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摘 要: 残疾人事业是构建和谐社会的一个重要组成部分,残疾人问题也是全社会共同的责任。残疾人体育是残疾人及其群体在长期的社会实践中所形成的一种参与体育现象,是全民健身计划实施的重要内容,是群众体育活动扎实而全面开展的重要评价指标[1]。本文通过对德州市德城区残疾人体育(这里所说的主要是残疾人全民健身体育,不包括竞技体育)的现状分析,提出影响德城区残疾人体育发展的主要社会因素并提出相应的对策与建议。为从事残疾人体育的工作者提供相关的理论依据,促进德城区残疾人体育的发展。
关键词: 德城区; 残疾人体育; 体育锻炼; 对策研究
我要的不是你们在线翻译之后粘贴过来的!!那样的我也会!!! 展开
摘 要: 残疾人事业是构建和谐社会的一个重要组成部分,残疾人问题也是全社会共同的责任。残疾人体育是残疾人及其群体在长期的社会实践中所形成的一种参与体育现象,是全民健身计划实施的重要内容,是群众体育活动扎实而全面开展的重要评价指标[1]。本文通过对德州市德城区残疾人体育(这里所说的主要是残疾人全民健身体育,不包括竞技体育)的现状分析,提出影响德城区残疾人体育发展的主要社会因素并提出相应的对策与建议。为从事残疾人体育的工作者提供相关的理论依据,促进德城区残疾人体育的发展。
关键词: 德城区; 残疾人体育; 体育锻炼; 对策研究
我要的不是你们在线翻译之后粘贴过来的!!那样的我也会!!! 展开
Dezhou City of Disabled Sports
Abstract: People with Disabilities is to build a harmonious society is an important component of the disability but also the common responsibility of society as a whole. Groups of disabled sports is a long-term disabilities and their social practice in the formation of a participation in sports phenomenon that is important to the implementation of the National Fitness Program content is solid and comprehensive sports activities carried out an important evaluation index [1]. Based on the disabled sports in Dezhou City, (referred to here are mainly disabled sports fitness, not including sports) the status of analysis, affect the development of disabled sports in Germany and the main urban social factors and put forward countermeasures and recommendations. Engaged in sports for disabled workers provide the theoretical basis for the development of disabled sports in Germany and city.
Keywords: German City; Disabled Sports; physical exercise; Strategy
Abstract: People with Disabilities is to build a harmonious society is an important component of the disability but also the common responsibility of society as a whole. Groups of disabled sports is a long-term disabilities and their social practice in the formation of a participation in sports phenomenon that is important to the implementation of the National Fitness Program content is solid and comprehensive sports activities carried out an important evaluation index [1]. Based on the disabled sports in Dezhou City, (referred to here are mainly disabled sports fitness, not including sports) the status of analysis, affect the development of disabled sports in Germany and the main urban social factors and put forward countermeasures and recommendations. Engaged in sports for disabled workers provide the theoretical basis for the development of disabled sports in Germany and city.
Keywords: German City; Disabled Sports; physical exercise; Strategy