of rising costs. The first is lower costs, and improved efficiency can be to reduce operational costs, such as lean manufacturing or operating assets to improve the effectiveness of the other in material procurement through strategic procurement projects or measures to reduce procurement costs. Third, the product design itself, a value analysis, change the product specifications to reduce costs

Cole, international consulting company director dr DaiJiaHui told the reporter, he has been thinking growth of the Chinese car market appears massively exporting reasons. "Domestic automobile growth before a few years in an average of more than 25%, recently achieved 30%, the market has been good enough. So, want export what is the main cause of? First of all, Chinese independent brand value of the brand is tagged foreign companies of brand value, many Chinese car companies thought of foreign find some living space, finding their market growth, especially components. Secondly, vehicle, it must appear overcapacity find foreign markets to increase production, reduce unit cost. Finally, was to domestic more competitive, many companies is to enhance their brand image and export. In addition, the Chinese government has also been offered to the car exports as the main business."

He noticed, although at present the export mainly auto parts to give priority to, but carloads of export growth even more astonishing, carloads of growth rate reached 92%, and share still on the rise, and the future much larger space. Meanwhile, compared to other countries, China's export proportion are relatively low, suggesting that the future and growth space.

But the renminbi premise, how should deal with this reality? Wear doctor advice, auto enterprise can adopt internal and external different measures to cope with the crisis.

In view of the different export destination country's currency, for example in Russia, Russia rubles dollar to RMB appreciation, and therefore the export Russia favorable. Similarly, renminbi against the euro in 2 years, even the devaluation of the yuan against the euro devaluation 10%, so we should vigorously develop to Europe of spare parts and vehicle exports.

DaiJiaHui very bullish on Europe this market, think euro appreciation to the Chinese car companies a significant opportunity. Spare parts suppliers should immediately increase of European companies business and establish strategic relationship. More importantly, the vehicle exports also ok and great consideration in central Europe as an export destination, they are also developing countries, but greatly influenced by the euro.

The personage inside course of study thinks, besides considering some RMB compared depreciation of the exporting countries outside, enterprise should be deal with good inflation caused by rising cost of challenges. The first is the cost reduction, on the one hand, can improve the efficiency by operating to reduce costs, such as lean manufacturing or operating assets effectiveness improving, on the other hand in purchasing materials can through the strategic procurement projects or measures to reduce procurement costs. Third, for product design itself a value analysis work, change the product specification, to reduce production cost
2011-03-10 · TA获得超过1.7万个赞
Branch Dr. Erni international Consultant firm's trustee Dai Jiahui tells the newspaper reporter, he has been pondering the fast growth China auto market presents the massive exports the reason. “the domestic automobile rate of increment first several annual means above 25%, had achieved 30% recently, this market was already enough. But also then, what is the main reason but also export?First, the Chinese independent brand's brand value could not have caught up with Foreign corporation's brand value, many China Car company thought that the country extra income some existing space, seeks for their market rate of increment, particularly spare part. Next, the complete bikes appears produces can the surplus situation, must find the overseas market to raise the output, reduced the unit cost. Finally, is for has the competitive power in the home, many companies are to promote their brand image to export. Moreover, the Chinese government has also proposed that must take the auto export the primary service.”
He notes, although the present export by the automobile spare parts primarily, but complete bikes's export speed-up is mainly more astonishing, complete bikes's rate of increment has achieved 92%, moreover the share unceasingly is also rising, will have in the future also a bigger space. At the same time, compares in other countries, China's export proportion relatively is also low, this also expressed that will have in the future also the substantial room for growth.
But under the Renminbi revaluation's premise, how should deal with this realistic situation?
Dr. Dai suggested that the automobile enterprise may take internal and the foreign different measure deals with this crisis.
In view of different exports the destination country the monetary exchange rate situation, for example in Russia, the Russian ruble exchanges the Renminbi in the revaluation, therefore exports Russia to be advantageous. Similarly, the Renminbi exchanges the euro also in the depreciation, even these two years the Renminbi relative euro depreciates 10%, therefore should develop Europe's spare parts and the complete bikes export vigorously.
Dai Jiahui favors European this market, thought that a euro revaluation has given China an Automobile Enterprise significant opportunity. The spare parts supplier should enhance immediately to the European Corporation's service, establishes the strategic relations. More importantly, the complete bikes export may also very much consider that exports the destination by the Central Europe country achievement, they are also the developing countries, but is been quite big a euro influence.
The professional believed that besides considered some Renminbi compare the depreciation to export the country, the enterprise must deal with the cost rise challenge which the inflation brings. First lowers the cost, on the one hand may reduce the cost through the operation efficiency enhancement, for example fine profit manufacture or operation property valid enhancement, on the other hand may reduces the procurement cost in the acquisition of material through the strategy acquisition program or the measure. Third, carries on a value analysis work regarding the product design itself, the change product specification, reduces the cost.
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2011-03-10 · TA获得超过8577个赞
Dr. Dai Jiahui, Director of the international consulting firm AT Kearney, told this reporter that he had been thinking about the underlying reasons for the massive export by the rapid-growing Chinese auto market. "Domestic automobile production grew at an average growth rate of over 25% a few years ago, and reached 30% recently. This market has been good enough. Then, what are the main reasons for export on top of that? Firstly, as China's own brands have yet to keep up with foreign brands in terms of brand value., many Chinese car companies want to go abroad in search of some living space and higher market share growth, especially in parts sales. Secondly, faced with whole-vehicle overcapacity in China, they have to find foreign markets to increase production and reduce unit cost. ”Finally, precisely for the sake of higher competitiveness in China-- many companies are exporting in order to enhance their brand image. In addition, the Chinese government has been advocating auto export as a main business operation. "

