初中英语语法练习题(非选择题),紧急需要 5

place,weather,news,library,housework, metal,kite,money,island,juice,doll,noise, exam,salt,diary,sunshine,tourist,zoo, butter,information,voice,war
1.It's good to help your mother do the ______ when you're free.
2.How much ______ does the machine cost
3.Many people catch a cold in such bad ______ .
4.Don't make so much ______ .You may disturb others.
5.What beautiful ______ !It's a fine day fora walk.
6.In Canada people eat bread with ______ on it.
7. ______ looks like sugar,but it doesn't taste sweet.
8.People use ______ for making machines in the factory.
9.Is there any important ______ in today's morning paper
10.They have a little more ______ about that accident.
1.These ______ (watch)and clocks are made in some ______ (factory)in this town.
2.Miss Evans says it is one of the most useful ______ (dictionary).
3.Would you like to eat some ______ (pizza)
4.I met several ______ (man)doctors on my way to school.
5.Help yourself to some ______ (soup).
6. ______ (congratulation)to the winners!
7.A group of ______ (child)have gone to the West Hill Farm.
8.How many ______ (month)are there in a year
9.There's something wrong with the third ______ (tooth)on the left.
10.Here are some flowers for you,with our best ______ (wish).
1.露茜的裙子 ______
2.吉姆和凯特的房间 ______
3.老师的办公室 ______
4.儿童读物 ______
5.妇女节 ______
6.步行半小时的路程 ______
7.北京的春天 ______
8.椅子的腿 ______
9.昨天的作业 ______
10.一张中国地图 ______
11.我父亲的一位朋友 ______
12.他自己的一个房间 ______
13.这个问题的答案 ______
14.那辆自行车的钥匙 ______
15.在医务室 ______
1.My uncle came to my birthday party yesterday. ______ bought a very nice watch for ______ .
2.Mr.and Mrs.Howe has a son. ______ both like ______ very much.
3.I'd like to have a look at the toy.Will you please pass ______ to ______
4.The two librarians are very helpful.We all love ______ very much.
5.They found ______ rather difficult to solve the problem.
6.Alice has a cat. ______ name is Kitty.
7.Paul is good at composition. ______ father is a famous writer.
8.These are not their textbooks. ______ are over there.
9.This ruler is not ______ .My ruler is blue.
10.I don't need your help.I can do it ______ .
11.Please help ______ to some bread with butter on it,my friends.
12.They enjoyed ______ very much at the party yesterday evening.
13.Who is ______ speaking
14.I don't like ______ pizza.I like that one.
15.The apples in the basket are much bigger than ______ in that one.
16.The weather of Beijing in winter is colder than ______ of Guangzhou.
17.—Is he still weak in Chinese I'm sorry to hear that.
— ______ is why I come to see you.
18.I think we should help ______ and learn from ______ .
19.Mr.and Mrs.Green put small presents in ______ (互相)stockings on Christmas Day.
20. ______ one do you prefer,the yellow one or the purple one
21.— ______ are they talking about
—The book called Business @the speed of thought.
22.— ______ is the richest person in the world at the moment
—Bill Gates.But I'm not sure.
23.— ______ were you waiting for at the company gate at eight yesterday morning
—Oh,Mr.Clark,our computer engineer.
24.— ______ weeks are there in a year
—About fifty-two.
25.—I don't know ______ the Yellow River is.Do you know
—Yes.More than 5,400 kilometers.
26.—Do you know ______ wallet it is
—Maybe it is Elizabeth's.
27.The chemistry question was quite difficult, ______ could work it out in the class.
28.The old lady is terribly sick.She can't eat ______ these days.
29.Wait a moment.I have ______ important to tell you.
30.The skirt is a bit larger.Please show me ______ one.
1.Bruce's aunt is ______ engineer in a big company and his uncle works on ______ farm.
2.I want to go to the market to buy ______ pair of scissors.
3. ______ elephant is much heavier than ______ giraffe.
4. ______ 80-year-old woman is waiting for you in the school gate keeper's room.
5.Father gave me ______ story book. ______ book is full of funny stories.
6.You'd better take the pills three times ______ day.
7.Who's ______ man in a black coat in ______ car
8. ______ earth is bigger than ______ moon,but much smaller than ______ sun.
9.Have you ever been to ______ Summer Palace
10.The blind girl can play ______ piano very well.
11. ______ Smiths have lived in Hong Kong for less than thirty years.
12. ______ harder you work, ______ richer you will be.
13.Jane and Kitty are in ______ same class and they go to school together by ______ bus.
14.John is ______ first in his class.
15. ______ Mother's Day is on the second Sunday in ______ May every year.
2011-03-26 · TA获得超过132个赞
① adj.+N . / pron.+adj.
There are many interesting places in Shanghai.
Nanjing Road Walkway is a very _______( business) street.
Shanghai Grand Theater has the most __________ (magnificence) halls.
The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is a very _________ (height) building.

