
“Apropositionisvaguewheretherearepossiblestatesofthingsconcerningwhichitisintrinsical... “A proposition is vague where there are possible states of things concerning which it is intrinsically uncertain whether, had they been contemplated by the speaker, he would have regarded them as excluded or allowed by the proposition. By intrinsically uncertain we mean not uncertain in consequence of any ignorance of the interpreter, but because the speaker’s habits of language were indeterminate; so that one day he would regard the proposition as excluding, another as admitting, those states of things. Yet this must be understood to have reference to what might be deduced from a perfect knowledge of his state of mind; for it is precisely because these questions never did, or did not frequently, present themselves that this habit remained indeterminate.” [6] That is to say, the language system permits speakers to produce utterances without having decided whether certain facts are excluded or allowed by them. For example, whether “a 1.62-meter-high girl” is excluded or allowed by the proposition “she is a tall girl” is difficult to judge for there are many different states of things. Comparing with a 5-year-old girl, she is certainly tall, while among the female basketball players she is too short. This is caused by the vague upper and bottom limitations of the word. Crystal and Davy put forward the view that “vagueness is on a scale related to the formality of the occasion, and that speakers can, if they choose, be more precise”. [7] They note that speakers in their extracts mark vagueness by use of certain expressions. Among those cited are: something like that, or something, somewhere, probably, and in a way. Ullmann, tracing from Plato to Byron a recurrent feeling of the inadequacy of language to express thought, particularly because of its lack of precision, describes such words causing the inadequacy of language as “words with blurred edges”. He notes the converse feeling among poets and creative writers, that such vagueness is in fact an advantage. And he goes on to point out another aspect of vagueness: “If one looks more closely at this vagueness one soon discovers that the term is itself rather vague and ambiguous: the condition it refers to is not a uniform feature but has many aspects and may result from a variety of causes. Some of these are inherent in the very nature of language, whereas others come into play only in special circumstances. So, he took much interest in the study of vague language. In his work, he attributes vagueness to four factors: 展开
"哪里有一个命题是模糊状态的东西就可能它在本质上是不确定否 今天所讲的合同,他将视他们是被允许排除或主张. 内在的不确定性,在不确定的后果,就是任何翻译的无知, 但因议长的语言习惯者不定; 所以有朝一日把命题作为外出,另留,这些国家的东西. 但这必须理解有什么可参考的知识,他推断完美状态 心态; 正是因为对这些问题没有,或者不经常 目前,这个习惯仍然不确定自己. "[6]就是说 生产许可证制度的语言讲言论不必决定是否容许某些事实或者排斥他们. 例如 是否"1.62米高女孩"排斥或允许的命题:"她是一个高大少女"难以判断 因为有很多不同国家的事情. 相对于一个5岁的女孩,她一定是高楼大厦,而她的女篮球运动员太短. 这是造成模糊字眼上底部局限性. 水晶和戴维提出了这样的看法:"是一个模糊的规模与形式的场合, 可以讲,如果他们选择,更为精确". [7]他们看到自己的发言摘录马克用含糊语句. 其中列举如下:做,或者一件事,别的,大概和方式. Ullmann先生从追查到柏拉图拜伦经常感觉不足语言表达思想 特别是由于缺乏精密 描述这种语言文字的不足造成的"边缘模糊字眼". 他指出作家创作的诗人和逆反情绪,这种含糊其实是一个优势. 他又指出另一个方面含糊: "如果我们从一个更加紧密很快发现这个含糊名词本身相当含糊不清: 条件是指一个统一的特征,但并不是很多方面可能产生的各种 原因. 其中一些内在本质的语言,而其他在特殊情况下才起作用. 所以,他很模糊语言研究兴趣. 在工作中,他以含糊属性四个因素:
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