He noted that although the bulk of the export consists of auto parts, the growth rate of whole-vehicle export is even more striking, at 92% with its share of the export total climbing and more room for future expansion. Additionally, the proportion of China's export is lower than that of other countries; this also indicates room for future growth.

However, against the backdrop of RMB’s appreciation, how should one cope with this reality? Dr. Dai suggested that the auto-making companies may deal with this crisis by adopting different internal and external measures.
Vigorous efforts should be made to expand export of auto parts and whole vehicles to Euroupe in view of the currency exchange rates for different export destination countries. For instance, in Russia the Russian ruble has appreciated against the yuan, creating a favourable situation for export to Russia. Similarly, the RMB has also depreciated against the euro, and as steep as 10% in the past two years.
Dai Jiahui is highly optimistic about the European market, believing as he does that the euro's appreciation has provided the Chinese auto enterprises a major opportunity. Parts suppliers should immediately augment their business and establish strategic relationships with companies in Europe. More importantly, more consideration may be given to Central European countries as a destination for whole-vehicle export; they are also developing countries but face a greater impact of the euro.
People in the industry believe that, in addition to considering exporting to some countries whose currencies have depreciated against the RMB, the enterprises should also address the challenge of rising costs brought about by inflation. First, they must lower the costs by, on the one hand, improving the efficiency of operations via such means as lean manufacturing or effective capital operations and, on the other, undertaking strategic procurement projects or measures to reduce procurement costs when it comes to material purchases. Thirdly, the product designs themselves must be evaluated and analyzed, and product specifications changed to reduce costs.
注:最后半句本应是:and product specifications should be changed to reduce costs。现在省了should be,以使英文质量显得更高,不是语病。

参考资料: 因篇幅限制,前三段修改部分直接发给你。

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2011-03-10 · TA获得超过115个赞
Cole, international consulting company director dr DaiJiaHui told the reporter, he has been thinking growth of the Chinese car market appears massively exporting reasons. "Domestic automobile growth before a few years in an average of more than 25%, recently achieved 30%, the market has been good enough. So, want export what is the main cause of? First of all, Chinese independent brand value of the brand is tagged foreign companies of brand value, many Chinese car companies thought of foreign find some living space, finding their market growth, especially components. Secondly, vehicle, it must appear overcapacity find foreign markets to increase production, reduce unit cost. Finally, was to domestic more competitive, many companies is to enhance their brand image and export. In addition, the Chinese government has also been offered to the car exports as the main business."

