
2.VagueLanguage2.1Threeconfusingconcepts---vagueness,ambiguity,generality“Vagueness”,... 2. Vague Language
2.1 Three confusing concepts---vagueness, ambiguity, generality “Vagueness”, “ambiguity”, “generality” share the characteristic of conveying imprecise or unspecified information; accordingly, to differ them is beneficial for one to understand “vagueness”. Ambiguity is defined as “expressions which have more than one semantically unrelated meaning”.[3] In other words, an expression is ambiguous if it has several paraphrases which are not paraphrases of each other. Ambiguity most possibly appears in sentences without a particular context or particular background information. For instance, without context, the following sentences may have different interpretations:
(1) He went into a dark room.
(2) His mother says he may go.
The sentences above can be made clear by adding some words or changing the sentence pattern. Therefore sentence (1) has two possible interpretations:
a. He went into a room with no light.
b. He went into a room that is used for processing photographs.
Sentence (2) has the following two possible interpretations:
a. His mother says he is allowed to go.
b. His mother says it is possible for him to go.
Generality is a universal feature of meaning. Zhang Qiao defines generality as “the meaning of an expression is general in the sense that it does not specify details, i.e. generality is a matter of unspecification. For example, the meaning of city is general because it does not specify whether or not a city is big or small, modern or ancient”. [4] And another example, my friend is general, as it could mean a female friend, a male friend, or a friend from other countries. The word chair can be used to refer to chairs with different shapes, different sizes, and which are made of different materials. When referring to different kinds of chairs, the word chair just shows its generality. Only when it is hard to draw a clear line between what is a chair and what is not a chair does vagueness appear. Although vagueness differs from generality, it is closely related to generality. If there is no generality, there will be no vagueness. However, being general does not necessarily mean being vague. Almost all units in language are general, but not all expressions are vague. Vagueness is defined here as “an expression or a word which has one meaning but more than one possible interpretation”. [5] That is to say, vagueness is seen where distinct meanings cannot be identified. Vagueness usually appears when a pronoun has no clear reference. Pronouns may have two or more references and this will result in vagueness. For example:
2007-04-14 · TA获得超过111个赞
2. 隐晦的语言 2.1 三缠扰不清的概念不阴不阳, 二义性, 普通性"不阴不阳", "二义性", "普通性" 份额表达不精确或非特指的信息的特征; 相应地, 不同他们是有利使一了解"不阴不阳" 。二义性作为"有超过的表示被定义一无关的meaning".[3 ] 换句话说, 表示语义地模棱两可的如果它有不是释义彼此的几释义。二义性最可能出现在句子没有特殊上下文或特殊背景知识。例如, 没有上下文, 以下句子也许有不同的解释:
(1) 他进入一个暗室。 (2) 他的母亲说他也许去。句子上面可能由增加一些词或改变做清楚句子样式。所以句子(1) 有二个可能的解释: a 。他进入屋子没有光。 b 。他进入被使用为处理相片的屋子。句子(2) 有以下二个可能的解释:
a 。他的母亲说他被承认去。 b 。他的母亲说它是可能为他去。普通性是意思一个普遍特点。张・Qiao 和"表示的意思一般的在感觉定义普通性它不指定细节, 即普通性是unspecification 事情。例如, 城市的意思是一般的因为它不指定是否城市大或小, 现代或古老"。[ 4 ] 并且其它例子, 我的朋友是一般的, 因为它能意味一个女性朋友、一个男性朋友, 或一个朋友从其它国家。词椅子可能被使用提到用不同的形状椅子, 不同的大小, 并且由不同的材料制成。当提到不同的种类椅子, 词椅子显示它的普通性。只当它是困难得出一条清楚的线在什么是椅子和什么之间不是椅子做不阴不阳出现。虽然不阴不阳与普通性不同, 它与普通性相关紧密地。如果没有普通性, 有将是没有不阴不阳。但是, 是一般的不一定意味是隐晦的。几乎所有单位用语言是一般的, 但没有所有表示是隐晦的。不阴不阳作为"表示被定义这里或有你意味的词仅超过一个可能的解释" 。[ 5 ] 也就是说, 不阴不阳看分明意思无法被辨认的地方。不阴不阳通常出现当代词没有清楚的参考。代词也许有二或更多参考和这导致不阴不阳。例如:
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