9.8 Flammable Chemicals and Storage:
9.8.1 Chemicals are generally classified as “flammable”, due to their relatively low “flashpoint”. Flashpoint is defined as the temperature at which a materials yields vapor of significant quantity that flame will occur in the presence of an ignition source. In the laboratory, flammable liquids are those with a “flashpoint” Below 100°F; flash points below 140°F are considered combustibles. 展开
9.8.1 Chemicals are generally classified as “flammable”, due to their relatively low “flashpoint”. Flashpoint is defined as the temperature at which a materials yields vapor of significant quantity that flame will occur in the presence of an ignition source. In the laboratory, flammable liquids are those with a “flashpoint” Below 100°F; flash points below 140°F are considered combustibles. 展开
9.8.1化学品通常因它们较低的"闪点" 被分级为"易燃的"
闪点是指可燃性液体挥发出的蒸汽在与空气形成一定量的可燃性混合物之后,遇火源时能够闪烁起火的最低温度. 在实验室里, 易燃性液体是指那些"闪点"低于100华氏度的,而闪点低于140华氏度的就认为是可燃的.
纯手工翻译,谢谢采纳 ^_^
9.8.1化学品通常因它们较低的"闪点" 被分级为"易燃的"
闪点是指可燃性液体挥发出的蒸汽在与空气形成一定量的可燃性混合物之后,遇火源时能够闪烁起火的最低温度. 在实验室里, 易燃性液体是指那些"闪点"低于100华氏度的,而闪点低于140华氏度的就认为是可燃的.
纯手工翻译,谢谢采纳 ^_^