
在这大学3年中,我对法语有了一定的了解,这是一门美丽而优雅的语言,也是联合国的官方用语,它以严谨而出名。现在法语开始渗入生活的方方面面,家乐福超市,化妆品chanel,最... 在这大学3年中,我对法语有了一定的了解,这是一门美丽而优雅的语言,也是联合国的官方用语,它以严谨而出名。现在法语开始渗入生活的方方面面,家乐福超市,化妆品chanel,最令我印象深刻的是在2008年的北京奥运会上,是用中英法三种语言播报,这些使我对法语产生了浓厚的兴趣。3年得法语学习,让我对法国有了向往,早就听说法国是浪漫之都,有出名的凯旋门,埃菲尔铁塔,等等,法国的教育在世界也是有名的,主张自由式学习,能够充分展示学生的能力,因此我十分想利用这次机会去感受一下,开阔视野。
 我来答
2011-03-13 · TA获得超过156个赞
In the university three years, I have a certain of French understanding, this is the beautiful and elegant language, and the UN official rhetoric, it with rigorous and famous. Now French began entered every aspect of life, carrefour supermarket, cosmetics chanel, impressed me is in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, is used in the anglo-french three languages broadcasts, these leads me to the French was interested. Three years have French study, let me French state-owned the yearning, would have heard that France is romantic, there is famous arc DE triomphe, the Eiffel Tower, etc, France's education in the world was famous, advocates freestyle study, can fully display the student's ability, therefore I very want to use this opportunity to feel the, broaden our horizons.
Communication is completed, I will come back to prepare to go to France, after graduation grind, continues to pursue advanced studies French, France has a good learning environment, I'm learning French at the same time also can understand the French culture and the life of the people. French education to pay more attention to career development, more and more university pays attention to international cooperation and hope and other countries, communicate the exchange to improve his French teaching quality. I will read French teaching professional, because I want to be a teacher, China's education and France compared or has the disparity, so want to go to France, understanding the French learning pedagogical education, then return, application, and in China to become an excellent teacher, and have the opportunity to want to go back to the French study.
I am an energetic student, often attend some club activities, made a lot of friends. Spare time, I like to read history, go out to play, the botanical garden, east lake. Peacetime use of most of the time learn French, know French history.
3 years in this university, I have some understanding of French, this is a beautiful and elegant language, is also the official languages ??of the United Nations, known for its rigorous. Now begins to permeate all aspects of life in French Carrefour supermarket, cosmetics chanel, I am most impressed at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, is broadcast in three languages, English and French, which made me a keen interest in French. 3 years was learning French, I have a desire to France, had heard the romantic capital of France, a famous Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower, and so on, France is also famous in the world of education, advocating freestyle learn, fully demonstrate the ability of students, so I am very like to take this opportunity to feel, to broaden our horizons.
Exchange is completed, I will be back for graduation, went to graduate school in France for further studies in French, the French have a good learning environment, while learning French, I can understand the French culture and people's lives. French education pay more attention to career development, more and more attention to international cooperation in the university, hoping to communicate with other countries to exchange and improve the quality of French teaching. I will read French, the teaching profession, because I want to be a teacher's education in China and France still have compared to the gap, so want to go to France to study education, to understand the French education, home after your studies in China, Learning to use, to become a good teacher, the opportunity would like to go to France to study.
I am an energetic student, often engaged in community activities, and made many friends. Spare time, I enjoy reading history, go out to play, Botanical Garden, East Lake. Most of the time normally used to learn French, learn French history.
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