He noticed, although at present the export mainly auto parts to give priority to, but carloads of export growth even more astonishing, carloads of growth rate reached 92%, and share still on the rise, and the future much larger space. Meanwhile, compared to other countries, China's export proportion are relatively low, suggesting that the future and growth space.

But the renminbi premise, how should deal with this reality? Wear doctor advice, auto enterprise can adopt internal and external different measures to cope with the crisis.

In view of the different export destination country's currency, for example in Russia, Russia rubles dollar to RMB appreciation, and therefore the export Russia favorable. Similarly, renminbi against the euro in 2 years, even the devaluation of the yuan against the euro devaluation 10%, so we should vigorously develop to Europe of spare parts and vehicle exports.

DaiJiaHui very bullish on Europe this market, think euro appreciation to the Chinese car companies a significant opportunity. Spare parts suppliers should immediately increase of European companies business and establish strategic relationship. More importantly, the vehicle exports also ok and great consideration in central Europe as an export destination, they are also developing countries, but greatly influenced by the euro.

The personage inside course of study thinks, besides considering some RMB compared depreciation of the exporting countries outside, enterprise should be deal with good inflation caused by rising cost of challenges. The first is the cost reduction, on the one hand, can improve the efficiency by operating to reduce costs, such as lean manufacturing or operating assets effectiveness improving, on the other hand in purchasing materials can through the strategic procurement projects or measures to reduce procurement costs. Third, for product design itself a value analysis work, change the product specification, to reduce production cost.

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2011-03-10 · TA获得超过2731个赞
Cole, international consulting company director dr DaiJiaHui told the reporter, he has been thinking growth of the Chinese car market appears massively exporting reasons. "Domestic automobile growth before a few years in an average of more than 25%, recently achieved 30%, the market has been good enough. So, want export what is the main cause of? First of all, Chinese independent brand value of the brand is tagged foreign companies of brand value, many Chinese car companies thought of foreign find some living space, finding their market growth, especially components. Secondly, vehicle, it must appear overcapacity find foreign markets to increase production, reduce unit cost. Finally, was to domestic more competitive, many companies is to enhance their brand image and export. In addition, the Chinese government has also been offered to the car exports as the main business."

He noticed, although at present the export mainly auto parts to give priority to, but carloads of export growth even more astonishing, carloads of growth rate reached 92%, and share still on the rise, and the future much larger space. Meanwhile, compared to other countries, China's export proportion are relatively low, suggesting that the future and growth space.

But the renminbi premise, how should deal with this reality? Wear doctor advice, auto enterprise can adopt internal and external different measures to cope with the crisis.

In view of the different export destination country's currency, for example in Russia, Russia rubles dollar to RMB appreciation, and therefore the export Russia favorable. Similarly, renminbi against the euro in 2 years, even the devaluation of the yuan against the euro devaluation 10%, so we should vigorously develop to Europe of spare parts and vehicle exports.

DaiJiaHui very bullish on Europe this market, think euro appreciation to the Chinese car companies a significant opportunity. Spare parts suppliers should immediately increase of European companies business and establish strategic relationship. More importantly, the vehicle exports also ok and great consideration in central Europe as an export destination, they are also developing countries, but greatly influenced by the euro.

The personage inside course of study thinks, besides considering some RMB compared depreciation of the exporting countries outside, enterprise should be deal with good inflation caused by rising cost of challenges. The first is the cost reduction, on the one hand, can improve the efficiency by operating to reduce costs, such as lean manufacturing or operating assets effectiveness improving, on the other hand in purchasing materials can through the strategic procurement projects or measures to reduce procurement costs. Third, for product design itself a value analysis work, change the product specification, to reduce production cost
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