There are about 10,000,000 Shanghaineses in Shanghai .
They are ______________( hard- work ) people , and they are _____ (cleverness) people.
There are many _______ ( beauty )and _________ (fashion) girls in Shanghai.
Have you got anything important about Shanghainese?

② Link verb+Adj.
There is a lot of delicious food in Shanghai.
Steamed small dumplings in basket taste ________ ( wonder).
Spiced beans smell______ (nicely).
Hairy crabs look very _____(attraction).
Fried dough feels _____ (hardly), but it tastes _____(goodness).
Eggs boiled with salt&tea seem a little _______ (stranger),but they become more and more___________ (popularity) in Shanghai.

③ It is +Adj. + (for sb.) +to do sth.
It’s _______ ( surprise) to see so much delicious food in Shanghai.
It’s very ______ ( excite ) to taste the local food in Shanghai.
It’s ______ (luck) of them to have the food.
It’s ______ ( difficulty ) for foreigners to cook the food.

1. How is the weather today? It’s ______(rain).
2. It’s __________ (danger) for small children to play with fire.
3. We have a ___________(tradition) turkey for our dinner.
4.He was too _______(excite) to say a word.
5. He made such ___________ (frighten) sound in the darkness that all of us kept our breath.
6. My father bought me a _________(wood) gun as my birthday present.
7. As middle school students, we should take plenty of ________ (physics) exercises.
8. He was so _________(care) that he made few mistakes in his homework.
9. It’s very _______ (importance) for us to learn English well.
10. The weather here in spring is always __________. (change)
11. Two women doctors will give us a lecture on ______ (health) diet tomorrow.
12. Travelling by train is much cheaper and far more _______ (enjoy) than a rush trip by air.
13. The water in this river is ________ (pollute) so we can’t swim here.
14. The man in the office was very _______ to me .(friend)
15. The fish smelt _______(badly). Take it away.
16. English is ______(use), isn’t it?
17 We were warmly welcomed by a group of _______(love) boys and girls.
18.The lady over there looks ________. What is she _________(worry) about?
19. It is so _______(noise) here. But all this is nothing to us.
20. What ________(freeze) weather!
21.The elderly man looked ______(health)
III.Rewrite the sentence:
1. The boy looks tall and thin.
______ does the boy look?
______ does the boy look ____?
2. To read English newspapers every day is necessary for us. (保持原句意思)
______ necessary for us ______ read English newspaper every day.
3. Comics are exciting to read. (保持原句意思)
It is ________ ______ read comics.
4.The boy is too weak to swim across the river. (保持原句意思)
The boy isn’t ________ ________ to swim across the river.
VI. Cloze:
Shanghai is in east of China.It is an i _________ (internation) city. It is f__________ for its shopping centers and night views. There are many i___________ places in Shanghai, such as Nanjing Road Walkway , Shanghai Grand Theater , Oriental Pearl TV Tower , the Bund and so on.They are really a________ .The local food in Yu Garden tastes very d_________ .The weather in Shanghai is not very c_______ . Therefore, it is not s______ that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year !
We believe Shanghai is s_______ enough to host the 2010 world Expo. And we hope it will become stronger and r______.
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He would enjoy this if he ___(be) present.
She can do better if she _____(try).
If you play with matches,you ______(burn)your fingers.
If you broke this window,you _________(have to) pay for it.
If you _______(lose) your way,you would have to ask a policeman.
If you ________(not apologize),he will never speak to you again.
If he __________(be ) clever,he would not have any difficultly.
What would you do if you________(win) a lot of money?
If I were you,I_______(not be) so confident.
If you _______(can) help me ,I would be grateful.
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1.These ______ (watch)and clocks are made in some ______ (factory)in this town.
2.Miss Evans says it is one of the most useful ______ (dictionary).
3.Would you like to eat some ______ (pizza)
4.I met several ______ (man)doctors on my way to school.
5.Help yourself to some ______ (soup).
6. ______ (congratulation)to the winners!
7.A group of ______ (child)have gone to the West Hill Farm.
8.How many ______ (month)are there in a year
9.There's something wrong with the third ______ (tooth)on the left.
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