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在线等答案!谢谢!! 展开
“眼神交流 ”。上台时,要信步走上,也就是说步伐稳健、保有气质;不要还没在台上站好就开始讲话;站上台后,第一件事,就是进行一个眼神交流!怎么进行这个所谓的交流呢?站好后略一停顿(2—3秒),此间面带微笑,以放电的目光扫视一下全班,由远及近,然后向大家问好。注意这些都是一瞬间完成的事,把握不好就算了,否则反而有点傻气。眼神交流务必贯穿你的整个演说过程中,也就是时时都在进行,其间注意查看底下的人都有什么反应,适当地对某个聚精会神的人放电,但务必保证眼神自然。
“面带微笑 ”。在台上站立时,双脚一定要并拢,不要分开成于肩同宽那样;于肩同宽那是在练功,保镖都是那样站立的;演说其间,要有以微笑为基调的丰富的面部表情;微笑随时保持,同时表情尽量幽默一点。
“适当的手势 ”。站立时双手自然下垂或在自然结印,演说过程中配合适当的手势,注意手势要自然,把握不好就算了,否则显得像智障。怎样才能保持自然呢?首先,只动小臂,不动大臂,切记!其次,手的高度不要超过你的胸部。
“语言上也要下功夫” 。对于语言,最重要的一点就是要幽默!一个成功的自我介绍,你至少应当使台下的观众大笑三次,小笑十次,我上高一时的自我介绍就是这个效果。其次,你的演说内容不要落俗套,不要与别人都是一般面目,具体来说,就是要多介绍一些你自己与别人(尤其是你这个年龄段的人)不同的地方,特别的地方,这比介绍你的诸般所谓特长有用!很多人一说起爱好就是篮球、音乐、旅行,不是说你说这些不好,而是有点俗,对吧!试图说一些别人没有的东西效果会好得多。
“眼神交流 ”。上台时,要信步走上,也就是说步伐稳健、保有气质;不要还没在台上站好就开始讲话;站上台后,第一件事,就是进行一个眼神交流!怎么进行这个所谓的交流呢?站好后略一停顿(2—3秒),此间面带微笑,以放电的目光扫视一下全班,由远及近,然后向大家问好。注意这些都是一瞬间完成的事,把握不好就算了,否则反而有点傻气。眼神交流务必贯穿你的整个演说过程中,也就是时时都在进行,其间注意查看底下的人都有什么反应,适当地对某个聚精会神的人放电,但务必保证眼神自然。
“面带微笑 ”。在台上站立时,双脚一定要并拢,不要分开成于肩同宽那样;于肩同宽那是在练功,保镖都是那样站立的;演说其间,要有以微笑为基调的丰富的面部表情;微笑随时保持,同时表情尽量幽默一点。
“适当的手势 ”。站立时双手自然下垂或在自然结印,演说过程中配合适当的手势,注意手势要自然,把握不好就算了,否则显得像智障。怎样才能保持自然呢?首先,只动小臂,不动大臂,切记!其次,手的高度不要超过你的胸部。
“语言上也要下功夫” 。对于语言,最重要的一点就是要幽默!一个成功的自我介绍,你至少应当使台下的观众大笑三次,小笑十次,我上高一时的自我介绍就是这个效果。其次,你的演说内容不要落俗套,不要与别人都是一般面目,具体来说,就是要多介绍一些你自己与别人(尤其是你这个年龄段的人)不同的地方,特别的地方,这比介绍你的诸般所谓特长有用!很多人一说起爱好就是篮球、音乐、旅行,不是说你说这些不好,而是有点俗,对吧!试图说一些别人没有的东西效果会好得多。
School begins in the class meeting, are generally have a newborn matriculation self introduction show, so how successful introduces himself and became a bright eye in the class couple? Has the following Suggestions oh
"Eye contact". Onstage, want to walk to, that is the step steady, possessing temperament; Don't stand on stage haven't started speech; Website whip, the first thing, is an eye contact! How can this so-called exchange? After a pause slightly stand 2 to 3 seconds (smile), here, to discharge eye glimpse by far and near, the class, then say hello to everybody. Note that these are instant accomplish, assurance not well calculated, or a bit silly instead. Eye contact must throughout your whole speech process, also is always going on, meanwhile check your people are under react to a rapt, appropriately, but the person discharge eyes must ensure that natural.
"Smile". When standing on a stage, feet must be together, don't separate into in shoulder are the same as wide as; In shoulder are the same as wide that was in exercising, the bodyguard is expected to stand; In a speech to the rich is fundamental key with a smile of facial expressions; Smile keep, and at the same time as a little humor expression.
"Proper gestures". Standing with natural prolapse or in the natural "seal, speech process cooperate proper gestures, note gestures to natural, assurance not well calculated, otherwise to appear like retarded. How to keep the natural? First, just move forearm, motionless arm, remember! Secondly, hand over your chest height don't.
1, recruiting position: the sales manager
Request, junior college degree or above, at least two years working experience in food industry, English and German fluently, personality, cheerful, and a good team spirit
2, Address: nanjing gansu road, no 103 802 room, Birth in 1988 - December 7th, Place of birth, Nanjing: marital status, Single, Accept education situation; Nanjing chaoyang senior middle schools (2003-2006), Nanjing institute of technology (2006-2009); Language; Chinese, English fluently, understand a little Japanese, Working experience, Summer vacation in the community as a volunteer, Hobbies, Reading, music, fishing
This is two pieces of Tim and requirements
Request, junior college degree or above, at least two years working experience in food industry, English and German fluently, personality, cheerful, and a good team spirit
2, Address: nanjing gansu road, no 103 802 room, Birth in 1988 - December 7th, Place of birth, Nanjing: marital status, Single, Accept education situation; Nanjing chaoyang senior middle schools (2003-2006), Nanjing institute of technology (2006-2009); Language; Chinese, English fluently, understand a little Japanese, Working experience, Summer vacation in the community as a volunteer, Hobbies, Reading, music, fishing
This is two pieces of Tim and requirements