1. It’s a preliminary cognitive fieldwork of geology that had direct knowledge of stratum, igneous rock and geomorphy (such as karst, river, delta, seashore, etc.). The geological fieldwork integrated theory with practice, and was very helpful to enhance the thought and skills of fieldwork.
2.It’s a systematic geological skills training that had a comprehensive study of the outdoor features of various stratum, rock and structure (fold and fault). Learnt the method of collecting rock samples, geological profile survey and geological mapping and mastered the usage of GPS PDA along with mapping software. The most important is to realize the importance of teamwork and the meaning of the school motto, “Hard work and plain living; realistic and pragmatic”.
写简历用到的,不知有多少错误,请指出,谢谢! 展开
2.It’s a systematic geological skills training that had a comprehensive study of the outdoor features of various stratum, rock and structure (fold and fault). Learnt the method of collecting rock samples, geological profile survey and geological mapping and mastered the usage of GPS PDA along with mapping software. The most important is to realize the importance of teamwork and the meaning of the school motto, “Hard work and plain living; realistic and pragmatic”.
写简历用到的,不知有多少错误,请指出,谢谢! 展开
有或含有不一定是用 had, 可以用其他同义词替代,使句子更生动。
Mastered the usage of GPS….. 你是指掌握运用GPS或其使用技巧,而usage 一般是指东西的用途、用法,所以换成 application 或use 较合适。
至于 skill,作为名词,当然复数可以加s; 不过,在a systematic geological skills training…., 这个skill 已不能当名词加s,因为training才是名词了;所以一楼的说法是对的。例子:information technologies 可以有s, information technology industry 就不能加s了。
1. It’s a preliminary cognitive fieldwork of geology consisting direct knowledge of stratum, igneous rock and geomorphy (such as karst, river, delta, seashore, etc.). This geological fieldwork was an integration of theory and practice, so it was very useful in the enhancement of the thoughts and skills of fieldwork.
2. It’s a systematic geological skill training that covered a comprehensive study of the outdoor features of various stratums (也可以用复数 strata), rocks and structures (fold and fault). From the training, I had learnt the method of collecting rock samples, geological profile survey and geological mapping, as well as mastered the application of GPS PDA and mapping software. The most important benefit I had gained was the recognition of the value of teamwork and the meaning of the school motto, “Hard work and plain living; realistic and pragmatic”.
有或含有不一定是用 had, 可以用其他同义词替代,使句子更生动。
Mastered the usage of GPS….. 你是指掌握运用GPS或其使用技巧,而usage 一般是指东西的用途、用法,所以换成 application 或use 较合适。
至于 skill,作为名词,当然复数可以加s; 不过,在a systematic geological skills training…., 这个skill 已不能当名词加s,因为training才是名词了;所以一楼的说法是对的。例子:information technologies 可以有s, information technology industry 就不能加s了。
1. It’s a preliminary cognitive fieldwork of geology consisting direct knowledge of stratum, igneous rock and geomorphy (such as karst, river, delta, seashore, etc.). This geological fieldwork was an integration of theory and practice, so it was very useful in the enhancement of the thoughts and skills of fieldwork.
2. It’s a systematic geological skill training that covered a comprehensive study of the outdoor features of various stratums (也可以用复数 strata), rocks and structures (fold and fault). From the training, I had learnt the method of collecting rock samples, geological profile survey and geological mapping, as well as mastered the application of GPS PDA and mapping software. The most important benefit I had gained was the recognition of the value of teamwork and the meaning of the school motto, “Hard work and plain living; realistic and pragmatic”.
(1) 1和2我的本意都是作为强调句,但是老是感觉我写的不对,因为去掉It's 和 that 之后好像句子不通顺?
(2) Be able to communicate with and read professional literature. 这句话对吗?
(3) 另外,我这是要写在简历里的,又听说简历里最好不要用第一人称,所以我觉得还是作为客观描述性的句子就行。
1. 1和2 都是在解释您受过的培训内容,it's和that只要不是用得太频繁没什么不妥。其实,可以将两句连起来(请看下面)。
2. 有问题。句子貌似您able to communicate with professional literature,与专业文学交流??
3. 没有这种定性要求。简历主要是让招聘者看明白,了解你。如果没把握写得流畅,可以用排列式,以1,2, 3......将学历与经验列出来。
It’s a preliminary cognitive fieldwork of geology consisting direct knowledge of stratum, igneous rock and geomorphy (such as karst, river, delta, seashore, etc.); so it was very useful in the enhancement of the thoughts and skills of fieldwork.This systematic geological skill training incorporated an integration of theory and practice which covered a comprehensive study of the outdoor features of various stratums (也可以用复数 strata), rocks and structures (fold and fault). It also provided practicals on the method of rock sample collecting, geological profile survey and geological mapping, as well as the application of GPS PDA and mapping software. The most important benefit I had gained was the recognition of the value of teamwork and the true meaning of the school motto, “Hard work and plain living; realistic and pragmatic”.