【关键词】仿生蜘蛛机器人 DynamixelAX-12+ 舵机 展开
检举一下:那们自称是“在大学学的就是英语专业,我现在是一名高中的英语老师,你这就交给我吧,包你满意”的人,就是在谷哥网站翻译机进行全翻译的,语句是不通顺的。强烈谴责这样欺骗性的、不劳而获的行为!!!! 不信你可以通过访问谷哥铅友验证一下:凡是最后一句是“DynamixelAX-12 + servo”的,都是翻译机翻译的。
【Abstract 】According to the physiological structures and behaviors of biological spiders, design a 槐首槐bionic spider robot with a serial bionic operations of stable six-foot walking, turning, attacking, getting down,which is combined with the bionics and robotics.It should be added the functions of sleep pattern, sound startup, remote control.
Biological features should be given to the robot, not only imitating the appearance of biology spiders by bulding the hardware devices, but also simulating the biological behavior by software design.
【Key words】 biomimetic spider robot,DynamixelAX-12 + steering engine
Key words: biomimetic robot spider DynamixelAX-12 + servo
包你满意。译文如下 :
【Abstract 】Bionics and robotics will be combined, according to biological spiders and physiology, behavior, can be used to design a stable six-foot walk, turn, attack, get on the ground operations and other operations bionic bionic robot spiders, and Add a sleep mode, the sound start, remote control functions. Structures not only in the hardware device to imitate the appearance of spider biology, but also in software design mimic the biological behavior of the robot given to biological features.
【Key word】 biomimetic robot spider DynamixelAX-12 + servo
【 keywords 】 bionic spider robot DynamixelAX - 12 + steering gear