哪本中文教材是关于introduction to classical mechanics 或类似的教材?
chapter 3: using F=ma
3.1 newton's laws
3.2 free-body diagrams
3.3 solving differential equations
3.4 projectile motion
3.5 motion in a plane, polar coordinates
chapter 4 Oscillations
4.1 linear differential equations
4.2 simple harmonic motion
4.3 Damped harmonic motion
4.4 Driven(and damped) harmonic motion
4.5 Coupled oscillators
Chapter 5 Conservation of energy and momentum
5.1 conservation of energy in one dimension
5.2 small oscillations
5.3 conservation of energy in three dimensions
5.4 Gravity
5.5 Momentum
5.6 The center of mass frame
5.7 collisions
5.8 inherently inelastic processes
chapter 7 central forces
7.1 conservation of angular momentum
7.2 the effective potential
7.3 solving the equations of motion
7.4 Gravity kepler's laws 展开
chapter 3: using F=ma
3.1 newton's laws
3.2 free-body diagrams
3.3 solving differential equations
3.4 projectile motion
3.5 motion in a plane, polar coordinates
chapter 4 Oscillations
4.1 linear differential equations
4.2 simple harmonic motion
4.3 Damped harmonic motion
4.4 Driven(and damped) harmonic motion
4.5 Coupled oscillators
Chapter 5 Conservation of energy and momentum
5.1 conservation of energy in one dimension
5.2 small oscillations
5.3 conservation of energy in three dimensions
5.4 Gravity
5.5 Momentum
5.6 The center of mass frame
5.7 collisions
5.8 inherently inelastic processes
chapter 7 central forces
7.1 conservation of angular momentum
7.2 the effective potential
7.3 solving the equations of motion
7.4 Gravity kepler's laws 展开