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摘要:SA8000社会标准是保护劳工权益的一个标准,事实上,SA8000社会标准却是欧美等发达国家出于保护国内市场的目的,用其来衡量发展中国家出口企业的社会责任状况,并试图限制其劳动密集型产品的出口。本文对SA8000社会标准的主要内容及其在我国纺织服装出口行业开展的情况作了介绍,通过分析实施SA8000标准给我国纺织服装出口业带来的长、短期影响,提出了我国纺织服装出口企业的应对分析,以促进我国纺织服装出口的持续发展。 展开
摘要:SA8000社会标准是保护劳工权益的一个标准,事实上,SA8000社会标准却是欧美等发达国家出于保护国内市场的目的,用其来衡量发展中国家出口企业的社会责任状况,并试图限制其劳动密集型产品的出口。本文对SA8000社会标准的主要内容及其在我国纺织服装出口行业开展的情况作了介绍,通过分析实施SA8000标准给我国纺织服装出口业带来的长、短期影响,提出了我国纺织服装出口企业的应对分析,以促进我国纺织服装出口的持续发展。 展开
Topic:The effection and countermeasure of standard SA8000 in the export of spin clothes
Abstract:SA8000 is a standard which protects the rights and interests of the workers.Actually,SA8000 is used to protect the domestic market of the west, to measure the social responsibility and to limit the labor intensive export product of the export enterprise in developing countries The article introduces the condition in which the export of spin clothes is in China.Through analysing the long term and short term effection of the implement of SA8000 to our spin clothes export, we obtain some countermeasures to promote it.
Abstract:SA8000 is a standard which protects the rights and interests of the workers.Actually,SA8000 is used to protect the domestic market of the west, to measure the social responsibility and to limit the labor intensive export product of the export enterprise in developing countries The article introduces the condition in which the export of spin clothes is in China.Through analysing the long term and short term effection of the implement of SA8000 to our spin clothes export, we obtain some countermeasures to promote it.
2024-12-14 广告
上海桦明教育科技有限公司(以下简称桦明教育)是一家经上海市场监督管理部门依法批准,教育主管部门备案监管的专业化、合法化的教育培训单位,华明教育上海教学场地位于杨浦区凤城路101号。 学校软硬件设施齐全,拥有27间标准化敦室(其中两间大教室分...