在达到一定知名度,拥有一定稳定的顾客后,我们将向高收入顾客群体进军,占领更多的市场。为了进军欧美市场,我们将扩大生产线,由于欧美人的体型比较丰满,我们将为他们量身定制大尺寸衣服一边更适合市场需求。 展开
在达到一定知名度,拥有一定稳定的顾客后,我们将向高收入顾客群体进军,占领更多的市场。为了进军欧美市场,我们将扩大生产线,由于欧美人的体型比较丰满,我们将为他们量身定制大尺寸衣服一边更适合市场需求。 展开
We will purchase a factory, 1912 gandour, increase profits. Then m&a a logistics company, this will make our delivery more convenient, the decrease of the intermediate links, and make more profit.
Before reaching a certain reputation, have certain stable customer, we will provide high income, occupation more customer groups into the market. In order to tap into the European and American market, we will expand production line, due to the European and American size comparison plump, we will customize large size for their clothes and more suitable for the market demand.
We will purchase a factory, 1912 gandour, increase profits. Then m&a a logistics company, this will make our delivery more convenient, the decrease of the intermediate links, and make more profit.
Before reaching a certain reputation, have certain stable customer, we will provide high income, occupation more customer groups into the market. In order to tap into the European and American market, we will expand production line, due to the European and American size comparison plump, we will customize large size for their clothes and more suitable for the market demand.