为了尽量减少因时间观念的不同带来的跨文化语用失误,交际双方应尝试了解对方的时间观念。时间观念是一种深层文化,它看不见摸不着,时时刻刻影响着人们的思想行为。在全球一体化各国文化交流频繁的新世纪,对其他文化的时间观念不够尊重和了解,误解就有可能发生,跨文化交际就有可能失败。笔者认为可以做到以下几点: (1)提高中美时间观念差异的意识。在观察另一种文化时,往往不自觉地以自己的是非为标准,任何人都不可能完全避免民族中心主义(enthnocentrism)。当彼此时间观念不同时,不宜做好坏评价,宜作客观描述。(2)变通和协商。跨文化交际的过程是对异国文化的认知了解的过程,单靠一方的努力不容易加速彼此的理解,需要交际的双方互动并将自己的时间观念向对方解释,作出调整。如:被安排在星期天上课的外籍教师完全可向中国同行说明,在他们国家星期天是不工作的。
In order to minimize the time due to different cross-cultural ideas brought pragmatic failures, communication both sides should try to understand each other's sense of time. Concept of time is a deep culture, it invisible, always affects the thinking and behavior of people. Integration of the countries in the world in the new century frequent cultural exchanges, the concept of time a lack of respect for other cultures and understanding, misunderstanding may occur, cross-cultural communication is likely to fail.
I think we can do the following: -
(1) raise awareness of the concept of time in Sino-US differences. When observing another culture, often unconsciously to themselves as the standard of right and wrong, no one can completely avoid ethnocentrism (enthnocentrism). Concept of time is not the same as each other, not doing a bad evaluation, should make an objective description.
(2) work and consultation. Cross-cultural communication is the process of understanding a foreign culture on cognitive processes, either alone is not easy to accelerate efforts to understand each other, both interactive and communicative needs of their time to explain concepts to each other, to make adjustments.
Such as: the Sunday school was placed in the foreign teachers to fully explain their Chinese counterparts in their country are not working on sunday.
I think we can do the following: -
(1) raise awareness of the concept of time in Sino-US differences. When observing another culture, often unconsciously to themselves as the standard of right and wrong, no one can completely avoid ethnocentrism (enthnocentrism). Concept of time is not the same as each other, not doing a bad evaluation, should make an objective description.
(2) work and consultation. Cross-cultural communication is the process of understanding a foreign culture on cognitive processes, either alone is not easy to accelerate efforts to understand each other, both interactive and communicative needs of their time to explain concepts to each other, to make adjustments.
Such as: the Sunday school was placed in the foreign teachers to fully explain their Chinese counterparts in their country are not working on sunday.