21世纪是发展知识经济的世纪,知识经济将以无形资产投入为主的经济时代。以有形资产的计量和报告为重心的传统会计模式在来势迅猛的现代科学技术革命面前已越来越不适应, 无形资产正日益取代有形资产的地位而成为现行企业生存和发展的重要资源。
无形资产是企业生产经营活动的重要因素之一,如何有效地发挥无形资产的作用,成为一个企业经营管理水平的试金石。本文从无形资产新旧制度的差异出发,对无形资产会计的确认范围问题、计量问题等现行准则存在的疏漏以及完善无形资产会计的披露。并通过泰豪科技股份有限公司中无形资产会计的确认计量披露加以例证。 展开
无形资产是企业生产经营活动的重要因素之一,如何有效地发挥无形资产的作用,成为一个企业经营管理水平的试金石。本文从无形资产新旧制度的差异出发,对无形资产会计的确认范围问题、计量问题等现行准则存在的疏漏以及完善无形资产会计的披露。并通过泰豪科技股份有限公司中无形资产会计的确认计量披露加以例证。 展开
The 21st century is the century of development of knowledge economy, knowledge economy will to intangible assets investment primarily economic times. With tangible assets of measurement and reporting for accounting pattern in the traditional gravity swift and violent revolution of modem science and technology already more and more does not adapt before, intangible assets are increasingly replace physical assets status and become the current enterprise survival and development of the important resources.
Intangible assets is an enterprise to manufacture management activity is one of the important factors, how to effectively play the role of intangible assets, become a the touchstone of enterprise management level. This article from the difference of intangible assets, based on old system of intangible assets accounting confirmation problems such as scope, measuring current standards and perfect existing omissions of intangible assets accounting disclosure. And through Thai hao technology Co., LTD of intangible assets accounting confirmation measurement disclosure to example.
The 21st century is the century of development of knowledge economy, knowledge economy will to intangible assets investment primarily economic times. With tangible assets of measurement and reporting for accounting pattern in the traditional gravity swift and violent revolution of modem science and technology already more and more does not adapt before, intangible assets are increasingly replace physical assets status and become the current enterprise survival and development of the important resources.
Intangible assets is an enterprise to manufacture management activity is one of the important factors, how to effectively play the role of intangible assets, become a the touchstone of enterprise management level. This article from the difference of intangible assets, based on old system of intangible assets accounting confirmation problems such as scope, measuring current standards and perfect existing omissions of intangible assets accounting disclosure. And through Thai hao technology Co., LTD of intangible assets accounting confirmation measurement disclosure to example.

2025-02-12 广告