山东省是一个人口近九千万的经济大省,人均水资源量仅为全国人均水资源量的六分之一,水资源紧缺问题已成为社会经济可持续发展的主要制约因素之一。黄河是山东省的主要客水来源,为适应社会发展需求,缓解水资源供需矛盾,山东省已陆续兴建引黄平原水库700余座,虽然保证了我省引黄区大旱之年供水无忧,但由于水库的管理不当,引黄水库都存在许多问题,如TN、TP、 CODMn、CODGr超标,水库水体日趋富营养化,藻类污染及由此带来的有机物、铝残留物和嗅味等水质问题威胁着我省黄河流域供水水质安全。
Shandong Province is a population of nearly nine million economic province, the per capita water resources in the national water resources per capita is only one-sixth, water shortage problem has become a major constraint on sustainable economic development one of the factors. Yellow River in Shandong Province is the main source of water customers, to meet social development needs, ease the contradiction between water supply and demand, Shandong Province, has started the construction of reservoirs in Yellow River Plain, more than 700 seats, although the Yellow River area to ensure that our province a year of drought water supply worries , but because of mismanagement of the reservoir, the Yellow River Reservoir are many problems, such as TN, TP, CODMn, CODGr excessive, increasing eutrophication of reservoir water, algae
Shandong Province is a population of nearly nine million economic province, the per capita water resources in the national water resources per capita is only one-sixth, water shortage problem has become a major constraint on sustainable economic development one of the factors. Yellow River in Shandong Province is the main source of water customers, to meet social development needs, ease the contradiction between water supply and demand, Shandong Province, has started the construction of reservoirs in Yellow River Plain, more than 700 seats, although the Yellow River area to ensure that our province a year of drought water supply worries , but because of mismanagement of the reservoir, the Yellow River Reservoir are many problems, such as TN, TP, CODMn, CODGr excessive, increasing eutrophication of reservoir water, algae
参考资料: 希采纳